智慧说,On Wisdom
1)On Wisdom智慧说
1.New Breakthrough of Marxist Philosophy in its Chinese Road: A Comment of Feng Qi s "On Wisdom";马克思主义哲学中国化的新突破——读冯契的“智慧说

1.On Meaningful World of Life --Theory of Existence Wisdom(Ⅱ);论生活的意义世界——生存智慧说之二
2.Compare between of Feng Yiu - lan s Theory and Feng Qi s Theory of Wisdom;冯友兰“境界说”和冯契“智慧说”的比较研究
3.From hearing comes wisdom; from speaking repentance.多听长智慧,多说必后悔。
4."all this I have put to the test by wisdom; I said, I will be wise, but it was far from me."我曾用智慧试验这一切事。我说,要得智慧,智慧却离我远。
5."Or of wisdom, my dear baron--or of wisdom," said Louis XVIII.“或是智慧的象征,男爵阁下,——或许是智慧的象征,”路易十八笑着说。
6.It is said that wisdom is born with a man.有人说智慧是与生俱来的。
7.No wonder people say, @Happy is the man that finds wisdom.难怪人们会说:“找到智慧的人有福了。”
8.the book was entitled, immodestly, `All about Wisdom'.不谦虚点说,这本书的名字是《关于智慧》。
9.Can we say everybody is endued with wisdom?我们能否说每个人生来就是有智慧的?
10.And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.又说,主知道智慧人的意念是虚妄的。
11.Thou sayest, Men cannot admire the sharpness of thy wits.你说,人们无法赞美你智慧的锐利。
12.He has great wisdom, to say nothing of his engaging manners.他智慧过人,更不必说他的翩翩风度了。
13.This is what Aristotle calls "practical wisdom."这就是亚里士多德所说的“实践智慧”。
14.Job's words do not come from knowledge; they are not the fruit of wisdom.约伯说话没有知识,言语中毫无智慧。
15.The mouth of the good man says words of wisdom; the talk of his tongue is of righteousness.义人的口谈论智慧,他的舌头讲说公平。
16.Will I be right in saying science is making us wiser ?我说科学正使我们更富智慧,这对吗?
17.Broadly speaking, travel broadens the brains.广义地说,旅游可增加智慧。
18."Men of knowledge, and all wise men, hearing me, will say,"明理的人,和听我话的智慧人,必对我说。

wise speech智慧言说
3)wisdom in story小说智慧
4)The theory of wisdom智慧学说
1.The theory of wisdom (The broad sense Epistemology) of Mr.冯契先生的智慧学说(广义认识论)是一个创造性的体系,它以回答时代问题为出发点,在思想文化领域解决了“古今中西”之争,这对中国哲学的发展产生了深远的影响。
1.Discussion of philosophical meditation on the relationship between knowledge and intelligence of Jing Yueling;论金岳霖对知识与智慧关系的哲学沉思
2.The Han of the Fool Turning into the Intelligence with Accept the Mistake to Read;傻子的汉化智慧与接受误读
3.Cbinese Education under the Life Visual Field:Come from Living, Promote Intelligence, Reach Life;生命视野下的语文教育:源于生活,升于智慧,达于生命
1.The perspective of science: power,knowledge or wisdom;科学的向度:力量、知识抑或智慧
2.Harmonious wisdom and sapiential harmony——be upper in the thought of "Number" primitive in Pythagoras;和谐的智慧与智慧的和谐——在毕达哥拉斯“数”本原思想视阈内

不可说不可说【不可说不可说】  谓从不可说、不可说为一不可说转,不可说转、不可说转为一不可说不可说也。