豆田,soybean field
1)soybean field豆田
1.Studies on the niche of major insect pests and their predators in soybean fields of cotton areas;棉区豆田主要害虫及其捕食性天敌生态位的研究
2.Based on the concept of one-dimensional correlation function and the extension conversion of primary correlation function, in this paper, one possibility of its using in the insect population ecology was proposed with the predatory true bugs, especially the Orius minutus, in soybean field as the example.本文依据一元关联函数的基本概念和初等关联函数的可拓变换定义 ,首次将关联函数的可拓变换应用于豆田天敌蝽类的生态研究 ,为控制害虫发生 ,更好地保护维持生态平衡的重要天敌类群提供理论根据 。

1.Effectiveness of 6.5% Le-Tian-Te Ec for Control of Weeds in Soybean Fields6.5%乐田特乳油防除大豆田杂草试验
2.Field Trial Efficacy of 18.5% Gaohu EC on Soybean Field18.5%高虎乳油防除大豆田杂草田间药效试验报告
4.Cloransulam-methyl 84%WG Controlling Destructive Weeds in Soybean Field84%氯酯磺草胺WG防除大豆田恶性杂草
5.Influence of Herbicides on Soybean Rhizosphere Soil Microorganism and Enzyme Activity;豆田除草剂对大豆根际土壤微生物及酶活性的影响
6.The Study on Weeds Control Threshold and Competition between Soybean and Weeds;豆田主要杂草与大豆的竞争作用及防除阈值的研究
7.The Community Structure of Insect and Natural Enemies Control to Aphis in Soybean Fiel;大豆田昆虫群落结构及天敌对蚜虫的调控功能
8.Studies on Structure and Succession Rules of Arthropod Community in Soybean Field;大豆田节肢动物群落结构及演替规律研究
9.Studies on the Technique of Chemical Weed Control in Narrow Row Solid-Seeding Soybean Field;窄行平作密植大豆田化学除草技术研究
10.Study on Safety Aspects and Performance of Herbicides on Mungbean;除草剂在绿豆田的安全性及药效的研究
11.Study on Safety Aspects and Performance of Herbicides on the Summer Soybean;除草剂在夏大豆田的安全性及药效研究
12.Distribution of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Soybean Fields under Different Soil Type and Latitude不同土壤类型和纬度大豆田植物线虫分布特征
13.Predominant natural enemy insects in soybean field in northeast China东北地区大豆田天敌昆虫优势种类分析
14.Effects of Different Tillage Methods on Weed Emergence in Summer Soybean Field不同耕作方式对夏播大豆田间杂草发生的影响
15.Preliminary Report on Population Structure and Vertical Distribution of Soil Nematodes under Continuous Cropping Soybean Field连作大豆田土壤线虫的种群结构和垂直分布
16.They are looking for a good plot of land to grow potatoes.他们想找一小块儿良田准备种土豆。
17.The fields have been farmed out with potatoes.这些田地由于专种土豆耗尽了地力。
18.Simulation of Farmland Soybean Productivity in Typical Region of Black Soil;典型黑土区农田大豆生产力模拟研究

1.The ecological niches of insect enemies in soybean fields were studied.本文研究了豆田天敌昆虫的生态位。
3)Balk soybean variety田埂豆
4)Soybean field大豆田
1.Preliminary Report on the Control Effect of Broad-leaved Weeds with Fomesafen and the Mixed Herbicide in Soybean Field;虎威及其混剂防除大豆田阔叶杂草试验效果初报
2.The kinds, regularity of outbreak and succession of weeds in maize and soybean fields in Jilin province were expounded comprehensively.阐述了吉林省玉米、大豆田杂草的种类、发生规律及演替,概括了玉米、大豆田化学除草的特点以及除草剂的使用现状,总结了化学除草使用中存在的问题,提出了今后发展的建议:逐步建立杂草监测基点,开展预测预报研究工作;继续引进开发新的除草剂品种,筛选安全、高效新的除草剂;重视除草剂交替使用和合理混配,加大除草剂推广力度;加强高活性、长残效除草剂的科学使用和管理;推广抗除草剂转基因作物的应用;培养专业技术人才。
3.Soybean field weed survey was conducted using an inverted W- Sampling frip pattern with 9 sampling points in the north region of Heilongjiang province.来用与传统的五点取样法不同的倒置“W”9点采样法,对黑龙江省北部豆麦轮作区大豆田杂草发生危害情况进行了调查。
5)cowpea fields豇豆田
6)Songtian Green Beans松田青豆

豆豉田螺豆豉田螺原料: 原 料:田螺500克,葱白段100克,豆豉25克,姜末5克,味精2克,胡椒粉2克,精盐1克,绍酒25克,水淀粉15克,麻油5克,色拉油75克,泡辣椒50克,酱油25克。制法: (1)田螺用水洗净,放清水盆中,加入菜油2-3滴,浸泡半天后捞出,用铁钳将每个螺尾剪断,用清水冲洗干净。泡辣椒剁细。(2)炒锅置旺火上,加入色拉油烧至七成热,放入泡辣椒末稍炒,即放入豆豉、葱白段炒香后加少许水,倒入田螺,加精盐、酱油、绍酒、姜末、胡椒粉、味精,烧约5分钟,用水淀粉勾芡,淋上麻油起锅装盘即成。特点: 螺肉鲜嫩,汁浓味厚,豆豉鲜香。