1.On the flood and Relief in Han Dynasty;论两汉时期的水灾与赈济
2.Analysis of the reasons for the relief to official students in Ming and Qing Dynasties明清时期生员赈济原因之探析
3.Prevention and Relief:Governments Relieving and Controlling Anhui Disasters in modern Times预防与赈济:近代官府对安徽灾荒的救治

1.The Government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims.政府已承诺赈济饥民.
2.The government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victim.政府已承诺赈济饥民。
3.The government have pledge Itself to send aid to the famine victim政府已承诺赈济饥民
4.He's collecting for famine relief.他正在为赈济饥民募捐.
5.Government also supplies relief for the poor and help for the disabled.政府还赈济穷人,照顾残废者。
6.Many charities send money to help the victim of the famine.许多慈善团体捐款赈济饥民。
7.Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine.许多慈善团体捐款赈济饥民.
8.He offended the higher officials because he opened a shelter to relieve the poor, so he resigned.他开仓赈济灾民,得罪上司,愤然辞官,
9.She is too independent to accept charity.她很强调自力更生,不肯接受赈济
10.Famine and Urbanity: Administrative System of Famine Relieving for Sheng-yuan in Qing Dynasty;饥荒与斯文:清代荒政中的生员赈济
11.Flood and Relief in JingZhao District and ZhiLi Province in 1917;1917年京直水灾与赈济情况略述
12.Study on Famine Relief and Its Effects in Hunan in Early Stage of Republic of China--Centered on the Unprecedented Disasters in Spring in 1921(the year of Xinyou);民国前期湖南灾荒赈济及成效研究——以辛酉(1921年)空前春荒赈济为中心
13.After the flood, many people contributed food and clothing for the relief of the victims.洪灾后,许多人捐助食物和衣物以赈济灾民。
14.Some people able and willing to work were forced to accept doles.一些有能力也愿意工作的人被迫接受赈济品。
15.Reliei Effoits of Western Christan Missionaries in China from 1876 to 1879论1876至1879年间西方新教传教士的对华赈济事业
16.The Implementation and Influence of Relief Policy in Ordos of Qing Dynasty;清代鄂尔多斯地区赈济政策的实施与影响
17.An elementary study on Yimao flood and relieving in Gunagdong in 1915;1915年广东乙卯水灾灾况及灾后赈济初探
18.A Background Analysis of the Relief by Business in the Mid and Later Tang Dynasty;唐中后期以商赈济兴起的背景及其历史作用

1.Meanwhile,the temples often relieved the believer and gave them not only Buddhist doctrine but also property.在向南岳寺庙进行捐赠的同时 ,寺庙本身也普施于民众进行赈济
3)relieving and de-farming赈济退耕
1.Based on the issue, the characteristics of relieving and de-farming measure are discussed.“赈济退耕”是目前国家关于黄土丘陵区生态重建的主体措施。
4)relief by business以商赈济
1.The emerging welloff businessmen class played a more and more significant role in stabilizing the society and relief by business turned up in due course,which was vital to the sustained reign of feudal rules.而商业不但没有衰退,反而在原有基础上更进一步发展,富裕的商人阶层的出现在维持社会稳定中起着越来越大的作用,以商赈济的活动随之出现,这对当时延长封建统治的寿命是不可或缺的。
5)disaster relief system赈济制度
1.A study of ancient famine policy and disaster relief system in China;中国古代荒政思想与赈济制度探析
6)war disaster relief兵灾赈济
