保险精算方法,insurance actuary pricing
1)insurance actuary pricing保险精算方法

1.New Method to Option Pricing on Foreign currency-An Actuarial Approach外汇期权定价的新方法——保险精算方法
2.New Method to Pricing on Option to Exchange One Asset to Another-An Actuarial Approach;交换期权定价的新方法—保险精算方法
3.New Method to Option Pricing for the General Black-Scholes Model-An Acturarial Approach;广义Black-Scholes模型期权定价新方法——保险精算方法
4.Application of Actuarial Approach to Option Pricing Model;保险精算方法在期权定价模型中的应用
5.Pricing of Option When Underlying Asset Price Submitting to Exponential of a Levy Process Using Insurance Actuary;指数levy过程下期权定价的保险精算方法
6.Application of Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Insurance Actuary Methods to Option Pricing;套利定价理论及保险精算方法在期权定价中的应用
7.Surveys on the Application of Bayesian Method on Actuarial Study贝叶斯方法在保险精算中的应用综述
8.A Study on the Application of International Labour Office s (ILO) Financing Models and Distribution Fitting Methods in the Actuary of Social Health Insurance;ILO筹资模型与分布拟合方法在社会健康保险精算中的应用研究
9.Actuarial Model and Method of Implicit Pension Debt(IDP) in Chinese Urban Workers Pension Insurance;我国城镇职工养老保险隐性债务的精算模型方法
10.A new method for calculating fair crop yield premium rate and premium农业保险费率和保费的计算方法研究
11.The Research on Risk-Reduction Mechanism of Catastrophe with Actuarial Method;巨灾风险的分散机制的精算方法研究
12.A Study on Credibility Method of Non-life Actuarial Science Based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique;基于MCMC的非寿险精算可信性方法研究
13.actuarial reserves in respect of life insurance人寿保险精算准备金
14.Research on Policy Reserve Calculating Methods for Long Term Health Insurance长期健康保险保单准备金计算方法研究
15.Study on Actuarial Theory and Method of Life Insurance under Random Rates of Interest;随机利率下的寿险精算理论与方法的研究
16.Risk Budgeting and Control Method Research of Social Insurance Funds Investment in China;我国社保基金投资的风险预算与控制方法研究
17.A basic caculating method on the margin purchasing securities and its risk analysis;保证金购买证券的基本计算方法及其风险分析
18.Pricing Mortgage Insurance under O-U Process指数O-U过程下保证险的保险精算定价

insurance actuary pricing保险精算法
1.Using insurance actuary pricing,we gain the European option pricing model.使用保险精算法,给出了欧式期权的定价公式。
3)actuarial approach保险精算
1.An actuarial approach to compound option pricing;复合期权的保险精算定价
2.In this paper,assume that the interest is given,using physical probability measure of price process and the principle of fair premium——an actuarial approach,we deal with pricing formula of European option on foreign currency,and obtain pricing of European call and put option.在利率确定情形下 ,利用公平保费原则和价格过程的实际概率测度———保险精算方法给出外汇期权定价公式 ,得到了欧式看涨期权和看跌期权的价格的表达式及平价关
4)insurance actuarial保险精算
1.Improvement to a ruin model in insurance actuarial;保险精算中的一个破产模型的改进
5)actuarial theory保险精算
1.Some commonly used order relations of risks in actuarial theory are discussed.讨论了保险精算理论中常见的几种风险序之间的关系,得到了聚合风险中期望剩余寿命风险序的一个性质,利用k阶停止损失风险序及k阶失效率风险序间的关系,对本文中所讨论的几种风险序之间的关系给出了一个统一描述。
2.By the theory of stochastic optimal control and actuarial theory,the paper studies the investment strategy for the life insurance premium,based on the semi-continuous term life insurance mode and power law utility function.应用随机优化控制理论和保险精算理论,对寿险公司保费投资的最优策略进行研究,得到了基于半连续定期寿险模型和幂函数效用函数的最优投资策略。
3.Based on the insurance actuarial theory and the classic financial engineering theory,the paper analyses the value of life insurance policies with embedded surrender option,and finds out that whether the surrender option is exercised is related to several factors in a certain policy,in which the relation varies with the change of factors value.利用保险精算和金融工程理论对含有退保期权的寿险保单价值进行了分解,发现退保期权的行使与否和某一特定保单的若干参数相关,这种关系随着保单参数值的变化而变化。
6)Actuarial Science保险精算
