双重属性,dual attribute
1)dual attribute双重属性
1.From the angle of dual attribute of education,the thesis discusses the role or.本文试从教育的双重属性切入,对这一课题做一番探讨。
2.Based on the explication about the nature of determination and the main body s selectivity, this article makes them a dialectical unity and calls them the dual attribute of Marxian historical determinism.本文在分别阐述其历史决定性和主体选择性的基础上,把二者统一在一起,称之为马克思主义历史决定论的双重属性
3.Higher education has the dual attributes of being a public welfare undertaking and an industry, If one attribute is emphasized and the other overlooked, namely, to regard higher education merely as an industry or a public welfare undertaking, the higher education will be hindered from growing healthily.高等教育具有公益事业和产业的双重属性 ,如果只强调一种属性而忽视另一种属性 ,把高等教育完全产业化或完全公益化都不利于高等教育事业的发展 ,只有正视二者的存在 ,并把它们有机结合 ,才能促进高等教育事业的发

1.Thoughts about Dual Attributes of Constitution--Concurrently Discussing its Significances;关于宪法双重属性的思考——兼论宪法双重属性的意义
2.The Governmental Orientation of Education Management From the Angle of the Dual Attribute;双重属性视角下的政府教育管理定位
3.A Discussion on the Double Characters of Stock Merchandise and Significance of Investment Practice;股票商品双重属性及其实践意义初探
4.Analyzing the Dual Nature of Chinese Modern Library Through Hu Shi从胡适看中国近代图书馆的双重属性
5.On the Dual Nature of Network Virtual Money:The Essential Attribute of Commodity and the Derivative Attribute of Class Currency;论网络虚拟货币的双重属性——商品的本质属性和类货币的衍生属性
6.Double attributes and guides of health enterprise in health reform and development;卫生改革与发展中卫生事业的双重属性与双重导向
7.A Study on the Economic Behavior of Chinese Local Government under a Framework of Dual Attribute;双重属性框架下中国地方政府经济行为研究
8.Dual Attribute of Travel Agency Product and Its Optimal Advertising Strategies;旅行社产品的双重属性及最优广告策略
9.On Dual Attribute of Marxian Historical Determinism;试论马克思主义历史决定论的双重属性
10.Tentative discussion on the dual attribute of the western marital and family system;试论西方婚姻家庭制度体系的双重属性
11.Correctly Understanding and Grasping the Dual Attributes of Higher Educational Undertaking;正确认识和把握高等教育事业的双重属性
12.Internationalization and Nationalization of Accounting From its duality;从会计双重属性看会计的国际化和国家化
13.On the Double Attributes of P.E.Curriculum Objectives Setting in Higher Vocational Colleges试析高职院校体育课程目标的双重属性
14.On dual characteristics of cultural industry based on domestic-made films in recent years从近几年国产大片看文化产业的双重属性
15.Empirical Study of the Effect of Double Property of Convertible Bond on Private Benefit Control可转债双重属性对控制权利益影响的实证研究
16.This article studied the double properties, that was naturalness and artificiality, as well as rural landscapes, characterstics of diversity and heterogeneity.研究了农村景观的双重属性,即自然-人为性,以及多样性、异质性特征。
17.Through the analysis of The Old Man and the Sea, this article expresses the dual characteristics of Heming way′ s Character.本文通过对分析,充分展现了海明威人物性格的双重属性.
18.The Influence of the Dual Nature of the CPA Profession to the Independence and Audit Quality;注册会计师行业的双重属性对独立性和审计质量的影响

Double Attributes双重属性
1.The influence of science collaboration to science development consists in the double attributes of scientific collaboration.科学合作之所以影响科学活动发展,就在于科学合作具有科研生产力和科研生产关系的双重属性
2.By means of the research methods of literature consultation,comparison,logical reasoning and so on,this paper discusses the double attributes of P.通过文献资料法、比较法、逻辑推理等研究方法,在分析高职院校体育课程目标设置基本理论依据的基础上,对高职院校体育课程目标设置的双重属性进行了论述,体育课程既要体现普通高校体育课程的基本属性,同时又要体现出高职教育人才培养目标的最终目的,为合理科学地设置高职院校体育课程,突出高职院校体育课程的特色提供科学的理论支持。
3)Double attribute双重属性
4)dual property双重属性
1.Urban waterfront is a special areaconnecting natural water area and urban space andwith a “dual property” of water area and urbanspace. 城市滨水区是自然水域与城市空间相衔接的特殊地段,拥有水域与城市的双重属性
2.Economic Law must be consistent with a country\'s national condition and culture,which is the inherent requirement of the dual property of Economic Law.经济法的双重属性是指经济法的自然属性和社会属性,前者植根于市场经济自身规律,具体包括公平性、建构性、经济性以及控权性;后者根源于一国国情和法律文化传统,经济法在各国呈现出不同的社会属性,很强的回应性、开放性和协调性是我国经济法社会属性的重要表征。
5)dual attributes of the media媒介双重属性
6)the duality of water水的双重属性
1.This article expounds the duality of water, the necessity of establishing water market and the specialty of water commercialization.探讨了水的双重属性 ,建立水市场的必要性和水商品市场化的特殊性 ,为稳步推进市场经济体制 ,实施水的商品化 ,建立水市场 ,促进水资源的优化配置提供理论参

SolidWorks属性链接如图所示,在sw里动态显示零件的体积,面积。  首先在前视基准面上建立一个半圆形闭合草图,然后以中心线旋转,如图1所示:在特征管理器右键单击“注释”,在“显示注释”、“显示特征尺寸”前打勾,如图2所示: 图1图2单击菜单“插入”——“注释”,如图3所示:依次输入,体积、面积、两个注释。(具体自己设置),如图4所示: 图3图4鼠标左键单击“体积”,注意到特征管理器中的“属性连接”项,如图5所示:打开属性连接,单击“文件属性”,分别添加“体积”和“面积”的配置,在“数值/表达式”选项里,在下拉列表中,选择相应的选项——体积、面积。如图6所示: 图5图6然后在属性连接管理器中,在下拉列表中找到相应的选项,确定,如图7所示:同样的方法,添加“面积”的属性连接。下面让我们来看看结果吧,更改特征尺寸,相应的数据随着变化。 图7这就是属性连接的妙用,处处留心皆学问,大家好好学习。