灾害救助,disaster relief
1)disaster relief灾害救助
1.A new operational method for evacuation route analysis in disaster relief: research based on mixed spatial data;一种新型的灾害救助撤离路线分析方法——基于混合空间数据的研究
2.Based on the gradation procedure of disaster relief material,relief assessment grade of main disasters in China and relief material are presented.救灾物资的救助地域划分,不仅可以为国家不同自然灾害救灾物资代储类型和数量的地域匹配提供依据,而且可以为灾害救助区划服务,特别是为灾中应急和灾后恢复提供物资保障,从而达到有效减灾的目的。
3.As the first-class one,the broadcast media has a strong resisting ability,and it becomes the lifeline medium in the disaster relief.灾害事件发生后,信息的有效传播对于灾害救助意义重大。

1.Natural Disasters and Disaster Relief in Huaihe River Basin in Anhui in the Period of the Republic of China民国时期安徽淮河流域的自然灾害及灾害救助
2.The Study on the Disaster Rescued History of Hebei Countryside in the Earlier 1960;1960年代前期河北农村灾害救助研究
3.The Constraints Research in Disaster Relief Management of China Government我国政府灾害救助管理的制约因素研究
4.Study on the Effective Supplies of Disaster Relief in the View of Public Goods公共产品视角下的灾害救助有效供给研究
5.Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Disaster Relief in Rural Areas我国农村灾害救助存在的问题及其对策
6.The Development of Disaster Assistance in Chinese Mainland and the Compare with Hong Kong and Macao内地灾害救助的发展及与港、澳的比较思考
7.Case-Based Reasoning Disaster Salvation System Based on Alternative Arithmetic基于替代算法的案例推理灾害救助系统
8.On the Way of Improving Relief System on Natural Disaster in View of Wenchuan Earthquake从汶川地震看我国自然灾害救助体系的健全
9.This disaster relief system has gone a long way toward guaranteeing the basic livelihood of the people in the disaster-stricken areas.灾害救助制度有力地保障了灾区人民的基本生活。
10.Partnership between Government and Nonprofit Organizations:A New Way to Solve the Problems of Disasters Relief Work of Government and Nonprofit Organizations公私协力:非协调约束下公私灾害救助困境的破解
11.Positive Functions of the Broadcast Media in the Disaster Relief--based on the investigation result in ten cities including Wenchuan广播媒介在灾害救助中的积极作用——基于汶川等十县市的调查结果
12.Comparison of the Disaster Relief System between China and the USA -Based on the Wenchuan Earthquake and the Katrina Hurricane中美灾害救助体制比较——以汶川地震和卡特里娜飓风为例
13.The government administered relief to the people suffered from earthquake政府对遭受地震灾害的灾民予以救助。
14.Natural disasters and rescues in Hebei during the Han dynasties;两汉时期河北地区的自然灾害与救助
15.The Chinese government has set up a special social relief system to relieve the sufferings of victims of unexpected natural calamities.为做好灾民的救助工作,中国建立了针对突发性自然灾害的社会救助制度。
16.Research on Correlation between Psychologically Injures and Earthquake Disaster and Psychological Assistance Measures;地震灾害与心理伤害的相关性及其心理救助措施研究
17.United Nations disaster Assistance Coordination联合国救灾援助协调(救灾协调)
18.The state has set up an emergency system and a social relief system to deal with abrupt natural disasters.国家建立了针对突发性自然灾害的应急体系和社会救助制度。

Disaster Rescue灾害救助
1.The Study of Ultra-wideband Electromagnetic Detection Simulation Technology in the Filed of Disaster Rescue;灾害救助超宽带电磁生命探测方法的模拟研究
2.This paper inspects and discusses the Hebei countryside disaster rescued history in earlier 1960’s.本文考察并探讨了1960年代前期河北农村灾害救助的历史。
3)Disaster relief strength灾害救助实力
4)the aiding of unexpected calamities突发性灾害救助
5)the natural disaster relief system灾害救助制度
6)disaster rescue in rural areas农村灾害救助

《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》  为开展国际合作搜寻营救海上遇险人员而制定的公约。政府间海事协商组织(简称海协,现改称国际海事组织)于1979年4月9~27日在汉堡召开国际海上搜寻救助会议,讨论并制定《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》。公约强调发扬人道主义,规定缔约国在本国的法律、规章制度许可的情况下,应批准其他缔约国的救助单位为了搜寻发生海难的地点和营救遇险人员而立即进入或越过其领海或领土。公约的附则对搜寻救助的组织、国家间的合作、搜寻救助的准备措施、工作程序和船舶报告制度等作了规定。截至1984年8月31日已有 15个国家参加了公约。公约自1985年6月22日起生效。中国于 1985年6月24日核准了公约。