自然灾害研究,Natural Disaster research
1)Natural Disaster research自然灾害研究

1.The Advance of Natural Disaster Study and Adjustment of Disaster Mitigation in China;我国自然灾害研究进展与减灾思路调整
2.Research of Agriculture Exploiture and Disaster in the North-East Region in Late Qing;清末松花江流域的农业开发与自然灾害研究
3.Study on Natural Disasters and Cortrolling and Reducing Disasters in Chongqing;重庆市自然灾害特征及防灾减灾研究
4.The Research on Natural Disaster and Modern Northwest Society--Modern Northwest Natural Disaster and Population Migration;近代西北自然灾害与人口变迁——自然灾害与近代西北社会研究
5.The Natural Disaster of History and Totem in Kunming昆明地区历史自然灾害与图腾研究
6.A Study of the Human Behavior in the Natural Disaster Preventing and Controlling;自然灾害防控过程中的人类行为研究
7.The Study on the Compensation Mechanism of Agricultural Natural Disaster Losses in China;我国农业自然灾害损失补偿机制研究
8.A Study on Natural Disaster and Famine Relief Policies during the Early Ming Dynasty;明前期自然灾害与荒政研究(1368—1487)
9.Government Responsibilities Towards the Administrations on the Natural Disasters in Cities;城市自然灾害管理中的政府责任研究
10.Study on Natural Disaster Emergency Logistics Capability Evaluation System自然灾害应急物流能力评价体系研究
11.Research on the Influence of Natural Disasters on Economic Growth in China自然灾害对我国经济增长的影响研究
12.Research on Natural Disasters'Contract Conditions Based on FIDIC基于FIDIC准则的自然灾害合同条件研究
13.A Study on the Government Audit Action after Fateful Natural Disasters重大自然灾害后的政府审计行为研究
14.Risk Assessment of Major Natural Hazards in Gansu Province甘肃省主要自然灾害危险性评价研究
15.Vulnerability Study -- The New Development of Synthetized Study on Natural Disasters;自然灾害综合研究的新进展——脆弱性研究
17.Study on the Coupling Relation between the Natural Disaster and the Socio-economic Activity in Chongqing;重庆市自然灾害与社会经济活动耦合研究
18.Research on Comprehensive Regionalization of Natural Disasters in Chongqing Based on GIS;基于GIS的重庆市自然灾害综合区划研究

Synthetical study of natural disasters自然灾害综合研究
3)natural disasters自然灾害
1.Characteristics of natural disasters and relevant countermeasures in Hainan over 40 years(1949-1988);建国40年间(1949—1988)海南岛自然灾害发生特点及其抗救措施
2.Discussion on cognitive model of natural disasters;自然灾害的认知模式探析
3.Countermeasures to prevent and cure natural disasters in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River;长江中下游防治自然灾害的若干对策
4)natural disaster自然灾害
1.Climatic fluctuation and natural disasters in tropic China during recent hundred years;中国热带近百年气候波动与自然灾害
2.Research on essence of natural disaster's in the era of humanistic solicitude;人文关怀语境下的自然灾害本质探析
3.Safety production accidents and natural disasters in China in the year 2005;2005年中国安全生产事故与自然灾害状况
5)natural calamity自然灾害
1.Fuzzy recognition model and its application in assessment of natural calamity;自然灾害的模糊识别模型及其应用
2.Role of pharmacist in guaranteeing safety for the people in natural calamity and war;药师在自然灾害和战争中对保障公众安全所起的作用(Ⅰ)
3.West nationalities area is our country ecological environment extremely frail area,also is natural calamitymany areas.西部民族地区是我国生态环境十分脆弱的地区,又是自然灾害较多的地区,在诸多自然灾害中,旱灾和雪灾对西部民族地区影响最大,并呈现出一定的发生规律。
6)natural hazard自然灾害
1.The character of the natural hazards and the regional differentiation of the southwest region;西南区自然灾害特征及其地域分异
2. By selecting assessment indices from hazard property of natural disaster-causing factors and vulnerability of natural disaster bodies, and based on the basic maps of Nantong city, the map of natural hazards and the map of vulnerability of social economy are produced by using geographical information system analyzing.两图叠加后,生成南通市自然灾害风险区划基本单元,采用自下而上的定量区划方法,合并得到自然灾害风险区划图,最后分别论述了每个风险区的自然灾害和社会经济的特征。
3.Based on the nature of natural hazards,some countermeasures against natural hazard are put forward so as to prevent and reduce natural disasters.在对自然灾害本质的认识基础上,针对自然灾害的防灾减灾对策提出见解。

草地自然灾害防治草地自然灾害防治prevention and control of grassland natural disasters  Coodi ziran zaihai fangzhi草地自然灾害防治(prevention and control of grasslandnatural disasters)对草地自然灾害的预防和治理过程。草地自然灾害主要是指气象因素对草地畜牧业造成的损失和危害。其中最常见的自然灾害有旱灾(亦称黑灾)和雪灾(亦称白灾)。草地自然灾害防治是根据草地雪、旱灾害成灾原因、发生规律、危害程度,采取草地改良、建立人工草地、饲草饲料生霆 风蚀毛乌素沙地(内蒙古乌审旗1987年10月) (《中国自然灾害地图集》)产与加工,以及建设牲畜棚圈、人畜引水工程等农艺措施和工程措施,以最大限度地减少因自然灾害造成的牲畜死亡及经济损失。 中国草原地区气候条件恶劣,干旱多风,年降水量在500毫米以下,从东到西递减,最低的只有20~30毫米;8级以上大风日达每年40天以上;冬季寒冷,一月份平均气温在一20℃,有些地区极端最低温达一40℃以下。枯草期长达7~8个月,在自然放牧条件下,牲畜每年用于长膘增重的时间仅有100天,用于恢复体力和维持膘情的时间不足90天,掉膘时间长达170天左右。严酷的自然条件,是构成这一地区易受自然灾害侵袭的主要因素。 草原退化,超载过牧,基础设施薄弱,又加剧了自然灾害的频繁发生和降低了抵御自然灾害的能力。据内蒙古、新疆、西藏、青海、四川、甘肃6大牧区省区的不完全统计,中华人民共和国建立50年来,牧区共发生大中雪早灾害90多次。其中,雪灾印多次,旱灾26次,分别占大中雪旱灾害的71%和29%。因灾死亡牲畜在2亿头(只)以上,约相当于同期出售给国家的商品畜数量。舞纵… 贺兰山以西的荒漠景观(宝音朝克图摄) 草地自然灾害防治是针对易灾地区自然条件,以解决牲畜冬春“温饱”问题为中心,实现畜牧业稳定发展为目标,以水、草、料、牲畜暖圈、饲料加工和牧民定居为主要实施内容的一项系统工程。其目的在于改变落后的牧区畜牧业生产方式和冷季缺草少棚的生产条件,推广以建设养畜、科学养畜为中心的配套技术,克服以往牧业生产的脆弱性与不稳定性,实现易灾牧区畜牧业生产的稳定发展。 中国从70年代末开始实施大规模的草地自然灾害防治(或称防灾基地建设)项目,在防灾抗灾基地建设中坚持“统一规划、分类指导、因灾设防、突出重点”的原则,把提高牲畜抗御雪旱灾害能力作为主攻方向,重点搞好水、草、料生产加工,牲畜暖圈和牧民定居点综合配套建设。