抗灾方法,methods of catastrophe resistance
1)methods of catastrophe resistance抗灾方法
2)Risk mitigation measures减灾方法

1.Advances in Rainfall-Induced Landslides Mechanism and Risk Mitigation暴雨诱发滑坡致灾机理与减灾方法研究进展
2.Urban Disaster Prevention and Mitigation with Geo-Dynamic Division Method;地质动力区划方法的城市防灾减灾研究
3.The Location Models and Strategic Decision Method for Urban Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Facilities;城市防灾减灾设施选址模型与战略决策方法研究
4.The pattern and methods for urban hazard mitigation in scientific way are discussed in particular.重点论述了城市科学减灾的研究模式及方法。
5.Research on Evaluation Method of the Shanghai s Ability for Earthquake Disaster Reduction Based on GIS;基于GIS的上海市防震减灾能力评价方法研究
6.Global Programme for Natural Disaster Reduction减少自然灾害全球方案
7.Assessment about Loss Caused by Frozen Disaster and Measures of Disaster Prevention and mitigation on Forestry--a Case Study of Hunan Province in 2008中国南方林业冰冻灾情评价及防灾减灾对策——以2008年湖南冰灾为例
8.Study on The Agricultural Natural Disaster During Zhou, Qin, Han and Jin Dynasties and The Strategies of Agricultural Disaster Reduction;周秦汉晋时期农业灾害和农业减灾方略研究
9.The Analysis of the Disasters Caused by Drought Innorthern China and the Research of Countermeasures to Reducing the Loss;我国北方干旱灾害性分析及减灾对策研究
10.Policy-making for flood control and drought relief in China:progress and theory discussions我国防洪减灾方针进展及其理论探讨
11.Research on optimization of flood control and disaster mitigation engineering schemes流域防洪减灾工程措施方案优选研究
12.Law of the People's Republic of China on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters中华人民共和国防震减灾法
13.An Analysis of the Law Limitation Exercise of The PRC Law On Earthquake And Calamity;《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》执法时效浅析
14.Similarities and Differences between the Law on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters and Emergency Response Law防震减灾法与突发事件应对法异同分析
15.We must do a better job of comprehensive environmental control in cities, and disaster prevention and reduction should be effectively carried out.做好防灾减灾工作。
16.Notable progress was made in disaster prevention and reduction.防灾减灾成效明显。
17.Control System Overview and On-orbit Test of HJ-1A/1B Satellites环境减灾-1A、1B卫星控制系统方案及在轨验证
18.Some Hints Brought by the Wenchuan Earthquake for Local Earthquake Preparedness and Disaster Mitigation Work汶川地震给地方防震减灾工作的几点启示

Risk mitigation measures减灾方法
3)DR methodology容灾方法论
4)Against disaster and law抗震救灾与法治
5)antiwear approach抗磨方法
1.Experiences on Anticoagulation in Emergence Treatment of Acute Poisoning With Blood Infusion;血液灌流抢救急性中毒抗凝方法的应用体会
