1.Analytical method of tebuconazole by HPLC;戊唑醇的液相色谱检测方法
2.Enantiomeric Resolution of Tebuconazole on Immobilized Cellulose Chiral Stationary Phase;戊唑醇对映体在新型纤维素键合手性固定相上的拆分
3.Quantitative Analysis of Mixture of Thiram and Tebuconazole by HPLC;40%福美双·戊唑醇可湿性粉剂的液相色谱分析

1.Terahertz Spectroscopic Investigation of Tebeconazole and Hexaconazole戊唑醇和己唑醇的太赫兹(THz)光谱研究
2.The Direct Chiral Separation of Racemic Pesticide Tebuconazole on Chiralcel OJ-H Column;农药戊唑醇在Chiralcel OJ-H柱上的拆分
3.Determination of Trifloxystrobin and Tebuconazole 75% WG by GC75%肟菌酯·戊唑醇WG气相色谱分析
4.Bioactivity of "ZJ0712 and Tebuconazole" on the Control of Powder Mildew苯醚菌酯·戊唑醇防治白粉病生物活性
5.FTIR analysis of wood treated with tebuconazole or IPBC preservation戊唑醇和IPBC防腐处理材的FTIR分析
6.Study on the Treatment Technology Resources of Tebuconazole Pesticide Wastewater戊唑醇农药废水资源化处理技术研究
7.Analysis of Optical Isomers of Flutriafol, Tebuconazole and α-Halogenated Acids by Precolumn Derivatization Chromatograhpy;柱前手性衍生化色谱法分析粉唑醇、戊唑醇及α-卤代酸光学异构体
8.Ettect of 25% Tebuconazole EC on controlling banana leaf spot diseases25%戊唑醇乳油防治香蕉叶斑病药效试验
9.Studies on the Resistance Mechanism of Rhizoctonia Cerealis to Tebuconazole;禾谷丝核菌(Rhizoctonia Cerealis)对戊唑醇的抗性机制研究
10.The Effective Fungicide Election and Evaluation to Alfalfa Damping-off;戊唑醇对两种丝核菌致毒效应及防治技术研究
11.Preparation and Application Technige of 2% Tebuconazole WS;2%戊唑醇湿拌种剂的研制及其使用技术研究
12.Kinetics of tebuconazole photodegradation behavior in soil戊唑醇在土壤中的光降解行为动力学研究
13.Field Experiment in Control of Rice False Smut by Fungicide 75% NATIVO75%肟菌酯·戊唑醇(NATIVO)防治稻曲病田间试验
14.Determination of Tebuconazole Residues in Soil and Apple with GC土壤及苹果中戊唑醇残留的GC测定方法
15.Influence of Seed-treatment with Tebuconazole and Difenoconazole on Maize Seedling Growth戊唑醇和苯醚甲环唑种子处理对玉米幼苗生长的影响比较
16.Study on Residue Dynamics of Tebuconazole and Its Admixture in Wheat and Its Effect on Soil Microbes;戊唑醇及其混剂在小麦中的残留动态及对土壤微生物影响的研究
17.Studies on Biological Characters and Resistance Mechanism of Rhizoctonia Cerealis to Tebuconazole;小麦纹枯病菌抗戊唑醇菌系生物学特性及其抗性机理研究
18.Studies on Residual Determination, Degradation of Tebuconazole in Wheat and it s Environment Behavior in Soil and Safety Evaluation;戊唑醇在小麦上的残留消解及土壤环境行为研究与安全性评价

3)Tebuconazole TC戊唑醇原药
1.Experimental Study on the Acute Toxicity, Subchronic Toxicity by Oral Exposure and Mutagenicity of Tebuconazole TC;戊唑醇原药急性、亚慢性经口毒性与诱变性的实验研究
4)tebuconazole wastewater戊唑醇废水
5)pesticide tebuconazole手性农药戊唑醇
1.The chiral separation of triazole pesticide tebuconazole was performed on the chiralcel OJ-H columnin the normal-phase mode.在Chiralcel OJ-H手性柱上用正相色谱条件直接拆分了三唑类手性农药戊唑醇,得到了满意的色谱分离结果。
6)amyl alcohol戊醇
1.Amyl acetate was synthesized from acetic acid and amyl alcohol in the presence of SO~~(2~-)_4/TiO_2.以SO24-/TiO2为催化剂,通过乙酸与戊醇反应合成了乙酸戊酯。
2.The process condition of preparing amyl alcohol with C5 fraction as material, through sulphuric acid addition hydrolyzation was studied.研究了以C5馏分为原料,用硫酸加成水解法制备戊醇的工艺条件。

戊唑醇分子式:C16H22ClN3O分子量:307.82CAS号:107534-96-3性质:该品为无色晶体,熔点为102.4℃,蒸气压0.013mPa(20℃),溶解性(20℃)水32mg/L,二氯甲烷>200g/L,己烷<0.1g/L,异丙醇50~100g/l, 甲苯50~100g/l。稳定性在PH4,7或9,22℃水解DT50>1年。制备方法:暂无用途:该品属三唑类杀菌剂,是留醇脱甲基化抑制剂,是用于重要经济作物的种子处理或叶面喷洒的高效内吸性杀菌剂。可有效地防治禾谷类作物的多种锈病、白粉病、网斑病、根腐病、赤霉病、黑穗病及种传轮斑病、茶树茶饼病、香蕉叶斑病等。