1.Also as a historian,who had been worked as a classical philologist for several years, Droysen remained under the influence of philological theories,and it was a trump to help him to distinguish his Historik from other theories of history.德罗伊森在《历史知识理论》中试图把他的“历史知识理论”与其他类型的历史理论——历史学的百科全书、历史哲学或神学、历史世界的物理学、历史写作的诗学——区别开。
2)theory of historical knowledge历史知识论
3)The Knowledge of History and Geography历史地理学知识

1.The Application of History and Geography Knowledge of History Teaching in Janior Middle School;历史地理学知识在中学历史教学中的应用
2.Comment on the Application of Historical Geography Knowledge in Middle School History Education;论历史地理知识在中学历史教学中的运用
3.Use Knowledge of History and Geography to Enhance the Quality of History Teaching in Secondary Schools to Explore运用历史地理知识提升中学历史教学质量探究
4.Using Geography Knowledge to Enhance the Effect of History Teaching in Middle School;运用地理知识,提高中学历史教学效果
5.The Research and Practice in the Utilization of the Knowledge of History and Geography for Junior History Teaching;在初中历史教学中运用历史地理知识的研究与实践
6.The Inquiry into the Ways of Integrating Geography Class Knowledge in Senior High School History Teaching;探究高中历史教学中融入地理课知识的途径
7.The Histonc Drift of Local Knowledge--The Thought of Knouledge View of Literary Anthropotogy;“地方知识”的历史性漂移——文学人类学知识观思考
8.Try to correlate your knowledge of history with your knowledge of geography.尽量把你的历史知识同你的地理知识联系起来。
9.But their knowledge of history and geography was very poor.但她们的历史、地理知识却少得可怜。
10.The Application of History Knowledge in the Management of Secondary School Classes历史知识在中学班级管理中应用初探
11.We should also help them acquire some practical knowledge of industry and agriculture, and some elements of modern science, history, geography and foreign languages.还要使他们学点搞工业、农业的知识和必要的现代科学知识,学点历史、地理、外语;
12.Adding More Historical and Geographic Knowledge to Tourism English Course;旅游英语教材应融入更多基本历史地理知识
13.The EvolutionTendency of Science Knowledge Theories;关于科学知识理论的历史演变及发展趋势
14.And our roots are our history - not knowing our history does not know where our roots are.根就是历史,不学点历史知识,怎么知道根在何处?
15.Understanding Historical Literature:Narrative Configuration and Historical Sense理解历史文学:叙事塑形与历史意识
16.How to Develop the Students Geography Concept and Sense in History Teaching in Middle School;中学历史教学中地理概念和意识的培养
17.Inheritance and Development--Re-understanding the Course Property of Historical Geography;继承与发展:历史地理学的学科属性再认识
18.Internal relations between graphic method and knowledge in history education;历史教学中图示法与历史知识的内在联系

theory of historical knowledge历史知识论
3)The Knowledge of History and Geography历史地理学知识
4)historical geography knowledge历史地理知识
1.In addition to the proportion of historical geographical knowledge gradually increase in college entrance examination recent years, which makes the teaching of historical geography knowledge more and more important in Secondary school history education.历史地理知识是关于一定历史时期自然环境变化及其人类社会关系的知识,其核心是人地关系知识。
5)historical knowledge历史知识
1.Emperor Li shi-min managed to avail flexibly himself of historical knowledge to make his subjects loyal to him and understand his general ideas about governments, and what’s more, construct one good administrative hierarchy and get harmonious relations between him and his subjects.唐太宗通过对历史知识灵活多样的发挥运用,向大臣们灌输了忠君思想,宣传了治国理念,进而培育了尊卑有序的官僚系统,营造了和谐良性的君臣关系,从而为贞观之治的盛世局面提供了制度上和思想上的保证。
2.In terms of documents study,we investigate the present conditions of the historical knowledge heredity of competitive P.运用文献资料法,对体育赛事运作管理历史知识传承的现状进行了考察,其结果不容乐观。
3.We found that the students could not find the relations between geographical and historical knowledge, and separated them when solving t.在高中地理课堂教学中,经常会遇到与历史知识相关的地理问题,笔者发现学生找不到史地知识之间的联系,将地理、历史两门学科割裂开来,泾渭分明,耗费大量时间做了很多重复性的工作。
6)history knowledge历史知识
1.A brief research on the creative teaching of history knowledge in the social class of the elementary school;小学社会课历史知识创造性教学研究
2.The popularization of history knowledge demands the transformation of the historiography product.史学成果的转化就是历史知识的普及。

知识资产综合转移论知识资产综合转移论  知识资产综合转移论主张采用直接投资形式将知识资产一揽子转移以寻求更高的经济效益的理论。 西方学者习惯于将靠知识优势的垄断而获取的收入称为知识资产的“租金”。故该理论又称“寻租论”。公司拥有的一部分知识资产如技术专利、特定产品的生产工艺和商标,可以通过特许的方式实行有偿转让,但另一部分知识资产如技术创新能力、管理经验和销售技能却很难转让给他人。知识资产作为一个整体所产生的垄断优势,不仅要大于知识资产中个别要素所具有的垄断优势,而且大于每项要素优势代数和。如果公司仅仅将其垄断的某项知识资产要素转让,它就只能在这单一要素上获取垄断“租金”,而通过对外直接投资的形式,则有可能实行一揽子要素的交易,从而获得较之单一垄断要素转让更高的“租金”。在这一寻租过程中,跨国公司所拥有的富余的内部管理资源就可以突破国内市场的局限性而在更大的国际范围内得以充分发挥潜能,对外直接投资便成为这种相对过剩的管理资源跨国延伸利用的一种有效方式。