后备力量,reserve forces
1)reserve forces后备力量
1.Investigation and research on the current situation of volleyball reserve forces in Liaoning province;辽宁省排球后备力量培养的现状研究
2.Cultivating basketball reserve forces in China during the period of transformation;转型期对我国篮球后备力量培养方式的研究
3.A Comparative Study on Training ways of Basketball Reserve Forces Between China and America;中美篮球后备力量培养途径的比较研究

1.A team with depth at every position.此队的每个防御位置都有其后备力量
2.draw on untapped reserves of strength动用未曾用过的后备力量.
3.An Analytical Study on the Training of Xinjiang Beach Volleyball Reserve Force;新疆沙滩排球后备力量培养现状分析
4.Investigation and research on the current situation of volleyball reserve forces in Liaoning province;辽宁省排球后备力量培养的现状研究
5.Study on Teen-Age Athletes in The 9~(th) Five Period of Beijing City;北京市“九五”期间田径后备力量的研究
6.Research on the cultivation actuality of reserve forces of Jiangsu volleyball;江苏省排球后备力量培养现状与对策
7.A Probe Into the Cultivation System of Basketball Reserve Forces;对我国篮球后备力量培养体制的探讨
8.The Decline in “Three Balls” and the Training of the Reserves;我国“三大球”的滑坡与后备力量的培养
9.Our home fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and ammunitions of wan and placed at our disposal, great reserves of trained fighting men.后方弹药充足、武器精良、部署得当、后备力量丰富。
10.Reserve Power Analysis on the China s Men Vault in Gym;我国体操男子跳马项目后备力量实力分析
11.This is a when strengthen mothball force construction important facet.这是加强后备力量建设的一个重要方面。
12.The Study on Taking the Universities in JiangXi Province as the Base of Cultivating Reserved Basketball Talents;江西省高校作为篮球后备力量培养基地的研究
13.The Shan xi Province Skin is Afetr Rowling Exercise to Have the Power s Inquisition and Research;陕西省皮划艇运动后备力量的调查与研究
14.Discussion on Factors Influencing Women s Decathlon Reserve in Guangdong Province;浅议广东省女子全能运动后备力量的影响因素
15.Cultivating basketball reserve forces in China during the period of transformation;转型期对我国篮球后备力量培养方式的研究
16.Analysis of the Present Training State of the Preparatory Men Table-tennis Players of China;中国男子乒乓球运动员后备力量培养现状研究
17.Reserve Training of Badminton in Fujian Province: Current Situation and Solutions;福建省羽毛球后备力量培养现状及对策
18.How to Effectively Fulfil the Double-leadership of National Reserve Forces;如何切实落实好国防后备力量的双重领导制度

reserve force后备力量
1.Through using the method of questionnaire and logical deduction,this paper made investigation on age structure,distribution,training condition and technical level of our reserve force.通过特尔菲法、问卷调查法、逻辑演绎等方法,对竞技体操后备力量的年龄结构、人数分布、训练状况和技术水平等现状进行调查分析。
1.By using the method of document, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics, the author tries to find out the current situation and existing problems of reserve in athletics in China.采用文献调研、问卷调查、访问调查、数据统计分析法等 ,了解我国田径运动后备力量培养的现状及存在的问题。
4)status of reserve forces后备力量状况
5)Volleyball Reserve Forces排球后备力量
1.Analysis of the Current Situation and Research on the Development of Volleyball Reserve Forces in Liaoning Province;辽宁省排球后备力量的现状分析与发展对策研究
6)Reserve force for national defense国防后备力量
1.Reserve force for national defense (RFND) is referred to the people who attain the theoretic knowledge, military and political quality, and the practical skill to accomplish military missions in modern high-tech information wars.国防后备力量是指具有一定的专业理论知识和专业技能,一定的军政素质,能适应现代高技术信息化战争要求的国防储备力量,它主要包括预备役、民兵和军训大学生。
