1.Talking about the pollution and prevention on the southern coast of Qingdao High-and-New Technological District;浅谈青岛高新区南部沿海污染现状与防治
2.Optimization of field test method on durability of coastal concrete structure;沿海混凝土结构耐久性现场试验方法的优选
3.The Characteristic Analysis of Wind Power Resources in Fujian Coast;福建省沿海风力资源特性分析

1.inshore fishery [fishing]近海 [沿海] 渔业
2.She walks along the beach-collecting seashell.她沿海滩收集海贝。
3.The pirates harried the towns along the coast.海盗掠夺了沿海城镇。
4.The winds blew coastwise.Coastwise winds contributed to the storm.风沿海岸吹。沿海岸的风引起风暴
5.Propelling the Development of Jiangsu Coastland by Accelerating the Construction of Coastal Railways;加快建设沿海铁路 推进江苏沿海开发
6.coastal zone research vessel沿海海域科学考察船沿海域科学考察船
7.within a Customs surveillance zone and the specified coastal or Border area in the vicinity of a Customs establishment在海关监管区和海关附近沿海沿边规定地区,
8.land in a coastal area.沿海岸区域内的土地。
9.Lookouts were spotted all along the coast.沿海岸均有了望台。
10.a coastal town, area, etc沿海的城镇、 地区等.
11.I traveled south along the coast.我沿海岸线向南旅行,
12.the populous areas near the coast沿海人口稠密的地区.
13.relation of coastal and inland industry沿海和内地的工业关系
15.food fish of European coastal waters.欧洲沿海水域的食用鱼。
16.coastal or land-locked states沿海国家或内陆国家
17.an early French settler in the Maritimes.在沿海的法国早期移民。
18.Jurisdiction to Ship of Coastal State沿海国对船舶的管辖权

1.Investigation and analysis on coastal Artemia industry in China during 1999-2000;1999-2000年度我国沿海卤虫产业调查与分析
2.Research on Fleet Deployment for Carrying Product Oil in Coastal China;沿海成品油船船队规划研究
3.Capacity Equilibrium of Coastal Transport;我国沿海运力运量平衡方法探讨
3)coastal area沿海
1.On economic development of water and soil resources for river basins tidal locks in coastal areas—Take "Four tidal locks" in Jiangsu Province as an example;沿海流域性挡潮闸水土资源经济发展探讨——以江苏沿海“四大港闸”为例
2.China is a country with imbalanced regional development, principally between the coastal area and inland area.我国是一个区域发展不平衡的国家,这种不平衡性,主要表现在沿海与内地之间。
4)coastal areas沿海
1.Geological characteristics and metallogenic regularity of underground brine ore in coastal areas of Weifang,Shandong Province;山东潍坊沿海地下卤水矿地质特征及成矿规律
2.Southeast coastal areas in China is an important Chinese and global shoe-manufacturing base.中国东南沿海是国内乃至世界的重要制鞋基地,目前,企业生产成本不断提高、用工荒问题日渐严重、土地匮乏、国际贸易中的反倾销案等问题日益突出,因而中国制鞋业从东南沿海向中西部地区转移将成必然趋势,并逐步演化出相对成功的梯度转移模式。
3.Almost all ion concentrations except H+ in precipitation of northwestern China are greater than that in coastal areas. 对我国沿海和西北地区降水化学特性进行了对比分析,结果表明:西北地区降水中各种离子浓度都高于沿海地区,而沿海地区降水中H+的比例则远远高于西北地区,西北地区降水特性主要是受陆地源影响,沿海地区则主要受工业污染。
5)coastal waters沿海
1.Preliminary study on biological characteristics of spadenose shark,Scoliodon laticaudus,caught from coastal waters of Zhejiang province;浙江沿海尖头斜齿鲨生物学特征的初步研究
2.From 1978 to 1998,the marine mammals from the coastal waters of Guangxi have been investigated.从1978年到1998年对广西沿海的海兽进行调查、采集、研究,共鉴定出2目5科12种,其中一种为中国的首次记录,3种为南海的新记录,文中对各种的主要外形特征及其分布进行了详细的描述。
6)along the coast and the Yangtze River沿江沿海
1.In order to realize "Taking the Lead in Establishing a Well-off Society in an All-round Way and Realizing Modernization Basically", Jiangsu Province must aim at quickening the development along the coast and the Yangtze River, an.江苏实现“两个率先”,要瞄准“加快沿江沿海开发”,目标锁定在“实现‘长三角’地区社会经济发展的不断优化。
