晚年书信,old age correspondence
1)old age correspondence晚年书信
1.This kind of scientific spirit has in Engels old age correspondence manifests specifically.这种科学精神在恩格斯的晚年书信中也有具体体现,并对今天有重要的启示意义,这是一笔宝贵的精神财富。

1.On Scientific Spirrt and its Manifestation in Engels,Correspondence in his Old Age;论恩格斯晚年书信中的科学精神及其具体体现
2.Hisrical Dialectics--Engels Later Writings that Expands His Views onHistorical Materialism and its Value;历史的辩证法——晚年恩格斯关于历史唯物主义的书信解读及其当代价值
3.He spent his last years (in) teaching and editing earlier writings.他把晚年用在教书和编纂以前的著作。
4.An Analysis and Exposition on Confucius Academic Ideology at His Old Age from Yi-Zhuan Copied on Silk;从帛书《易传》析述孔子晚年的学术思想
5.A Look through Matteo Ricci's Letters and Diary into the Relationship between Catholicism and Buddhism in the Late Ming Dynasty从利玛窦的书信和日记看晚明的天、释关系
6.On the Causes of Chen Yanke s Praise of Women in His Later Works;试析陈寅恪晚年“著书唯剩颂红妆”的原因
7.Your dear letter reached me last night when I was going to Bed. Herewith I send you the Writing ABout Science you ask for昨晚将要就寝时收到惠书,你所要之书《科技写作》随信寄奉,请查收。
8.Continuing Education" means any organized classroom instruction offered to adults evenings or on weekends.成年读书会"指在晚上或周末时为成年人安排的进修课程。
9.Protocol on Road Signs and Signals, 1949 1949年公路标志及信号议定书
10.Overview on Development of Library Informatization in 2003-20042003-2004年图书馆信息化发展概况
11.Shen CongWen s Correspondence After 1949:Its Literary Significance and Spiritual Meaning;1949年后沈从文书信的文学与精神意义
12.[Fredric Janmeson. The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Chen Qingqiao translates. Beijing: San Lien Book Store. 1997.詹明信(1997).晚期资本主义的文化逻辑.(陈清乔等编译).北京:三联书店.
13.A summary disposition letter shall be sent to the petitioner not later than 60 days following receipt of the complete petition.概要处理信应当在收到完整申请书后不晚于60日送达申请人。
14.Attended the60 th Anniversary Dinner of Chinese Chamber of Commerce Muar.副总秘书祝铭诚代表出席麻坡中华总商会庆祝60周年纪念晚宴。
15.In his late years , the main works were finished by his secretary when he say it out , it was called Autobiography .晚年重要著作是由他口授、由他的秘书笔录的《自传》。
16.For the last few years of his life he was America's most distinguished man of letters, to whom Oxford preferred a chair.到了晚年,他成了美国最显赫的文人,牛津大学请他去教书。
17.Analysis of Qian Qianyi s Final Judgment in Old Age-Also on Qian Zhongshu s Assessment of Final Judgment;试析钱谦益的“弇州晚年定论”——兼及钱钟书对“定论”的评价
18.Pre-teen, Teen, Young adult, Middle age, and Matron are the five fragrance ages of woman.孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子一生中五个芳馨可爱的年龄。

old age晚年
1.The Lenin old age dictates the correspondence and the article,the full of meat,the thought is profound.列宁晚年口授的书信和文章,内容丰富,思想深邃。
2.How to transform the people-centered thinking in Chinese tradition into the civil rights of the West is an important aspect of LIANG Qichao s thoughts on civil rights during his old age.如何将中国传统民本思想与西方的民权思想进行接转,这是梁启超晚年民权思想中的一个重要方面。
3.Organizing "China" demonstrated the Ding Ling s editorial thoughts in her old age, that is the thoughts of proping up the young writer, advocating the artistic innovation; reforming the manages ways of publication and paying attention to the literature itself.创办《中国》的自觉行为,更显示出丁玲晚年力求营建文学界良性发展的团结环境;扶植青年作家,提倡艺术创新;改革办刊方式,注重文学本身的编辑思想。
3)late years晚年
1.Even in his late years,CHEN Du-xiu still believed in socialism,and advocated realizing socialism;and he never quit and denied socialism.晚年的陈独秀仍然是一直信仰社会主义,主张实行社会主义的,并不曾放弃、否定,所坚持的是生产力发展,实行民主政治的社会主义。
2.Both sites can provide some information about the relationship between Wang Yangming and his friends Wang Siyu in his early years and Dong Yun in late years.王阳明晚年在天泉桥(或天泉楼)和碧霞池与董、月泉等谈经论道,彼此倾心。
3.Mao Ze-dong wrote a number of poems in his late years.毛泽东晚年诗词不少 ,《七律·洪都》是其晚年诗词中富有典型意义的代表作之一。
4)later years晚年
1.Engels Contributions to Historical Materialism in His Later Years and the Modern Value;恩格斯晚年对唯物史观的贡献及当代价值
2.The Research of Teaching and Speeching Activities in Liang Qichao s Later Years;梁启超晚年讲学讲演活动研究
3.The confilct between pursuit of democratic constitution and centralized autocracy is very obvious in SUN Yat-sen s political ideology in his later years.孙中山晚年的民主宪政追求与他的一个党、一个主义的主张之间存在着明显的矛盾 ,他的直接民权理论与排斥个人自由的理念也难以相容。
5)in his later years晚年
1.Mao Zedong made a great research and exploration of the Socialist Theory in his later years.晚年毛泽东对当代社会主义理论进行了勇敢的探索与研究。
6)senectitude[英][si'nektitju:d][美][s?'n?kt?,tud, -,tjud]晚年
