人格风范,great personality
1)great personality人格风范
1.Deng Xiaoping s great personality sets a good example for people in the modern society.当代大学生应自觉地以邓小平的人格风范为榜样 ,从人生目的、人生理想、人生价值、人生态度几个方面构建科学的人生观 ,加强自己的思想道德修养 ,使自己成为全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。

1.Unique Moral Integrity and Unconventional Spirit:On Great Personality of Qilu Man of Letters in the Jian'an Period奇节与逸气:论建安时期齐鲁文士的人格风范
2.Deng Xiaoping s Great Personality and the Constitution of the College Students Right Philosophy of Life;邓小平的人格风范与当代大学生科学人生观的构建
3.Personality Style and Art Reproduction with Harmony but Distinctness--Commentary on Wei Liaoweng's Works of Longevity Blessing和而不流的人格风范与艺术再现——魏了翁寿词述评
4.Seepage prevention technology in man-made lake of Golden Green City,Shanghai上海金地格林风范城人工湖防渗技术
5.Van Tongeren cyclone范汤格恩旋风分离器
6.LIU Yong-ji & CHENG Qian-fan:Two Great Masters;两代大师的风范——刘永济、程千帆两先生的学术与人格
7.Achieving Effective Prevention of Financial Risks by Strengthening Prudential Supervision严格实施审慎监管 有效防范金融风险
8.This extract is an example of the style of the entire book.本篇的节选是整书风格的一个范例。
9.Achieving Effective Prevention of Financial Risks by Strengthening Prudential Supervision;严格实施审慎监管 有效防范金融风险
10.Establish the Tridimensional Defence System to Positively Prevent the Personnel Risks;建立三维防范体系 积极防范人事风险
11.Fang Li-Ideal Personality in the Candle-light of Rational Spirit;范蠡——理性精神烛照下的人格范式
12.Research for Price Routine and Price Risk Prevention of Copper Futures of SHFE沪铜期货价格运行规律及其价格风险防范研究
13.men's character, women's elegance男人的性格,女人的风采
14.the individuality of sb's work, style, etc某人工作、 风格等的特色.
15.the poet's beauty of phrase该诗人表达风格之美.
16.Personality Characteristics of the Chinese (III): Behavior Styles;中国人的人格特点(Ⅲ):行事风格
17.He tried to form his style on good models.他试图模仿好的范文以形成自己的风格。
18.This church is a wonderful example of the gothic style of building.这座教堂是哥特式建筑风格的绝妙典范。

specification style规范风格
1.Investigation of application of LOTOS specification styles in service and protocol design;LOTOS规范风格在服务和协议设计中的应用研究
2.Macro-oriented specification style based on Lotos;基于Lotos的面向宏的规范风格
3.Indicates the formal description technology of developing network protocol,the architecture concept,level of abstraction and specification styles of LOTOS The principles of structuring are presented and the method of model.简要介绍了开发网络协议的形式描述技术、网络协议的结构概念、等级抽象和LOTOS描述规范风格。
3)stylistic category风格范畴
1.The present paper attempts to discuss the subject with the following three points:(1) the evolving of Chinese stylistic category;(2) the characters of Chinese stylistic category;(3) decoding Chinese stylistic category.随着西方语言学理论的传入和科学技术的发展,人们开始思考并着手试用定量的分析方法,以传统风格范畴的形成作为观察的起点,从描写和分析传统风格范畴的特征切入,寻找构成风格美感形态的基本因子为最终目标,来破解那些被认为不可言传的言语事实。
4)style categories风格范型
1.The influence of ancient philosophy and literati personality on aesthetic style categories of poetry artistic context can be explored from the cultural research aspect of traditional philosophy thinking origin and ancient literati personality.意境是中国古代诗词文学追求的一种理想的审美形态和艺术范型,从传统哲学思想原型和古代文人文化人格类型的文化研究视角切入,可以窥探到古代哲学思想和士大夫文化人格对诗词意境审美风格范型的影响,而从古代诗词的审美意境和风格范型中又可以反观中国古代哲学思想和士大夫文化人格对诗词意境审美风格范型潜在的文化渗透与厘定,这样就可以对诗词意境的审美风格范型作出文化的厘定与分类。
5)personality style人格风格
6)personality prototype人格范型
1.Furthermore, this part mirrors profound self-esteem of classical scholars in the Late Ming dynasty, which has become an ideal traditional scholars personality prototype in that dark era.更重要的是这一形象负载着晚明传统士人深厚的自我人格精神,成为混乱黑暗的特殊时代中传统士子的理想人格范型。
