灾害感知,Disaster perception
1)Disaster perception灾害感知
1.Study on disaster perception for rural residents in westrn Guanzhong area——A case study of Chencang District of Baoji City关中平原西部农村居民灾害感知现状浅析——以宝鸡市陈仓区为例
2.Disaster perception of rural residents in different areas with different physiognomy types was investigated.对宝鸡地区不同地貌区农村居民的灾害感知情况进行了调查。

1.Analysis on the disasters perception of village residents乡村与城市社区居民灾害感知比较研究
2.Study on disaster perception for rural residents in westrn Guanzhong area--A case study of Chencang District of Baoji City关中平原西部农村居民灾害感知现状浅析——以宝鸡市陈仓区为例
3.Discussion on Disaster Risk Communication Based on Regional Flood Perception of the Public基于公众对区域水灾感知的灾害风险沟通探讨
4.The Public Perception of Risks and the Management of Emergency Measures Taken during Unexpected Calamities突发性灾害中的公众风险感知与应急管理——以5·12汶川地震为例
6.Study on the Methods of Monitoring and Assessment of Flood Disaster Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data;洪涝灾害遥感监测与灾情评价方法研究
7.Register of Disaster Management Expertise灾害管理专门知识登记册
8.Workshop on Perdition and Perception of Natural Disasters预报和认知自然灾害讲习班
9.Flood Disaster Remote Monitoring Based on FY-3A/MERSI Data基于FY-3A/MERSI的洪涝灾害遥感监测初探
10.Comprehensive evaluation on geological hazards and the ?environment of developing geological hazards in the ?northwest Hebei on the basis of RS基于遥感技术支持的地质灾害及孕灾环境综合评价
11.Establishment of snow disaster remote sensing monitoring and damage estimation systems in Altai pastoral region of Xinjiang.新疆阿勒泰牧区雪灾遥感监测体系构建与灾害评价系统研究
12.Research on Survey of Earthquake Triggering Geohazards and Risk Assessiment in Wenchuan Earthquake Stricken Areas Using RS and GIS遥感和GIS在汶川地震灾区地质灾害调查与评价中的应用研究
13.The Application of RS in the Survey of Geological Disasters in the Destructively Affected Area-Wenchuan County遥感技术在“5.12”地震重灾区汶川县地质灾害调查中的应用
14.Study on Forest Fire Disaster Emergency Management Based on KDD;基于知识发现的林火灾害应急管理研究
15.The Designs of Loss Assessment System for SeiSmic Disasters Based on Knowledge;基于知识的地震灾害损失评价系统的设计
16.The Characteristics and Regularities of Ninger People Cognizing and Responding to the Earthquake Disaster宁洱民众认知与响应地震灾害的特点与规律
17.Statistical Analysis of Network Spreading of 《Journal of Catastrophology》 Based on CNKI基于中国知网的《灾害学》网络传播统计分析
18.Floods brought destruction to the valley.A chill can bring on a cold.洪水给山谷酿成了大灾害。受寒会导致感冒

disasters perception灾害感知
1.Analysis on the disasters perception of village residents乡村与城市社区居民灾害感知比较研究
3)disaster knowledge灾害知识
4)disaster recognition灾害认知
1.The following results are obtained:(1) There are four social and psychological factors that affect individual's endurance when facing a disaster: disaster-consciousness,behavior during disaster,disaster recognition and social assistance;(2) The corresponding ana.结果:①个体面对灾害时的心理承受能力的影响因素为:灾害意识、灾时行为、灾害认知、社会支持;②通过相关分析,灾时行为对心理承受能力的影响最大。
5)disaster remote sensing灾害遥感
6)drought perception旱灾感知
1.A random sampling survey on drought awareness among residents in semiarid areas shows that drought perception of residents in Baoji of Shaanxi is of uncertainty and spatial difference.通过对居民旱灾感知状况的随机抽样调查发现:陕西省关中平原西部宝鸡地区居民对旱灾的感知具有一定的不确定性和空间差异性,居民的这种感知状况会受到客观环境的明显性的影响。

动作感知动作感知sensation and perception of action  动作感知(。ensation and Poreeption ofaction)在体育运动活动中人脑对体育动作或运动情境的直接反应。如看到体操动作、球类竞赛场面,知觉到自己跑跳时动作的力量、幅度、方向等。动作感知分为外部感知与内部感知。外部感知是通过视、听、触等外感官所接受的有关技能的外部结构特点的信息输入:内部感知是在外部感知的基础上由肌梭、肌膜、关节感觉末梢和前庭器官毛细胞等感受器接受自身动作刺激,人脑对活动方向、位置、用力、灵活柔韧等信息的直接反应。前者亦称客体运动感知,后者则称主体运动感知。动作感知是形成运动表象、掌握运动知识、形成运动技能的基础。不同运动项目所需动作感知觉成分不同,通过训练可使与某专项要求相一致的感知觉成分高度分化发展,即形成专门化知觉。 (刘淑思撰谢三才审)