1.Effect of Chitosan Film Coating on Pepper Storage;壳聚糖膜剂的研制及其对辣椒的保鲜效果
2.A comparative study of greenhouse pepper under several irrigation ways;温室辣椒在几种灌溉方式下的对比研究
3.Studies on matrix for pepper plug seedling production;辣椒育苗基质配方的筛选

1.having a piquant burning taste of spices or peppers.有辣椒和胡椒的辛辣味。
2.Study on Extraction of Capsaicin and Pigment from Dry Red Capsicum Frutescens L;干红辣椒辣椒红素和辣椒素的提取
3.any of various pungent capsicum fruits.所有辛辣的辣椒属果实。
4.colorless pungent crystalline compound derived from capsicum; source of the hotness of hot peppers of the genus Capsicum such as chili and cayenne and jalapeno.无色刺激的晶状化合物,源自辣椒,是辣椒辣椒(如红辣椒、牛角椒、墨西哥胡椒)的辣味源。
5.Determination of Capsaicin in Capsicum Annuum by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定辣椒辣椒碱的含量
6.The fruit of any of these plants, especially the dried pungent types used as a condiment and in medicine.辣椒辣椒属植物的果实,尤指辛辣的干辣椒,用作调味品,也可作药用
7."capsicum:any of various tropical american pepper plants of the genus Capsicum, especially any of the numerous cultivated forms of the species C. annuum and C. frutescens."辣椒:辣椒属的任一种热带美洲辣椒属植物,尤指一年生辣椒属和灌木状辣椒属中一种栽培形式。
8."The pungency of hot peppers, including tabasco, chili, and cayenne peppers, comes from the compound capsaicin in the internal partitions of the fruit."辣椒,包括朝天椒、辣椒和卡宴辣椒,其辛辣味来自果实内部的辣椒素化合物。
9.ground pods and seeds of pungent red peppers of the genus Capsicum.辣椒属辛辣的红辣椒的磨碎的荚果和种子。
10.Study on the Classification of Pungency Level in Capsicum Products and the Antimicrobial Effect of Capsaicin;辣椒制品辣度分级及辣椒碱的抑菌研究
11.A garden pepper(Capsicum annuum)having a mild, ripe, red fruit.灯笼椒,甜椒一种园地椒(辣椒辣椒属),具有味淡、成熟的红色果实
12.very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency.非常辣的圆锥形辣椒,有特别的辛辣味。
13.Ultrasound extracting and determination of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in capsicum辣椒辣椒素、二氢辣椒素的超声波提取及其含量测定
14.We stewed the tomatoes with peppers.我们用辣椒炖番茄。
15.He peppered the soup.他在汤里加了辣椒粉。
16.peppers stuffed with meat and rice肉末大米填充的辣椒.
17.Pepper and salt are condiments.辣椒和盐都是调味品。
18.The chili burned my mouth.干辣椒使我的嘴里发热

Hot pepper辣椒
1.Breeding of new hot pepper F1 hybrid Hangjiao No.3 using space mutation,AFLP technique and additive selection in sunlight greenhouse;利用太空诱变、AFLP技术及日光温室加代选育航椒3号辣椒一代杂种
2.Estimation and comparison of genetic distances among elite inbred lines in hot pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) by RSAP and SSR;基于RSAP和SSR的辣椒优良自交系间遗传距离的估计与比较
3.Study on the effects of acid soil conditioner on hot pepper;多元酸性土壤调理剂在辣椒上的施用效果研究
1.Experimental research on hot-air drying properties of capsicum;辣椒热风干燥特性的研究
2.Influence of capsicum quality to different drying methods;不同干燥方法对辣椒品质的影响
3.Study on Capsaicin Extraction from Capsicum by Ultrasonic Method;超声波法提取辣椒红色素的研究
4)Capsicum annuum L辣椒
1.Effects of Hg~(2+) Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Capsicum annuum L.;汞胁迫对辣椒种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响
2.Fertilization and Time Course in Capsicum annuum L.;辣椒受精过程及其经历时间的研究
3.Genetic Analysis of Fruit Traits Based on a Double Haploid Population from a Hybrid of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.);一个辣椒杂交种的加倍单倍体(DH)群体果实性状的遗传分析
5)Capsicum annuum辣椒
1.Determination of Capsaicin in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定辣椒干中辣椒素的含量(英文)
2.Determination of General Alkaloids of Capsicum annuum in gel by Colorimetry;比色法测定辣椒总碱凝胶剂中主药含量
3.Determination of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in general alkaloids of Capsicum annuum by HPLC;HPLC法测定辣椒总碱中辣椒碱及二氢辣椒碱的含量
1.Effects of Different Copper Agents on Growth of Chilli不同铜制剂对辣椒生长效应的影响
2.Research on the Technology of Extracting the Functional Components in Chilli;辣椒功能成分的综合提取技术研究
3.Study on Extraction Process of Capsanthin from Red Chillies;红辣椒辣椒红色素的提取工艺研究
