原始事实,brute facts
1)brute facts原始事实

1.Why does Searle’s Social Ontology Begin With the Distinction between Institutional Facts and Brute Facts?塞尔的社会本体论——为什么从区分制度事实和原始事实开始?
2.It is, in fact, a primitive type of calendar.事实上是一种最原始的日历。
3.A fact documented by two contemporary sources.由两份同期原始资料所证明的事实
4.'The fact that the mobile deceased retained their primal instincts事实上这些僵尸 依然保有他们的原始本能
5.It is, in fact, the oldest, most primitive group of hominids thus far discovered.事实上,这是迄今发现的最古老的、最原始的人类集团。
6.The original is apparently true.原始材料显然是真实的。
7.To start discuss the basic fact a gain开始再讨论基本事实
8.(of a set of facts or series of events)begin to make sense in relationship to each other(指一系列事实或事件)开始有头绪
9.They instituted an inquiry into the causes of the accident.他们开始调查这一事故的原因。
10.This is the original photograph, without being touched up in any way; it is a true record of the event.这是那幅没进行任何修饰加工的原始照片,它是这次事件的真实记录。
11.If anything, such forecasts of an“ impending” ice age were actually understated: new ice sheets should have begun to grow several millennia ago.事实上,冰期「将到来」预测还说得太含蓄:新的冰原早在数千年前就应该要开始形成了。
12.Once when I was years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Storues from Nature, about the primeval forest.我六岁的时候,看到了一本书写原始森林的书,书名叫《源于自然的真实的故事》。
13.Many people believe the mind is like a sponge, soaking up facts which then present themselves on the stage of consciousness in all their pristine reality.许多人认为,人的心灵如同一块海绵,将以原始形态呈现在意识中的事实一点一点地收集起来。
14.Certainly when moved outside those original ranges they grew well, became naturalized.事实上,当它们离开了自己的原始分布区以后,在外地生长很好,逐渐驯化。
15.Original Thinking,Experimental Thinking and Logical Thinking;原始思维、经验思维和逻辑思维——对法律事实认定思维类型历史变迁的考察
16.In primitive times the gens had always owned common land, ever since the tribal land began to be divided up.这在原始时代,从部落土地开始实行分配的时候起,始终是存在的。
17.δ Assay of Plastic-adherent Cells for Evaluating Bone Marrow Primitive Progenitor塑料粘附δ实验检测骨髓原始祖细胞
18.Restore Lab Clients to Original State将实验室客户端软件还原到初始状态

raw event原始事件
3)original experiment原始性实验
4)former fact原本事实
5)atomic fact原子事实
1.The minimum units of facts are atomic facts which are made up of simple ob.事实的最小单位是原子事实,由单纯物1构成,原子事实又构成分子事实,分子事实是复合物;相应地,陈述原子事实的原子命题是命题的最小单位(基本命题),复合命题是基本命题的真值函项。
6)originality and truthfulness原始性与真实性
1.To avail of its proving function and validity,the most important thing is to ensure its originality and truthfulness as the paper files have.电子档案要发挥其凭证作用与法律效力,最主要的问题是要保证其具有与纸质档案相同的原始性与真实性。

《宋朝事实类苑》  宋代史料辑集。原名《事实类苑》。宋代江少虞辑。生卒年不详。江少虞字虞仲,常山(今属浙江)人。徽宗政和进士。调天台(今属浙江)学官,为建州(今福建建瓯)、饶州(今江西波阳)、吉州(今江西吉安)太守,俱有治绩。此书成于高宗绍兴十五年(1145)任吉州时。江少虞的著述除此书外,有杂著经说奏议百余卷,已佚。    《宋朝事实类苑》78卷,记录了北宋太祖至神宗120多年间的史实,分"祖宗圣训"、"君臣知遇"等24门。其中以诗文为内容的,有"诗歌赋咏"、"文章四六"2门。其他各门,涉及诗文的地方也不少。引用的诸家记录约50种,其中半数以上已失传或残缺。失传的书中属于诗话的,即有《名贤诗话》和《三山居士诗话》两种。残缺的书中,有的与诗文关系密切,如记载杨亿平生见闻的《扬文公谈苑》和张师正的《倦游杂录》二书,《说郛》和《类说》都曾选辑。此书引用《杨文公谈苑》达一百几十条,引用《倦游杂录》亦近百条,比《说郛》和《类说》所辑多了一些。所引之书,现虽有传本,但江氏所据者为原本或接近原本的版本,而又全录原文,不加增损,往往可以订补今传本的讹脱。    通行本有上海古籍出版社1981年排印本。又有63卷本。