动态风险评估,dynamically risk assessment
1)dynamically risk assessment动态风险评估

1.Study on Quasi real-time Dynamic Risk Assessment Method for Telecom Network电信网准实时动态风险评估方法研究
2.Assessing Model for Dynamic Risk of Natural Disasters Based on Multi-Agent System基于多智能体的自然灾害动态风险评估模型
3.Risk Evaluation of Project Financing;项目融资风险评估——引入动态分析的定量评估
4.Quantitative Risk Evaluation and Optimization Control Strategy定量化风险评估及动态规划控制策略
5.Study on Enterprise Strategic Risk Distinguishing, Appraising and Dynamic Early Warning;企业战略风险识别、评估与动态预警研究
6.Analytic network process to risk evaluation of dynamic alliance & its application;动态联盟风险评估的网络分析法及其应用
7.Dynamic stress relations method on space for information system risk assessment信息系统风险评估空间动态应力关系方法
8.Risk Assessment Index of Dynamic Stability for Large-Scale Interconnected Grids and Its Application大区互联电网动态稳定风险评估指标及应用
9.Risk Assessment of Dynamic Calibration Scheme for Shooting Range Outfield Test Device靶场外测设备动态校准测试方案风险评估
10.Re-assessment and Dynamic Control of Adverse Geological Risks in Extra-long Xuefengshan Railway Tunnel雪峰山特长铁路隧道不良地质风险再评估与风险动态管理
11.A Survey of the Complex Large System Dynamic Reliability and Dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment复杂大系统动态可靠性与动态概率风险评估技术发展现状
12.Transient risk assessment based on probabilistic insecurity index基于概率不安全指标的暂态风险评估
13.Study on Risk of Complex Product and System Innovation Project Based on Risk Identification, Assessment, Simulation and Control;复杂产品系统创新项目风险识别、评估、动态模拟与调控研究
14.Research on Dynamic and Comprehensive Evaluate and Practical Demonstration of High-technique Venture Capital Project;高新技术风险投资项目的动态综合评估及实证研究
15.Identification and Three-dimensional Analysis on the Risks of Emerging Technologies Based on the Process of Dynamic Evaluation;新兴技术的风险识别与三维分析——基于动态评估过程的视角
16.Approach to Comprehensive Fuzzy Estimation of Dynamic Risk for Capital Venture Process;风险投资过程的动态风险模糊综合估测方法
17.Units are responding; risk assessment is still medium.各部门都在行动 风险评估仍是中级
18.Research of Mobile Agent Risk Assessment Model;移动Agent风险评估模型的研究

temperature risk dynamic assessment model温度风险动态评估模型
3)ecological risk assessment生态风险评估
1.Survey of nonylphenol in Liaoning coastal aquatic environment of North Yellow Sea and the ecological risk assessment北黄海辽宁近岸水环境中壬基酚污染状况调查及生态风险评估
4)risk assessment风险评估
1.The risk assessment of bisphenol A in baby bottles and food packaging materials;婴儿奶瓶及食品包装材料中双酚A的风险评估
2.Predicting model behavior and the risk assessment for bacillus cereus in food;食品中蜡样芽孢杆菌的预测模型及风险评估
3.Research progress on alien pest risk assessment methods;外来有害生物风险评估方法研究进展
5)risk evaluation风险评估
1.DDTs residues in sediments from Hebei lakes and reservoirs and their risk evaluation;河北水库及湖泊沉积物中DDT农药的残留特征与风险评估
2.Application of TMSF in risk evaluation for equipment;TMSF在装置风险评估中的应用
3.To apply risk evaluation to strengthen the safety management of operative specimens;应用风险评估加强手术标本安全管理
6)risk appraisal风险评估
1.Application of subjective grading method in the project risk appraisal of CNNOC 2000-1;主观评分法在中海油JU2000-1项目风险评估中的应用
2.By the Jinglan Bridge in Liuzhou City, which is a multiple arch bridge with 5 spans,based on the theory calculation and the real bridge analysis,the risk appraisal and control measures of protective dismantlement for the bridge are studied.针对5跨连拱的柳州静兰大桥,以理论计算与实桥分析为基础,研究该桥保护性拆除风险评估与控制措施。
3.This article through the analysis and research about the risk appraisal method,further strengthens to know and research on.通过对指挥决策风险评估方法的分析研究,对指数法、最大期望收益准则与最小遗憾准则、层次分析法、模糊熵模型分析不确定的指挥决策、决策树法等方法进行了描述,进一步加强对指挥决策风险评估认识及研究,提高高科技条件下指挥决策的质量和效率。

动态风险动态风险 【动态风险】又称“投机风险”。既有损失机会又有获利可能的风险。如股票行情的变化、外汇汇率的跌浮。所以,动态风险常与经济、政治、科学技术及社会的变化密切相关,它多呈现出多变、不规则的运动曲线,难以通过大数法则对其进行预测。