1.Purification and Composition Analysis of Polysaccharide RCPS from Rhodiola Crenulata;大花红景天多糖RCPS分离纯化及单糖组成分析
2.Optimization of De-protein Process for Polysaccharide of Hippophae rhamnoides;沙棘多糖脱蛋白工艺的优化研究
3.Study on extraction,purification and structure of low molecular weight polysaccharides from pumpkin;低分子量南瓜多糖的提取、纯化及结构初步研究

1.Polysaccharides are polymers of monosaccharides.多糖是单糖的聚合物
2.The results showed that polysaccharide from Artemisia anomala contain fucose, xylise, mannose and fructose in the ratio 18.11:30.12:48.16: 1.99.结果表明,奇蒿多糖是由海藻糖、木糖、甘露糖、果糖等单糖组成。
3.A polysaccharide, such as starch or cellulose.多糖多糖,如淀粉或纤维素
4.Extraction Process of Polysaccharides from Angelica Sinensis and Astragalus;当归多糖和黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究
5.A polysaccharide that contains two different monosaccharide units is a diheteroglycan, a polysaccharide that contains three different monosaccharide units is a triheteroglycan, and so on.一个包含两个不同单糖单元的多糖称杂二聚糖,一个包含三个单糖单元的多糖称杂三聚糖等等。
6.The polysaccharides are all condensation products of hexoses or other monosaccharides.多糖全部是己糖或其它单糖的浓缩产物。
7.The candy that comprises by the monose element of 10 above calls polysaccharide.由10个以上的单糖分子组成的糖称为多糖
8.Effect of Lycium Barbarum Pplysaccharides on Reducing Blood Glucose and Preventing the Occurrence of the Diabetes Nephropathy;枸杞多糖降血糖及预防糖尿病肾病作用的研究
9.The Hypoglycemic Mechanism of Tea Polysaccharides in Diabetic Mice;茶多糖对糖尿病小鼠降血糖机制的研究
10.Studies on the Hypoglycemic Effect of Polysaccharide from Prinsepia Utilis Royle in Diabetic Mice;青刺果多糖对糖尿病小鼠降血糖效应的研究
11.Effect of Fucoidin on Blood Glucose in a Diabetic Mouse Model褐藻多糖对糖尿病小鼠血糖影响的研究
12.Hypoglycemic Effects of Pumpkin Polysaccharide in Alloxan Diabetic Rats南瓜多糖对四氧嘧啶糖尿病大鼠的降糖作用
13.Effect of Pumpkin Polysaccharide Granules on Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes南瓜多糖对血糖调控及2型糖尿病疗效评价
14.Glucose-lowering effect of Grifola frondosa polysaccharides on experimental diabetic mice灰树花多糖对糖尿病小鼠的降血糖作用
15.Study of the Hypoglycemic Effect of the Pumpkin Polysaccharide on Experiment Diabetic Mice南瓜多糖对糖尿病小鼠降血糖作用的实验研究
16.Effects of Pseudostellaria Polysaccharides on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Diabetic Rats太子参多糖对糖尿病大鼠糖、脂代谢的影响
18.By a variety of polysaccharide (wait for polysaccharide like Xianggu mushroom, tuckahoe, tremella) complex matter of composition calls compound polysaccharide, weigh total polysaccharide again.由多种多糖(如香菇、茯苓、银耳等多糖)组成的复合物称为复合多糖,又称总多糖

1.Study on the Extraction Technology of Polysaccharides in QiHuang Capsule;芪黄胶囊中多糖提取工艺筛选
2.Extraction,isolation and antioxidant activity of the polysaccharides from embryo of the seeds of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.;莲子心多糖的提取、分离和抗氧化活性研究
3.Optimization of extraction of polysaccharides from Hypsizigus marmoreus fruit-body;真姬菇子实体多糖的提取工艺优化
1.Anti-fatigue function of amylose of Prunus atalantioides produced in Hubei;鄂产全缘火棘多糖类成分的抗疲劳作用
2.Determination and Analysis of Cordyceps Militaris(Fr) Link s Amylose Content;蛹虫草多糖含量的测定与分析
3.This paper points out that amylose is a class of great biological molecule,and that the standard check and measure of amylose group is summarized and the development of its analytical determination with several methods such as molecule spectrum method,chromatogram analysis,electronchemistry analysis and biosensor is also concluded.多糖是一类重要的生物大分子。
1.New Solid Fermentation of 14 Ganoderma Strains and the Study on Polysaccharose Content of the Fermentation Product;14个灵芝菌株的新型(双向型)固体发酵及菌质多糖含量测定
2.Six preservation methods for storaging Tremella polysaccharose producing strains were studied.采用不同方法对银耳多糖产生菌 (银耳酵母状分生孢子 )进行保藏研究。
3.B1 and B2 didn t secrete polysaccharose on beef polypeptone agar medium(BPA) and the nematode didn t grow on BPA medium with B1 and B2,while B1 and B2 secreted polysaccharose on PSA medium.用牛肉膏蛋白胨细菌培养基培养B1和B2两种细菌时 ,细菌无多糖产生 ,线虫不能取食细菌而生长繁殖 ;当用马铃薯蔗糖真菌培养基培养B1和B2两种细菌时 ,细菌分泌丰富的多糖 ,线虫生长繁殖较好。
1.Study on extraction of polysaccharides from Scutellaria barbata and their immunomodulation;半枝莲多糖提取工艺及其免疫活性初步研究
2.Study of Fungus Polysaccharid on External Proliferation of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus;真菌多糖对鼠李糖乳杆菌体外增殖的影响
3.A Study on the Polysaccharide Produced from the Liquid Culture of Grifola frondosa Mycelia;灰树花液体培养菌丝产多糖的研究
1.The content of polyhexose in Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae is deterninated on the wavelength of 490nm by ultraviolet spectrometry and phenol-sulfurice acid chromogenic.采用紫外分光光度法,苯酚-硫酸显色法,于490nm波长处对川牛膝中多糖的含量进行了测定。
2.Object:To study chemical constituents of polyhexoses fraction from FBD.目的:研究当归芍药散精简方FBD多糖的组成。
3.By this method the most of polyhexose could be fast and simply removed, and high quality genomic DNA from the Kudingcha species in oleaceae could be obtained.【结果】应用该法能简便快速地去除多糖等干扰物质,从而获得高质量的木犀科苦丁茶总DNA。
