死亡冲动,impulsive suicide
1)impulsive suicide死亡冲动
1.the sado-masochiatic sexuality between Catherine and Edgar, Catherine and Heathcliff and the death motives of their own on the basis ofFreud s theory of psychosexual theory-sexual instinct and thanatos.依据弗洛伊德的性心理发展理论——性本能,和死亡本能分析《呼啸山庄》主要人物凯瑟琳和埃德加、凯 瑟琳和希刺克厉夫之间施虐与受虐的性变态关系以及他们各自的死亡动机,可以清楚地揭示人物的主要性格。
3)Considerable numbers of (ie very many) animals have died有大量动物死亡.
1.Death causes and multivariate analysis of prognostic factors in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients;腹膜透析患者的死亡原因及多变量预后分析
2.Risk of Death of 75 Intensive Care Unit Patients with Candidemia:A Retrospective Analysis;75例重症监护病房假丝酵母菌血症的死亡危险性分析
3.The Epidemiological Characteristics of Injury Death Among School-aged Children in Hangzhou;杭州市学龄儿童伤害死亡流行特征分析

1.To die, especially suddenly or violently.死亡死亡,常指突发性地死亡或暴死
2.Of, relating to, or causing death.致命的死亡的、与死亡有关的,或导致死亡
3.Death in Mirage” and “Death in Reality”--On Philosophy about Death of Haizi“幻象的死亡”和“真正的死亡”——论海子的死亡哲学
4.They divided deaths into natural those that were caused by disease or illness and unnatural those that were event related.他们将死亡分为自然死亡(因疾病而亡)和非自然死亡(因事故而亡)。
5.one's place of birth/death出生[死亡]之地.
6.alive or dead, alive or dead,alive or dead, alive, dead, alive.生存或者死亡,生存或者死亡,生存或者死亡生存或者死亡
7.To undergo starvation and die.饿死遭受饥饿并死亡
8.The cause of death was listed as "natural."登记的死因是“自然死亡”。
9.cause-specific death rate以死因区分的死亡
10.Death knocks at the door.死神在敲门,接近死亡
11.The human whose name is written in this note shall die.名字被写入到死亡笔记上的人会死亡
12.causing or ending in or approaching death.导致或者迫近死亡,或者以死亡为结果。
13.Death Pact healing effect increased.死亡骑士的死亡打击治疗效果增加。
14.Fear of death is worse than death itself.对死亡的恐惧比死亡本身更可怕。
15.There is a tint of death, a flavour of mortacity in lies.谎言里有一种死亡的意味,死亡的气息。
16.As the saying goes, @Fear of death is worse than death itself.俗云:“对死亡的恐惧比死亡本身更可怕。”
17.Results There were 9 cases of death with a mortality rate of 8.6%.结果共有9例患儿死亡死亡率8.6%。
18.Brood about death and you hasten your demise.心里老想着死亡,那只会加速死亡

1.the sado-masochiatic sexuality between Catherine and Edgar, Catherine and Heathcliff and the death motives of their own on the basis ofFreud s theory of psychosexual theory-sexual instinct and thanatos.依据弗洛伊德的性心理发展理论——性本能,和死亡本能分析《呼啸山庄》主要人物凯瑟琳和埃德加、凯 瑟琳和希刺克厉夫之间施虐与受虐的性变态关系以及他们各自的死亡动机,可以清楚地揭示人物的主要性格。
3)Considerable numbers of (ie very many) animals have died有大量动物死亡.
1.Death causes and multivariate analysis of prognostic factors in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients;腹膜透析患者的死亡原因及多变量预后分析
2.Risk of Death of 75 Intensive Care Unit Patients with Candidemia:A Retrospective Analysis;75例重症监护病房假丝酵母菌血症的死亡危险性分析
3.The Epidemiological Characteristics of Injury Death Among School-aged Children in Hangzhou;杭州市学龄儿童伤害死亡流行特征分析
1.The Mortality Cause Analysis of 108 Hospitalized Neonates;108例住院新生儿死亡原因分析
2.Analysis of the incidence and mortality of malignancies in Xiuzhou District of Jiaxing City,Zhejiang Province from 2003 to 2005;2003-2005年嘉兴市秀洲区恶性肿瘤发病与死亡分析
3.Change of the related factors of in-hospital mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction;急性心肌梗死患者住院期死亡相关因素变化分析
1.Analysis of the clinical features of 5 dead cases of severs acute respiratory syndrome;SARS死亡病例的实验室检查特点
2.The rational premise of dead experience is a deep insight into the true essence of human existence and the profound mystery of the universe.死亡体验是人对生命的价值与意义的最后感性把握。
3.Methods:Fourty peritoneal dialysis patients,14 patients of whom were dead,26 patients of whom convert to HD therapy,were enrolled.目的:调查我院腹膜透析患者死亡和转HD治疗的原因及相关影响因素。
