相对真理,relative truth
1)relative truth相对真理
1.Mathematical truth is a relative truth——Talking from second mathematics crisis;数学真理是相对真理——从“第二次数学危机”谈起
2.A reasonable connotation of absolute truth is the key to grasp the dialectic relationship of absolute truth and relative truth.正确理解绝对真理和相对真理的关系。
3.There is strict boundary between relative truth and falsehood;in other words,relative truth and falsehood are both independent and different from each other,which is no different from between absolute truth and falsehood.相对真理与谬误之间有严格的界线,即相互区别,彼此独立,这与绝对真理与谬误之间的关系是一样的。

1.absolute and relative truth绝对真理和相对真理
2.The or=# cc0066> sum total of innumerable relative truths constitute absolute truth.无数相对真理之总和,就是绝对的真理。
3.In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths.在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理
4.A New Exploration of the Connotation and Dialectic Relationship of Absolute Truth and Relative Truth;绝对真理与相对真理的内涵及其相互关系再探
5.In endless flow of absolute truth, there are innumerable relative truths.在绝对真理的长河中,有无数的相对真理
6.A view was pointed ont in the paper that all truth is relative truth according to materialist dialectic.文中指出根据唯物辩证法中关于一切真理都是相对真理的观点,数学真理当然也是相对真理
7.Truth is opposed to falsehood.真理与谬误是相对的。
8.The sum total of innumerable relative truths constitutes absolute truth.无数相对的真理之总和,就是绝对的真理。
9.About the found of Relativity and the theory of Truth Relativity;关于“相对论”的建立与真理的相对论原理
10.the absoluteness of the Pope's decree could not be challenged.任何真理都是绝对性和相对性的统一。
11.the practical world as opposed to the academic world.和学理世界相对的真实世界。
12.Ethical Thinking of Human Genome Research--From Pursuing Absolute Truth to Seeking Relative Rationality;人类基因组研究的伦理思考——从追求绝对真理到寻求相对合理
13.A Refutation of the Claims of Grammatical Metaphor Theory about Science and Relativism of Truth;对语法隐喻与科学及真理相对论相关论题的反思
14.Study on Algorithms and Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation of Integrated Vision/Inertial Relative Navigation;视觉/惯性组合相对导航算法及物理仿真研究
15.Discussion on the principle and measurement of helium replacement method for testing true relative density氦气替换法测定煤真相对密度的原理与测试
16.Influences of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Growth and Related Physiological Indices in Chengluzhu Bamboo SeedlingsAM真菌对撑绿竹生长及相关生理因素的影响
17.Truth is antagonistic to error .真理与谬误不相容。
18.If we exaggerate the absoluteness one-sidedly,ignore the concreteness and relativeity,polarization thinking is formed.如果片面夸大绝对性,无视真理的具体性、相对性,则形成极性思维。

relativism of truth真理相对论
3)truth relativity真理相对性
4)truth relativism真理相对主义
1.Epistemological relativism also has three varieties,namely,rationality relativism,conceptual relativism and truth relativism.事实上,认知相对主义有多种版本,从内容上来看,认知相对主义分为本体论相对主义和认识论相对主义两大类,认识论相对主义又可细分为合理性相对主义、概念相对主义和真理相对主义。
5)the relativity of truth真理的相对性
6)Relative Truth and Falsehood相对真理与谬误
