异常监测,Anomaly detection
1)Anomaly detection异常监测
1.The Model Analysis and Anomaly Detection of Network Traffic;网络流量的模型分析和异常监测

1.Monitoring Pollution of Battery by Carassius auratus at Micronucleus and Abnormal Nucleus of Red Blood Cell;利用金鱼红细胞微核和核异常监测电池的污染
2.Differences Between Expressway Environmental Monitoring and Routine Environmental Monitoring浅谈高速公路环境监测与常规环境监测的差异
3.Abnormality Analysis of ADTD Lightning Location Monitoring SystemADTD雷电定位监测系统异常情况分析
4.Study on the Real-time Anomaly Diagnosis of the Dam Safety Monitoring Data大坝安全监测数据实时异常诊断研究
5.Technology of Analysis to Abnormal Values in Dam Safety Monitoring Data and Its Computer Creation;大坝安全监测异常测值分析技术及计算机实现
6.The Quality Assurance of Monitor Data and Dealing with the Unusual Data for Air Auto-monitor浅谈空气自动监测系统监测数据质量保证及异常数据的处理
7.Ambulatory ECG monitoring on 20 fighter pilots with cardiovascular diseases20例心血管异常的飞行人员动态心电图监测
8.Real-time algorithm for the detection and classification of the exceptions in the home security surveillance家庭安全监控的实时异常检测与分类算法
9.Research on the Abnormal Vibration and Fault Monitoring for Heavy Thin-Slab Hot Rolling Mill;大型薄板坯热连轧机异常振动与故障监测研究
10.A Study on the Terminal Unit of Monitor System for Anomaly of Electric Energy Metering Device;电能计量装置异常状态监测系统终端技术研究
11.The Research of Monitor System for Anomaly of Electric Energy Metering Device;电能计量装置异常状态监测系统的研究
12.Strategy of Monitorying and Controlling the Associated-businesses Transactions and Irregular Foreign Capital;企业关联交易与异常外汇资金跨境监测及对策
13.Research on Detecting Abnormality for Empty Nest Elder in Smart Monitoring System空巢老人智能监护系统中异常检测问题的研究
14.Research on Abnormal Sound Detection for Intelligent Surveillance in Public Places智能监控系统中公共场所异常声音检测的研究
15.Analysis on the Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunization in China,2007-2008全国2007~2008年疑似预防接种异常反应监测分析
16.A Mechanism of Telecommunication Network Performance Monitoring Based on Anomaly Detection一种基于异常点检测的电信网络性能监控策略
17.Network Anomaly Traffic Detection Based on IP Monitoring and Non-Gaussian Statistics基于IP监控和非高斯统计的网络异常流量检测
18.Research on detecting abnormality in smart monitoring system for empty nest elder空巢老人智能监护系统中异常情况检测的研究

thundering observed data异常监测数据
3)unsupervised anomaly detection无监督异常检测
1.Clustering-based unsupervised anomaly detection method;一种基于聚类的无监督异常检测方法
2.To improve the unsupervised anomaly detection system\'s detection rate, false alarm rate and detection efficiency, this paper proposed an unsupervised anomaly detection model that combined total attributes clustering and some related attributes clustering (i.为提高无监督异常检测系统的检测率、误报率和检测效率,本文在研究服务分类技术、聚类技术和特征检测技术的基础上,提出一种全部属性聚类和部分相关属性聚类(即特征聚类)相结合的无监督异常检测模型。
4)abnormal behavior monitoring异常行为监测
5)Network traffic anomaly monitor网络流量异常监测
6)abnormality monitoring异常监听

不对称身材矮小性发育异常综合征不对称身材矮小性发育异常综合征 病名。即西耳维尔综合征。详见该条。