发病症状,Disease symptom
1)Disease symptom发病症状

1.Onset Symptoms Analysis of 0 to 6-Year-Old Children with Mental Retardation0~6岁智力低下儿童发病症状分析
2.Signs include high body temperature, skin peeling, cough and difficulty breathing.发病症状包括高烧、脱皮、咳嗽以及呼吸困难。
3.Features of Epidemiology and TCM Pathogenesis in Insomnia with Anxiety Symptom;失眠症伴焦虑症状的发病和病机特点
4.A fever is a symptom of illness.发烧是生病的症状。
5.An early symptom indicating the onset of an attack or a disease.前驱症状显示某一疾病或疾病发作的开始的早期症状
6.Patients with DKA also had a shorter symptom duration.有糖尿病酮酸症的病人其发病前症状时间也较短。
7.The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat.这种病初期的症状是发烧和喉咙痛。
8.The symptoms of this disease are fever and sickness.这种病的症状是发烧与呕吐.
9.Yellowness of the eyes is one of the symptoms of jaundice.眼睛发黄是黄疸病的症状之一。
10.an early symptom that a disease is developing or that an attack is about to occur.疾病发作前出现的早期症状。
11.a high fever is an early manifestation of the disease.发高烧是这种疾病的表现症状之一
12.This is the pathogenesis common to all symptoms.这便是诸多症状共同的发病机理。
13.Expeience in treatment of complications in 500 patients treated with thyroidectomy500例甲状腺病手术后并发症防治体会
14."Disorders with symptoms similar to those of traditional hysteria include conversion disorder, factitious disorder, dissociative disorder, and personality disorder (histrionic type). "其障碍症状类似传统歇斯底里发作的症状,包括转化症、伪病症、解离症及人格障碍(剧化型)。
15.Symptom & Pathogenous Law of Dried-Shrink Disease of Hippophae L. and Primary Selection of Resistant Varieties;沙棘干缩病症状与发病规律及抗性品种初选
16.Research About Outbreak,Symptom And Medicine of Plague In The Ming And Qing Dynasties Basing On Factor Analysis明清中医疫病发病、症状及用药的因子分析研究
17.Community Type 2 Diabetes Complications of Chronic Risk Condition Analysis社区2型糖尿病慢性并发症患病状况分析
18.The disease is particularly liable to relapse, in whit case the recurrence may be much worse than the original attack.本病非常容易复发,复发例的症状多较初发为重。

3)relapsing symptom旧病复发的症状
4)coronary disease/CO冠状动脉疾病/并发症
5)rotavirus infectons/CO轮状病毒感染/并发症
6)Thyroid Diseases/compl甲状腺疾病/并发症

茶毛发病茶毛发病tea horse-hair blight 茶毛发病(tea horsehair blight)茶树枝干部病害之一。安徽、浙江、广东、云南、贵州、湖南等省均有分布。印度、日本亦有发生。能寄生于茶及其他一些树木。 症状茶树枝干上缠绕许多散乱无序的漆黑色毛发状物即为病原菌的菌丝索。菌丝索在茶树嫩梢上缠绕的部分,常有吸器产生,借以附着枝干表面,并伸入组织内吸收养分,使嫩梢枯死,连年为害,茶树生长衰弱,产量降低。秋季在菌丝索上产生伞菌子实体。 病原皮伞菌学名为材口rasmius equic汀nl’sMull.,属伞菌目伞菌亚目伞菌科皮伞菌属。子实体淡黄褐色,直径4一5毫米,半球形,反面有8个菌摺,浅黄色,菌褶两侧生担子,菌柄黑色,长5一10毫米,直径0.5毫米。 侵染规律菌丝索在茶树枝干上越冬,温暖潮湿的春季萌动生长。广东海南岛一带,6一8月产生子实体,散出担子抱子,是再次侵染的来源。日照短、阴湿郁蔽、通风透光不良、管理不善的茶园发病多。 防治加强管理,合理修剪,使茶园通风透光,及时清除枯死枝叶及菌丝索。病害严重的茶园,于非采摘季节喷用0.5一0.7%的石灰等量式波尔多液,隔10一20天再喷一次,有明显的防治效果。 (徐静庄》