风险转移,risk transfer
1)risk transfer风险转移
1.Risk transfer system in international goods business;国际货物买卖中的风险转移制度
2.Research on the problem of goods risk transfer in the contract of trading;关于完善买卖合同货物风险转移制度的研究
3.Comparison Study on Risk Transfer under Breach in International Trade;国际贸易中违约情况下风险转移制度的比较研究

1.Risk Transfer,Risk-sharing and Transmission of Subprime Mortgage Crisis风险转移、风险分担与次贷危机传导
2.Risk Transfer and Ownership Transfer in International Trade;国际贸易中的风险转移与所有权转移
3.Research on Shifting Venture Option Price Model of Venture Capital Inve stment;风险投资的风险转移期权定价模型研究
4.Credit Risk of Commercial Bank from the Perspective of Risk Transfer;基于风险转移视角的商业银行信用风险研究
5.Research of Transfer of Risk in International Sales of Goods;国际货物买卖风险转移法律问题研究
6.Research on the Problem of Risk-transfer in the International Sale of Goods;国际货物买卖中的风险转移问题研究
7.The credit risk transfer strategies on the modern commercial bank;现代商业银行信用风险转移策略研究
8.The Legislative Examples and Comments Concerning the Transfer of Risk on Contracts for the Sale of Good;买卖合同风险转移之立法例及其评价
9.A Study on the Credit Risks Transfer Mechanism of Commercial Banks in China中国商业银行信用风险转移机制研究
11.Study on the Goods Risk Transfer in the Domestic Business Contract;浅析国内货物买卖合同中标的物的风险转移
12.Constructing and perfecting China agriculutre disaster transition system;建立健全我国农业巨灾风险转移分担机制
13.The Study on Insurance Transfer of the Third Party Logistics' Liability Risk第三方物流责任风险的保险转移研究
14.Risk Analysis of Software Industry Carrying on the International Industry Transfer;软件业承接国际产业转移的风险分析
15.A Study on Credit Risk Measurement and Transfer of Commercial Bank;商业银行信用风险的度量及转移研究
16.Industry s Transfer and the Risk of Environment Faced by the Central Region in China;产业转移与中部地区面临的环境风险
17.On the Adjustment of Transition Matrices in Credit Risk Models;信用风险模型中转移矩阵的调整问题
18.The finance risk in village and towns : lurk,transfer,appear and release;乡镇财政风险:潜伏、转移、显现与释放

passing of risk风险转移
1.Probe into the Issue of Passing of Risk in International Sale of Goods;国际货物销售风险转移问题探讨
2.Research on the Passing of Risk under Breach in International Sales of Goods;国际货物买卖中违约情况下的风险转移问题研究
3.The following paper analyze and summarizes risk factors and risk affairs in the process of implementing international engineering,proposes risk control measures and preventive countermeasures,and introduces the measure for the passing of risk,in order to increase risk management level.分析总结了国际工程实施过程中存在的风险因素和风险事件,提出了针对性的风险控制措施和预防对策,着重介绍了其风险转移对策,以提高风险管理水平。
3)risk shift风险转移
1.The precautionary measures of the risk mainly are the risk control and the risk shift.风险防范措施主要有风险控制和风险转移两种,风险控制必须贯穿于合同签订前、合同谈判签订阶段、合同履行时全过程3个阶段。
1.American experience in risk-transferring of housing mortgage loan and enlightenment;美国住房抵押贷款风险转移经验及启示
2.In business contract, the system of the risk-transferring is referred as one of the most important objects because of all kinds of risks.由于各种风险的存在,风险转移制度显得尤为重要,它直接关系到当事人最根本的利益,因此是买卖合同中最重要的问题。
5)transfer of risk风险转移
1.The article introduces the legislative examples concerning the transfer of risk in the world and makes some comments on them.对买卖合同风险转移三大立法例,即合同成立主义、所有权主义、交付主义的基本含义逐一进行解释和评价,指出所有权主义作为风险转移的基本原则相比于交付主义更合理。
2.In the course of international trade, transfer of risk of goods has a connection with the interests of both parties.在国际货物买卖中 ,风险转移关系着双方当事人的切身利益 ,风险是否能如期正常的转移 ,是买卖双方当事人承担货损责任的关键。
3.The transfer of risk issue under the international sales of goods deals with the interests of the parties involved in a sales business, and is one of the hottest topics in sales contract.国际货物买卖中的风险转移问题因涉及买卖双方当事人的利益,是买卖合同中尤其重要的一个问题,也是各国法学家的关注对象。
6)transfer risk转移风险
