1.Chinese ancient society changed greatly during the period of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States , as a mirror of society , meanwhile , the changes of society were reflected in anti-calamity , so changes also took place in anti-calamity of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States period .春秋战国是中国古代社会急剧变迁的时代,社会生活的变迁不可能不兆显于这一历史时期的荒政中,这一时期的荒政本身也应具有与春秋战国社会同步的变迁性。

1.Wang Zhiyi s Thoughts of Tiding over Famines in his A Summary of Polices for Tiding over Famines;汪志伊《荒政辑要》所见之荒政思想
2.Research on the Natural Disaster and Relieving Famine Policy from Late Qing Dynasty to Early People s Republic of China (1840-1927);清末民初的灾荒与荒政研究(1840—1927)
3.Famine in Shunzhi Areas and Anti-famine Policy of the 1890 s;19世纪90年代的顺直灾荒与荒政
4.Famine and Urbanity: Administrative System of Famine Relieving for Sheng-yuan in Qing Dynasty;饥荒与斯文:清代荒政中的生员赈济
5.On Zuo Zongtang’s Famine-Relief Thought and His Practice of Famine Relief in Borderland;试论左宗棠的荒政思想及其边疆救荒实践
6.Research on the Relieving Famine Policy during Northern Warlords Government (1912-1927);北洋政府时期(1912-1927)荒政研究
7.A Study on Corruption Problem of Famine Relief Policies During the Early Ming Dynasty;明前期荒政中的腐败问题研究(1368—1487)
8.A Study on Natural Disaster and Famine Relief Policies during the Early Ming Dynasty;明前期自然灾害与荒政研究(1368—1487)
9.Reasons for the Flood in the Area of the Dongting Lake in 1931 and Features of the Disaster-relief Policy;1931年洞庭湖区水灾原因及荒政特色
10.Study on the Records of Natural Disaster and Disaster Control in Chronicle Such as Hunan Chorography Ect;对《湖南通志》等地方志中有关清代灾荒及荒政记载的研究
11.The Idea about the Man and Nature from the Famine Vision--Study on the China Ancient Famine Books;灾荒视野下的人与自然——以中国古代荒政书为中心的考察
12.A Research on the Market-oriented Measures for the Disaster Relief in China;我国荒政中的市场性救荒措施研究——以禁遏籴为例
13.Malaysian politicians are being myopic and absurd马国政客的短视和荒谬
14.The policy was followed to an absurd extreme.这项政策被执行到了极端荒谬的程度。
15.It also stockpiled food to give relief in times of famine.政府还准备储备物资以防灾荒。
16.The Northern Government measured land, restructured the farm tax and excise tax, encouraged to reclaimed land;北洋政府清丈土地,整顿赋税,鼓励垦荒;
17.Study on Executive Mechanism of Policy of Combating Desertification in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古荒漠化防治政策执行机制研究
18.The Analysis of the Role Nanjing Government in Famine Relieve;灾荒救济中的南京国民政府角色分析

famine policy荒政
1.The second part concludes the measures of famine policy of Six Dynasties.第二部分重点谈及六朝救荒程序和荒政措施,包括实质性的救灾、短期的抗灾和长时期的防灾举措。
2.The institutionalized relief measures are called "Famine Policy".历朝历代都采取了各种赈灾措施,以减轻自然灾害所造成的损失、及时救助灾民、恢复生产,并将其中的一些重要经验措施制度化,这些制度化的赈灾措施被称之为“荒政”。
3.The Famine Policy ideas, including analysis of the causes of disasters, the active defense pre-disaster, disaster in rational and effective treatment as well as reflect on the disaster, concluded that the treatment from the time of famine, its Famine Policy was a comprehensive ideology.郑观应不仅积极参加赈灾活动,而且他对晚清严重的灾荒给予了极大的关注,从不同的角度揭示了晚清灾荒的产生及其严重性的社会根源,并在汲取中国传统救荒思想精髓与吸收西方近代灾荒理念与先进灾荒机制的基础上阐发了具有远见卓识的防灾抗灾思想,提出了一系列具有深远意义的荒政主张,其对后世产生了积极而深远的影响。
3)famine relief荒政
4)famine relief policies荒政
1.A Study on Corruption Problem of Famine Relief Policies During the Early Ming Dynasty;明前期荒政中的腐败问题研究(1368—1487)
5)Relieving famine policy荒政
1.The Practice and Ideas of Lin Zexu s Relieving Famine Policy;林则徐的荒政实践及其思想
6)A Summary of Polices for Tiding over Famines《荒政辑要》
1.Wang Zhiyi s Thoughts of Tiding over Famines in his A Summary of Polices for Tiding over Famines;汪志伊《荒政辑要》所见之荒政思想
2.An Exploration into Wang Zhiyi s A Summary of Polices for Tiding over Famines;汪志伊《荒政辑要》浅探
