1.Analysis of Volatile Flavour of Onions by Simultaneous Distillation and Extraction and Solid-Phase Microextraction Combined with GC-MS;同时蒸馏萃取和固相微萃取与气相色谱-质谱法分析洋葱的挥发性风味成分
2.Spacial distribution patterns of flavonoid material in different species onions;水浸提法提取洋葱黄酮类化合物的工艺条件研究

1.No, they aren't onions.不,它们不是洋葱
2.pickled cabbage, onions, walnuts, etc腌洋白菜、 洋葱、 胡桃等.
3.young onion before the bulb has enlarged.球茎增大前的嫩洋葱
4.How about onions or mustard ?要加洋葱或芥末吗?
5.When you plant onions,你如果种的是洋葱
6.Chicken Noodle, Tomato and Onion.鸡汤面、蕃茄和洋葱
7.How much are the onions?@ he asked the sales clerk.“洋葱多少钱?”他问售货员。
8.the aroma of garlic and onions.See Synonyms at smell大蒜和洋葱的气味参见
9.smelling of garlic or onions.有大蒜或者洋葱的味道。
10.There is too much onion in the salad.沙拉中洋葱头太多了。
11.bread containing finely minced onions.含有切碎的洋葱的面包。
12.You'd better not eat onions before you kiss.接吻前,你最好别吃洋葱
13.It tastes of onions [pepper].它有洋葱[胡椒粉]的味道。
14.Skin the onions, will you?请剥一下洋葱的皮,行吗?
15.This soup is flavoured with onions.这汤散发出一股洋葱味。
16.Mince the meat and the onion.把肉和洋葱剁碎吧。
17.Onions have a powerful smell.洋葱有强烈的味道。
18.I'll have the mushroom omelets and onion soup.我要蘑菇煎蛋和洋葱汤。

Allium cepa洋葱
1.Genotoxicity of sodium arsenite on the root tip cells of Vicia faba and Allium cepa;亚砷酸钠对蚕豆和洋葱根尖细胞的遗传损伤效应
2.Study on extraction of flavonoids from allium cepa and their determination;洋葱中黄酮化合物的提取与光谱分析
3.Affection of Alkaline Pulp Black Liquor on Root Growth of Allium Cepa;碱法制浆黑液对洋葱根系生长的影响
3)Allium cepa L洋葱
1.Study on the Components of Essential Oil in Allium cepa L.by GC/MS;GC/MS研究洋葱挥发油的化学成分
2.Relationships between the Growth and Development of Different Onion(Allium cepa L.) Varieties and Environmental Conditions in Tieling Area;铁岭地区不同洋葱品种生长发育特性与环境条件关系研究
3.Cytoplasmic Male-sterility of Onion(Allium cepa L.)63A Is Associated with Premature Degeneration of the Tapetum;洋葱63A细胞质雄性不育与绒毡层的提早衰退有关(英文)
1.By applying Three-Yuan energy to the onions in mulch film in the expanding period, the onion production is increased by 11.在大田地膜洋葱葱头膨大期发放三元能量,使葱头产量提高11。
6)onion chips洋葱脆片
1.The processing technology of fried onion chips was studied from the ratio of raw materials to forming conditions using the onion flour and potato starch as the main raw materials.以洋葱粉和马铃薯淀粉为主要原料,从原料的配比和成型条件等方面对洋葱脆片的制作工艺进行了研究。
