救助体系,relief system
1)relief system救助体系
1.Disaster relief work is combined work of different fields and units, the integrated disaster relief system of Federal Emergency System of US is a set of comprehensive disaster prevention and relief direct and control system, and plays important role in disaster prevention and emergence response.分析探讨其构成、职能及运作的成功经验 ,对于改革我国现有的分散的灾害救助体系有借鉴意

1.Study on the Social Assistance System for the Urban Poverty-stricken Population of Wuxi;无锡城市贫困人口社会救助体系研究
2.A Study of Urban-suburban Social Relief System, Chaoyang District, Beijing;北京市朝阳区城乡社会救助体系研究
3.A Tentative Studying of Establishing the Medical Aid System for Poor Vulnerable Groups构建贫困弱势群体医疗救助体系的探析
4.On the Liability Analysis for the Pointed Receiver in the Bank Crisis SOS System;银行危机救助体系中的指定接管人责任分析
5.Establishment of Social Assistance System for Urban Poor University Students;建构城市贫困大学生统一社会救助体系
6.The Analysis and Construction of Social Aiding System in the Process of Urbanization;城市化进程中社会救助体系的分析与构建
7.The Perfection about the Assistance System of Criminal Victim in China;完善我国刑事被害人救助体系的若干思考
8.The Construction of Social Salvage System in Moderm Society with RBKS;现代风险社会视野下的社会救助体系构建
9.On the Abuse and Countermeasures of the System for the Undergraduate;浅析贫困大学生教育救助体系的弊端与对策
10.Founding a New Type of Rural Social Assistance System in Terms of Constructing Harmonious Society;从构建和谐社会看建立新型农村社会救助体系
11.On Further Improvement of the Social Assistance System in China;进一步完善中国社会救助体系的若干问题
12.The Research on Perfecting the System of Rescuing for Street Children in China关于完善流浪儿童社会救助体系的研究
13.Analysis on the Assistance System of the Poverty-stricken College Students高等学校家庭经济困难学生救助体系研究
14.Analysis of Construction Principles and Approaches to a New Social Assistance System in China我国新型社会救助体系构建原则与途径探析
15.On social security and relief system in Shijiazhuang完善石家庄市社会保障和救助体系研究
16.On the Way of Improving Relief System on Natural Disaster in View of Wenchuan Earthquake从汶川地震看我国自然灾害救助体系的健全
17.Research on Aid System Construction of Polytechnic Students广东省高职院校贫困生救助体系建构研究
18.Strengthening Legislation on Social Remedy and Perfecting System on Human Rights Safeguarding;加强社会救助立法 完善人权保障体系

legal rescue system法律救助体系
3)Social Relief System社会救助体系
1.On Countermeasure of Polishing China s Social Relief System;浅论完善我国社会救助体系的对策
2.A transitional social relief system was constructed in Guangzhou in the early days of New China.建国初期,中共在广州构建了一个过渡性的社会救助体系,在短短的4年内,广州市通过它救助了大量的失业者和城市贫民,基本上遏制了由于新旧转轨带来的社会危机,为新政权即将展开的社会主义各项建设奠定了基础。
3.This study takes the social relief system of Chaoyang District as a sample, and, from the perspective of public policy a.在城市化进程中,由于失业、占地、疾病等各种原因造成的贫困现象已不再是单纯的个人家庭问题,而逐渐成为一个难以回避的、严峻的社会问题,面对这一问题,作为社会救助第一责任人的政府该怎么办?本文从公共政策分析的角度对北京市朝阳区的社会救助体系的个案进行研究,就朝阳区城市化进程中,为困难群体建立长效、城乡一体的社会救助体系进行探讨。
4)assistance service system救助服务体系
1.Comments on improvement of assistance service system of urban communities in China论中国城市社区救助服务体系的完善
5)serious-illness medical care system大病救助体系
6)salvage policy system生活救助体系

《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》  为开展国际合作搜寻营救海上遇险人员而制定的公约。政府间海事协商组织(简称海协,现改称国际海事组织)于1979年4月9~27日在汉堡召开国际海上搜寻救助会议,讨论并制定《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》。公约强调发扬人道主义,规定缔约国在本国的法律、规章制度许可的情况下,应批准其他缔约国的救助单位为了搜寻发生海难的地点和营救遇险人员而立即进入或越过其领海或领土。公约的附则对搜寻救助的组织、国家间的合作、搜寻救助的准备措施、工作程序和船舶报告制度等作了规定。截至1984年8月31日已有 15个国家参加了公约。公约自1985年6月22日起生效。中国于 1985年6月24日核准了公约。