1.Studies on Screening Indexes for Salt Tolerance of Millet during Germination Period and Early Seedling Stage;谷子发芽期和幼苗前期耐盐性鉴定指标的研究
2.Cultivation Physiology of Water Metabolism and High Efficiency Utilization in Millet;谷子水分代谢及高效用水的栽培生理
3.Primary Report on the Effect of Herbicide in Millet Field;谷子田除草剂除草试验初报

1.The barn was bursting with grain那谷仓堆满了谷子
2.They pounded the grain into a fine powder.他们把谷子碾成细粉。
3.The grain has gone mouldy in the stack.垛里的谷子发霉了。
4.cut with a scythe, as of grass or grain.用镰割,关于草或者谷子
5.The farmer scattered corn for the chickens.那农民撤谷子喂鸡。
6.a floor or ground space for threshing or treading out grain.人们用来打谷子和存放谷子的一块平地。
7.Breeding and Studies of Foxtail Millet Hybrid Changzagu 2 with Herbicide-resistance抗除草剂谷子杂交种长杂谷2号选育研究
8.Molecular tagging of Srf,a Gene Conferring Sethoxydim Resistance in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.);谷子抗除草剂基因Srf的分子标记
9.Research Progress on Molecular Marker and Functional Genomic of Foxtail Millet,Setaria italica Beauv.谷子分子标记与功能基因组研究进展
10.Technology Study on Avoiding Seedling Thinning Using Difference of Herbicide Resistant Between Millet Variety利用谷子品种间除草剂抗性差异实现谷子免间苗技术研究
11.Sometimes they imitate a turtledove picking up grain.有时他们模拟"斑鸠吃谷子"等形象。
12.The whole speech was platitudinous nonsense.整篇讲话都是陈谷子烂芝麻.
14.broken husks of the seeds of cereal grains that are separated from the flour by sifting.谷物种子的碎壳,可以从谷粉中挑出来。
15.d seed cleaner grader谷物种子清选分级机
16.moth whose larvae feed on grain.其幼虫吃谷类的蛾子。
17.d seed cleaner-separator谷物和种子清选分离机
18.The house was altered to a barn .这房子已改为谷仓。

foxtail millet谷子
1.Effect of water-controlled irrigation on the quality characters of foxtail millet in arid area;控水补灌对旱地谷子品质的影响
2.Optimum width of ridge and furrow for planting foxtail millet in micro-water harvesting systems in arid area of the South Part of Ningxia Province;宁南旱区沟垄微型集水种植谷子最优沟垄宽度的确定
3.Genetic variation among varieties of foxtail millet from different regions in China based on RAPD markers;应用RAPD标记研究不同生态区谷子品种的遗传差异
3)Setaria italica谷子
1.Changes of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics in the Original and NaCl-Tolerant Calli of Setaria italica Exposed to Abscisic Acid and Sodium Chloride;盐胁迫下外源ABA对谷子耐盐愈伤组织生理生化特性的影响
2.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Actin Gene from Millet (Setaria italica);谷子肌动蛋白基因的克隆及序列分析
3.Research Progress on Molecular Marker and Functional Genomic of Foxtail Millet,Setaria italica Beauv.谷子分子标记与功能基因组研究进展
4)dry-land millet旱地谷子
5)Green millet绿色谷子
6)foxtail millet blast谷子瘟病
1.Screening for fungicidal control of foxtail millet blast;杀菌剂对谷子瘟病防治效果的筛选
