分布式融雪径流模型,distributed snowmelt runoff model
1)distributed snowmelt runoff model分布式融雪径流模型
1.In recent years the studies on distributed snowmelt runoff model are based on the application and local improvement of foreign mature models such as the SRM,have more limitations in their applicabilities.基于遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,设计和构建了一个分布式融雪径流模型,整个分布式融雪径流过程的模拟计算基于能量平衡和水量平衡,由分布式栅格融雪过程、分布式栅格产流过程以及分布式栅格汇流过程组成,融雪以及产汇流过程全部基于栅格尺度,全面实现了融雪过程的分布式模拟。

1.The Design and Application of Distributed Snowmelt Runoff Model Based on the "3S" Technology;基于“3S”技术的分布式融雪径流模型的设计和应用
2.The Application Research on Distributed Snowmelt Runoff Model Based on GIS and RS in Arid Area--Take Urumqi River as the Example;基于GIS和RS的分布式融雪径流模型在干旱区的应用研究—以乌鲁木齐河为例
3.The Study of WRF+DHSVM Snowmelt Runoff Forecasting Model;WRF+DHSVM融雪径流预报模式研究
4.Research on the Ice-Snow Melting Runoff Forecasting Model in Xinjiang Xiabandi Reservoir;新疆下坂地水库冰雪融水径流预报模型研究
5.A Initial Research on Snow Melt Run-off Model Based on RS Information Modeling Theory应用遥感信息模型理论建立融雪径流模型的初步研究
6.Application and Research of Distributed Hydrological Model in Runoff-simulating of Medium-scale Watershed Based on DEM;基于DEM的分布式水文模型在中尺度径流模拟中的应用研究
7.Study on snowmelt runoff and sediment yields in Northeast China东北地区融雪期径流及产沙特征分析
8.Study on the Distributed Precipitation-Runoff Model with Impacts of Soil and Water Conservation Measures of the Loess Plateau;考虑水土治理影响的黄土高原分布式降水径流模型研究
9.Droplet Size and Droplet Size Distribution of Y-Type Air-Blast NozzleY型气流式喷嘴的雾化滴径和滴径分布
10.Improved snowmelt model based on EOS/MODIS remote sensing data;基于EOS/MODIS遥感数据改进式融雪模型
11.Simulation and Prediction Research on Distributed Urban Non-point Source Pollution of Rainfall-Runoff;分布式城市降雨径流面源污染模拟及预测研究
12.Vertical distribution models of sand transport rate of different grain size groups in coastal aeolian mass flux海岸风沙流中不同粒径组沙粒的垂向分布模式
13.Temporal Variations and Trend Analysis of the Snowmelt Runoff Timing across the Source Regions of the Yangtze River,Yellow River and Lancang River三江源地区融雪径流时间变化特征与趋势分析
14.Distributed network traffic prediction accuracy of the model study分布式网络流量预测模型的精度研究
15.A statistical measurement of interferometric aperture synthesis microwave radiometers干涉式综合孔径微波辐射测量的统计分布模型
16.An Efficient Distributed Shortest Path Algorithm with Hierarchically Structured Topographical Model一种基于层次拓扑模型的分布式最短路径算法
17.The Construction and Validation of Liugou Distributed Hydrological Model in Caijiachuan;蔡家川柳沟流域分布式产流模型的构建与验证
18.Yanduhe Catchment Distributed Conflux Model Based on Basic Cells基于基本单元的沿渡河流域分布式汇流模型

snowmelt runoff model融雪径流模型
1.In view of the characters of the source area, the method is to combine Xinanjiang model with snowmelt runoff model and apply to the basin of Baihe.根据流域特点,采用融雪径流模型与新安江模型相结合的方法,在白河流域进行模拟。
2.On the basis of migration of seasonal frozen soil,simulate s the Yellow River Source Region\'s runoff by snowmelt runoff model and tank model.根据流域特点,在考虑季节性冻土的运移状况下,采用融雪径流模型与水箱模型相结合的方法,在整个黄河源区进行模拟。
3)Snow Melt Run off Information Model融雪径流信息模型
1.Based on the Theory of RS Information Modeling, combined with the model of SRM, the Snow Melt Run off Information Model is designed, and the authors also make some evaluation and analyse on it.在遥感信息模型建模理论基础上 ,结合该领域较为成熟的 SRM模型 ,提出融雪径流信息模型 ,进行了初步评价和分析。
4)distributed rainfall-runoff model分布式降雨径流模型
1.The multi-objective approach was applied to the calibration and validation of distributed rainfall-runoff model developed by the authors.利用多目标方法,对自主研制的具有物理基础的分布式降雨径流模型进行了参数的多目标分析和模型有效性探讨。
5)Snowmelt runoff simulation融雪径流模拟
6)snowmelt runoff融雪径流
1.The samples of snowfall,snowpack and snowmelt runoff collected during November 2006 to May 2007 in Liangshui Nature Reserve were regarded as the research object in order to study the snow chemical characteristics and regularities of the forest ecosystem.以2006年11月至2007年5月凉水自然保护区内采集的降雪、积雪和溪流融雪径流样品为研究对象,初步探讨森林生态系统内雪化学特征及其变化规律。
2.Soil erosion associated with snowmelt runoff during spring thaw is relatively serious in the areas seasonally or annually covered with snow.因此在这些地区进行融雪侵蚀预报十分必要,它主要包括融雪径流的产生,及其形成的土壤侵蚀量,冻融过程导致土壤性状的变化,以及由此造成的对土壤可蚀性的影响。
3.The maximum flood was obtained by afflux computation using snowmelt runoff model.以新疆西部山区河流为例,采用推求可能最大降水,将气温过程及积雪深度极大化,再经融雪径流模型进行产汇流计算求得可能最大洪水的方法,并将其应用于实际工程中。

融雪径流  积雪融水沿地面汇入河道形成的径流。是高寒山区河流的重要水源。    积雪消融的热源主要来自太阳辐射,以及雪层表面与大气之间的湍流热交换(包括感热和潜热),其次来自雪层与土壤之间的热交换等。雪层是半透明介质,一部分太阳辐射可以透过一定厚度的雪层,导致雪层内部增温或消融,称为内部消融。这在气温和雪面温度为负温的情况下仍可发生。当气温在0℃以上,雪面辐射平衡值为正值时,雪层表面开始融化。每年初春,白天雪层表面的辐射平衡略为正值,湍流热通量亦很小,雪层表面的消融微弱。在干冷状态下,雪层达到最小饱和含水量后,层内的融水便以指状流或背景流的形式渗到雪层界面冻结,形成雪层中的冰片,凝结时释热又改变了雪层的温度状况。如果雪面继续消融,下渗水量不断增加,则融化了冰层,融雪锋面逐渐下降,使整个雪层处于融化状态,融水聚集形成饱和含水带(层)。从饱和含水带渗出的融水,部分渗入土层,部分填洼,少量被蒸发,其余沿地面汇入江河,成为融雪径流。