粪便性污染,fecal contamination
1)fecal contamination粪便性污染
2)feces pollution粪便污染
1.The environmental problems of feces resulted from the development of stock raising were expounded,the current status of poultry and animal feces pollution analyzed,and the countermeasures for the sustainable development of stock raising put forward.论述了广州市畜牧业发展中粪便所可能产生的一些环境问题 ,分析了畜禽粪便污染的现状 ,提出了促进畜牧业可持续发展的对策和措施。
2.coli and Enterococcus faecalis are considered as the first choice of the MST indicators because they are the normal bacteria in animal intestine microbial community and present at high concentrations in water relative to the feces pollution.为弥补传统粪便污染监测方法上的不足,一种新型的识别粪便污染源技术--微生物源示踪(Microbial Source Tracking,MST)逐步发展起来。

1.Research on the Faeces Pollution of Livestock and Poultry in Huhhot呼和浩特地区畜禽粪便污染分析研究
2.Study on Human Feces Pollutants Degradation Characteristic of Composting Reactor堆肥反应器中人粪便污染物降解特性研究
3.Cattle Fecal Pollution Analysis of Hohhot in Inner Mongolia内蒙古呼和浩特地区奶牛粪便污染的分析研究
4.Applicability of Enzyme Substrate Technique to Fecal Contamination Testing in Surface Water酶底物法检测地表水粪便污染的适用性探讨
5.The Status of Production and Pollution by Animal and Poultry in China中国畜禽养殖及其粪便污染与治理现状
6.Environmental Risk Analysis and the Load of Livestock Manure in Tingjiang River Watershed汀江流域畜禽粪便污染负荷及其环境影响
7.Environmental Pressure of Contamination from Livestock and Poultry and Its Risk Assessment in Shenyang沈阳地区畜禽养殖粪便污染物的环境压力及风险评价
8.Study on Waste Load of Farmland for the Development of Scale Breeding Farm in Chaohu Basin巢湖流域规模化养殖场畜禽粪便污染负荷研究——以居巢区为例
9.Study on Vegetables Polluted by Fecal Coliform of Animal Slurry;畜禽粪便中粪大肠菌群对蔬菜污染的研究
10.Clothing can also become contaminated with dust, feathers, and excrement.衣着则会受到微尘、羽毛和粪便的污染。
11.slops collecting ship粪便(污水)收集船
12.night soil barge粪便(污水)运输船
13.Nitrogen pollution and environmental cost of livestock manure in Dongting lake area洞庭湖区畜禽粪便中氮素污染及其环境成本
14.These standards relate to the degree of faecal pollution measured as E.这套标准以大肠杆菌(显示污水的存在)量显示粪便带来的污染程度。
15.one-stage activated sludge process of nightsoil粪便一段活性污泥处理
16.nightsoil and sewage from boats and ships working system船舶粪便污水作业系统
17.refusing to give sterilization treatment to sewage, pollutants, and excrement and urine contaminated by pathogens of contagious diseases according to the hygienic requirements set by the sanitation and epidemic control organs;拒绝按照卫生防疫机构提出的卫生要求,对传染病病原体污染的污水、污物、粪便进行消毒处理的
18.The loot feed and eel faces are the ma jor causes for pond water pollution.饲料散失和鳗鱼粪便是造成水质污染的主要根源。

feces pollution粪便污染
1.The environmental problems of feces resulted from the development of stock raising were expounded,the current status of poultry and animal feces pollution analyzed,and the countermeasures for the sustainable development of stock raising put forward.论述了广州市畜牧业发展中粪便所可能产生的一些环境问题 ,分析了畜禽粪便污染的现状 ,提出了促进畜牧业可持续发展的对策和措施。
2.coli and Enterococcus faecalis are considered as the first choice of the MST indicators because they are the normal bacteria in animal intestine microbial community and present at high concentrations in water relative to the feces pollution.为弥补传统粪便污染监测方法上的不足,一种新型的识别粪便污染源技术--微生物源示踪(Microbial Source Tracking,MST)逐步发展起来。
3)pollution of livestock and poultry manure畜禽粪便污染
4)indicator bacteria of water fecal pollution水质粪便污染指示菌
5)fecal sewage粪便污水
1.Biological nutrient removal for combine treat fecal sewage in Datansha Sewage Treatment Plant;大坦沙污水厂承接粪便污水的脱氮除磷研究
2.Regarding to the high concentrations of nitrogen,phosphorus and organic matters in fecal sewage,the productive research on treatment of fecal sewage by biological/chemical process was performed.针对粪便污水的氮、磷和有机物浓度高的特点,开展了生物—化学工艺处理粪便污水的生产性试验研究。
6)nightsoil wastewater粪便污水
1.Photosynthetic bacteria (PSB)were used to treat highly concentrated nightsoil wastewater and produce a liquid fertilizer.用光合细菌(PSB)对高浓度粪便污水进行了液肥化处理。
