1.Solidarity and rebellion——On the sisterhood of the feminine fictions of the 1990s亲和与悖离——论20世纪90年代女性成长小说中的“姐妹情谊
2.This paper mainly analyzes the positive and negative representations of sisterhood in Gloria Naylor s novel The Women of Brewster Place,thus revealing the dream to realize womanism is deferred because of the compulsory heterosexuality in the patriarchal culture.本文主要介绍美国当代非裔女作家格罗丽亚·内勒及其代表作《布鲁斯特街的女人们》,并进一步阐析文本中姐妹情谊的表征。
3.This paper tries to compare the sisterhood between the two novels in eastern and western cultures,and points out that the sisterhood is the only and temporary shelter in male society and cannot radically save women and is not an effective way to help women getting rid of the difficult condition.文章跨越中西方的文化时空对两部作品中的姐妹情谊进行比较,指出在男权社会下女性之间的姐妹情谊只是一个暂时的避难所,无法从根本上拯救女性,不能作为一种摆脱女性生存困境的有效途径。

1."We Were Sisters of a Strange, Isolated Little Family"-On "Sisterhood" in Amy Lowell s Poetry;论艾米·洛威尔诗歌中的“姐妹情谊
2.The "Sisterhood" Writing under the Multi-cultural Horizon;多重文化视域下的“姐妹情谊”书写
3.Sisterhood in Feminism Novel of New Period of China;论新时期女性小说中的“姐妹情谊
4.Love s Salvation: Sisterhood in Toni Morrison s Five Novels;爱的拯救:托妮·莫里森五部小说中的姐妹情谊
5.Ban Sheng Yuan Reinterpreted;《半生缘》再解读:姐妹情谊的反动与女性冲突主题
6.and over the past two years we've really learned a lot about trust, sisterhood, and friendship,@ said Beyonce.过去两年,关于信任、姐妹情谊和友谊我们真的学会了很多,”贝绒茜说。
7.Lesbian complex and Reconceptualization of Feminist Utopia--An appreciation of friendly relations between sisters in Chen Ran s Novels;嫘斯嫔情结与女性“乌托邦”的建构——陈染小说姐妹情谊解读
8.The Shelter of the Lonely Heart:The Comparison of Sisterhood Between To the Lighthouse and Private Life;孤独心灵的避难所——论《到灯塔去》与《私人生活》中的姐妹情谊
9.On the “Sister Friendship”of Contemporary Women Writer’s Works;独特的文化景观——试论现当代女作家笔下的“姐妹情谊
10.Solidarity and rebellion--On the sisterhood of the feminine fictions of the 1990s亲和与悖离——论20世纪90年代女性成长小说中的“姐妹情谊
11.Sisterly Love:A Dream Deferred--Sisterhood in Gloria Naylor s The Women of Brewster Place;姐妹情谊:一个被延缓的梦——解读格罗丽亚·内勒小说《布鲁斯特街的女人们》
12.Identity, Creativity and Sisterhood--On Alice Walker s Black Feminist Vision of Survival in "The Color Purple;身份、创造力与姐妹情谊——论艾丽斯·沃克《紫颜色》中的黑人女性主义生存观
13.The twins had an easygoing family spirit of share and share alike.这对双胞胎颇有姐妹之间不分彼此的情谊。
14.She had revealed, in mere sisterly affection, the secret of Lady Emily's attachment她仅仅出于姊妹般的情谊,透露了埃米莉小姐别有所属的秘密。
15.Everyone is there for the fun, for the adventure, for the bonding experience.每个人都是来游玩、险、验姊妹淘的情谊。
16."That is capital," added her sister, and they both laughed heartily.“那真妙极了,”她的妹妹补充了一句,于是姐妹俩都纵情大笑。
17.It is unnatural for sisters go be at variance.姐妹之间不和是不近人情的。
18.Beauty's sister is vanity, and its daughter lust.美丽的姐妹是虚荣,她的女儿是情欲。

global sisterhood全球姐妹情谊
3)Self-abuse complex,Homoerotism complex姐妹情谊和恋母情结
4)sisterly affection姐妹情
1.the sisterly affection in the book is recurred in this essay basing on the view of Elaine Showalter that there are three historical evolvements in womanism writing.肖瓦尔特的作品《她们的文学》一书中所记载的在女性写作中有三个历史性演变阶段的观点出发,力求展现这部小说所要表达的姐妹情谊
5)lesbian love姐妹恋情
6)The Sisters《姐妹》
1.The Sisters as the Introduction to Dubliners;《姐妹》:《都柏林人》的导言
2.The Elegy of the Body--An Interpretation of Joyce s The Sisters;身体的悲歌——解读乔伊斯的《姐妹》
3.A Study of The Sisters as James Joyce's First Fiction论乔伊斯首篇小说《姐妹》
