措施预案,preparatory measure
1)preparatory measure措施预案
2)preplan measurement预案措施
3)budget revenue measure财政预算案税收措施;财政预算案收入措施
4)measure scheme措施方案
1.The paper mainly analyzes the reasons of major transportation accidents happened in slope roadway of coal mine and puts forward the corresponding prevention measure schemes,which is of a certain real significance and positive role on reducing frequent transportation accidents.本文主要对矿井斜巷运输发生重大事故的原因进行分析,并提出了相应的预防措施方案,对减少运输事故的频繁发生起到积极作用,具有一定的现实意义。

1.Safety Precaution during Swinging Erection of Dayandong Megabridge大岩洞特大桥转体安全措施方案设计
2.Research on optimization of flood control and disaster mitigation engineering schemes流域防洪减灾工程措施方案优选研究
3.Study on Anti-Accident Measures of the Typical HVDC Faults in China Southern Power Grid南方电网直流典型故障的反事故措施方案研究
4.Analysis on Binding Force of Constructing Measure in the Works with Bill Quantity Valuation清单计价下工程措施方案的约束力分析
5.Winter construction plan of concrete bridge and crack-preventing measures混凝土桥梁冬季施工方案及防裂措施
6.The message, then, is prevention, not cure.当然,这个措施只是预防举措,而不是治疗方案。
7.Design plan of water-conveying tunnel in high-side pad road foundation and its construction measures高垫方路基内输水隧洞的设计方案和施工措施
8.Blasting scheme and safety measure of close quarter and high slope近距离高陡边坡爆破方案及安全措施
9.Study on the Improvement Alternative of QPM Corresponsive Contermeasures for Firm AA公司项目质量管理升级方案与实施措施研究
10.The measures of control welding residual deformation.设计措施:正确的设计方案是控制变形的根本措施。
11.Discusses the Highway Tunnel Soil Slip Lifesaving Plan and the Punishment Measure探讨高速公路隧道坍方救生方案及处治措施
12.Take initiatives on business performance improvements and operating cost reduction.主动寻求利润提高及成本降低方案并采取措施。
13.Research on Measurement and Scheme of Ecology Runoff Scheduling for Three Gorge Project;三峡水库生态径流调度措施与方案研究
14.Study on the Plan of Company System Reform and the Measures of Developing the Chinese Post Company;我国邮政企业改制方案设想及保障措施研究
15.On the supplementary measures and strengthening scheme of shield end well of a station in Nanjing city南京某车站盾构端头井加固方案及辅助措施
16.Comparison of Second Stage Artificial Cooling Schemes in Xiaowan Arch Dam小湾拱坝二期冷却方案温控措施对比分析
17.Discussion on the New Water Allocation Schemes and Assurance Measures in Tarim River Basin塔里木河流域水量分配新方案及保障措施探讨
18.The corrective actions are assessed by the Quality Dept. and implemented by the responsible departments.质量部对采取措施的方案进行评价,由责任部门具体实施。

preplan measurement预案措施
3)budget revenue measure财政预算案税收措施;财政预算案收入措施
4)measure scheme措施方案
1.The paper mainly analyzes the reasons of major transportation accidents happened in slope roadway of coal mine and puts forward the corresponding prevention measure schemes,which is of a certain real significance and positive role on reducing frequent transportation accidents.本文主要对矿井斜巷运输发生重大事故的原因进行分析,并提出了相应的预防措施方案,对减少运输事故的频繁发生起到积极作用,具有一定的现实意义。
5)plans and measures方案措施
6)preventive measures预防措施
1.Defect analysis of centrifugal casting brass cage and preventive measures;离心铸造黄铜的缺陷分析及预防措施
2.Factors and preventive measures of ionic membrane bulling;离子膜鼓泡的原因及预防措施
3.Reasons of ionic membrane damage and its preventive measures;膜损害的原因及预防措施

措施措施  为解决某一问题所采取的办法。疾病治疗时常根据不同病种和病情具体采用相应的治疗措施。