真空保护,Vacuum Protection
1)Vacuum Protection真空保护

1.The Vacuum Protection and Control System for the XAFS Beamline at the HLS光束线和实验站真空保护与控制系统(英文)
2.vacuum and inert atmosphere rolling真空和保护气体中轧制
3.The Calculation Methods of Setting with Fuse-vacuum Contactor Protection熔断器-真空接触器保护整定计算方法
4.Setting calculation methods with F-C vacuum contactor in the electric motor protectionF-C真空接触器在电动机保护中的整定计算
5.Protection of Iron Relics by Vacuum Plated Parylene Coating派拉纶真空涂覆层对铁质文物的保护作用
6.inner glass for vacuum vessels (excl. those transformed by a casing or any other kind of protective envelope into vacuum flasks or other vacuum vessels)真空容器玻璃胆(不包括通过加套或任何其他种类的保护壳制成的真空箱或其他真空容器者)
7.Research about Vacuum Simulation of Permanent Magnet Linear Motor、Drive Controller and the Protection真空开关永磁直线电机设计仿真、驱动控制与保护系统研究
8.The interior of the tube must be kept a hard vacuum to preserve the photo cathode.显象管内部一定要保证高真空才能保护光电阴极。
9.The vacuum melting and argon protecting continuous unidirectional solidification technology was introduced, which combines vacuum inductive melting with continuous unidirectional solidification.阐述了真空熔炼、氢气保护下引法连续定向凝固工艺。
10.The Research on Continuous Casting of Single-crystal Metals Apparatus under Conditions of Vacuum Melting and Argon Shield and Preparation of Single-crystal Copper;真空熔炼氩气保护单晶连铸设备的研制及单晶铜制备
11.The Experimental Research of Sucrose Protective Effect on Rabbit Corneal Endothelium during Vacuum Freeze-drying;蔗糖对真空冷冻干燥兔角膜内皮细胞保护作用的实验研究
12.Smelting of high nitrogen martensitic stainless steels by vacuum induction furnace under near normal protective atmosphere真空感应炉近常压气氛保护熔炼高氮马氏体不锈钢
13.Maintenance of the Safety Unit of Pulsation Steam Vacuum Sterilizer脉动真空压力蒸汽灭菌器安全装置的保养与维护
14.An analysis and application of type KBZ vacuum intelligent feeder switch protection deviceKBZ型真空智能馈电开关综合保护装置分析及应用
15.Let's take care of the air.让我们好好保护空气吧。
16.Air Division [Environmental Protection Department]空气质素科〔环境保护署〕
17.Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve育空-查利河国家保护区
18.Human Beings Activity in Outer Space and the Law for Protection of the Outer Space Environment;人类外空活动与外空环境的法律保护

vacuum interlock protection真空联锁保护
1.The vacuum interlock protection and control system of beamlines is an important control set up for protection accelerator, beamlines and experimental stations from vacuum failures.光束线真空联锁保护与控制系统是保障同步辐射加速器与光束线、实验站安全、可靠运行的至关重要的必要设备。
3)low vacuum protective device低真空保护装置
4)vacuum protection system真空保护系统
5)Vacuum interlock protecting system真空联锁保护系统
6)vacuum control and protection system真空控制保护系统
1.The vacuum control and protection system was designed and built for 3W1 high power(2.本真空控制保护系统是为北京同步辐射装置 ( BSRF)上的 3W1高功率 (总功率为 2 。

低真空保护低真空保护low vacuum trip  d一zhenkong匕oohu低真空保护(low vaeuum trip)防止汽轮机因真空过低造成损伤的装置。汽轮机运行时,如真空达不到额定值,可使热效率降低,如真空继续降低,则应减负荷;若不能及时检查消除真空下降的起因,真空恶化到某种程度可能造成汽轮机末级叶片及凝汽器铜管过热损伤。随着汽轮机容量的增大,末级叶片长度亦增加,真空低时蒸汽比体积急剧减小,通过长叶片的汽流紊乱,使长叶片动应力大幅度上升,甚至导致叶片断裂,因此大机组要求更为严格的低真空保护。 低真空保护装置的感受元件为波纹盒真空计,或其他型式的测量真空的一次仪表。利用这些一次仪表,如波纹盒的变形接通电气触点实现低真空报警乃至紧急停机。