1.An Empirical Analysis of Reinsurance Business Risk Distribution;再保险业务风险分布特征的实证分析
2.A Cox risk model of reinsurance;再保险的COX风险模型
3.Optimal reinsurance under mean-variance premium principles;标准差计算原理下的最优再保险

1.Point out the concern that repeats safe, primary insurance, reinsurance please?请指出重复保险、原保险、再保险的关系?
2.(ii) Reinsurance and retrocession;(ⅱ)再保险和转分保;
3.In scale reinsurance, can divide again to become several reinsurance and excessive forehead reinsurance.在比例再保险中,又可以分为成数再保险和溢额再保险
4.The particular form of reinsurance can be divided for scale reinsurance and disproportional reinsurance two kinds.再保险的具体形式可以分为比例再保险和非比例再保险两类。
5.Reinsurance is a device whereby insurers can do the risk sharing and risk transferring.再保险是保险人分担危险、转嫁危险的一种方法。
6.International Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Intermediaries国际保险和再保险中间人协会
7.facultative reinsurance临时再保险(可选择的保险,非强制性的)
8.Insurers protect themselves against the catastrophe through reinsurance.保险人通过再保险使自身免遭巨灾。
9.Research on Building the Catastrophe Insurance Reinsurance System in China;我国巨灾保险再保险体系构建的研究
10.excess of loss reinsurance超额损失合约再保险
11."Swiss Reinsurance Company, Zurich"苏黎世瑞士再保险公司
12.Classified Excess of Loss Reinsurance分级超额赔款再保险
13.Comparison Research on Proportional Reinsurance and Non-proportional Reinsurance;比例再保险与非比例再保险的对比研究
14.The insurer may reinsure the insurance of the subject matter enumerated in the preceding paragraph.保险人可以将对前款保险标的的保险进行再保险
15.The Premium Principle Based On Dual Utility Theory and Reinsurance Requirement;对偶效用下的保费原理与保险公司再保险需求
16.The insurer under a contract of marine insurance has an insurable interest in his risk, and may re-insure in respect of it.海上保险合同中的保险人对其承保的风险有保险利益,并可将有关风险再保险
17.Article29 The reinsurer shall not demand payment of premiums from the applicant of the direct insurance.第二十九条再保险接受人不得向原保险的投保人要求支付保险费。
18.An Empirical Analysis of Reinsurance Business Risk Distribution;再保险业务风险分布特征的实证分析

1.Re-insurance produce after spreading to a regular period in direct insurance business, through Re-insurance mechanism,to disperse risk in big range,guarantee insurance company stability, to expand one s own giving cover for ability in case of not increasing the capital.再保险是在直接保险业务发展到一定时期后产生的,通过再保险机制,能在更大范围内分散风险,保证保险公司经营的稳定,扩大保险公司的承保能力。
2.Re-insurance contract is one of the insurance contracts, and the basic principles of insurance contracts are also adaptable to re-insurance contracts.再保险合同是保险合同的一种 ,保险合同的基本原则均可在再保险合同中适用 ,但由于再保险合同的自身特点 ,再保险合同所适用的基本原则又不同于保险合同的基本原则 ,呈现出再保险的特征 ,反映了再保险制度的内在要求。
3.From then on re-insurance industry in China will face the competition from foreign counterparts,and we should consider the development of this national industry.我国再保险业将面临更加激烈的来自国际同业的竞争,如何发展民族再保险业引人注目。
1.Thoughts about Reengineering of Insurance Business;基于业务流程变革的保险再造
4)reinsurance policy再保险单
5)a reinsurer; a reassurer再保险人
6)guarantee reinsurance担保再保险
