1.Such cooperation of trade policy may be explained via incentives to manipulating trade terms, interest group lobbying, or non-commitment trade policy.本文将从操纵贸易条件、利益集团游说和政策不可信性等不同角度给出贸易政策合作的理论解释。
2.Lobbying PR, as a part of public relations (PR), is a series activities which, through propaganda to improve image and gain public support, reach the PR goal.游说公关作为公关活动的一部分,是通过游说者的宣传,从而改变形象,获得目标公众支持,以顺利实现自己的公关目标的活动。

1.make a canvass of the neighborhood在邻近地区进行游说
2.He canvassed the district for votes.他在选区里游说拉票。
3.loBBying for stronger environmental safeguards为加强环境保护而游说
4.lobby for higher farm subsidies游说以提高农业补贴.
5.loBBied against the proliferation of nuclear arms.反对核武器扩散而游说
6.Rubottom immediately began lobbying.鲁博特姆立即四处游说
7.Lobbying for stronger environmental safeguards; lobbied against the proliferation of nuclear arms.为加强环境保护而游说;反对核武器扩散而游说
8.The tour guide gave a running commentary from the front of the coach.导游在旅游车的前部向游客作连续的现场解说.
9.The tour guide gives a running commentary from the front of the coach导游在旅游车的前部向游客作连续的现场解说
10.The tour guide give a running commentary from the front of the coach.导游在旅游车的前部向游客作连续的现场解说。
11.But said I could not swim.但却说我不会游水。
12.Tours have live english commentary旅游配有现场英语解说。
13.directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted.球类或运动的游戏说明。
14.Let's play Simon Says.我们来玩“Simon 说”的游戏吧。
15.Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters : Kettou Toshi Densetsu游戏王-决斗都市传说
16."He's headed north," the old man said.“它往北游去啦,”老头儿说。
17.The guidebook says to turn left.旅游指南上说向左转.
18.Comparative Study of Myths and Legends in Context of Cross-cultural Communication in Tourism;从旅游地神话传说看旅游跨文化传播

1.Both lobby and public relation involve building reputation, creating understanding and maintaining goodwill with the public.游说和公关都是通过专门的宣传为国内外各醒各业制造声势 ,树立形象 ,培养民意 ,争取选票 ,开拓市场。
2.This thesis believes that it not only gives rise to inefficient lobbying, but also lacks support from institutions, especially in the definition of land property right, the implementing standard on adjusting land and renting terms, which can t enable the government to realize original purpose.本文认为这种做法不仅引发了无效率的游说活动,而且由于得不到相关制度的支撑,特别是在产权的界定、土地调整的适用标准以及土地承包期限方面的不匹配,使其难以达到既定目的。
3.This paper studies inside factor of lack of lobby come from the process of the change of accounting standards in our country.本文探究了我国会计准则变迁过程中游说力度缺乏的内在因素。
1.The canvassing of the US by the Taiwan authorities is of long standing, and has exerted influence on the Sino\|US relation and the peace process between the mainland China and Taiwan in the different periods.台湾当局对美国的游说活动由来已久 ,对不同时期的中美关系和两岸和平进程产生影响。
4)tourism interpretation旅游解说
1.Along with the fast development of the tourism industry,the tourism interpretation system that is one of tourism supports systems,has become the important factor and standards to affect the visitors tour experience and measure the service of the view area.随着旅游业的快速发展,旅游解说系统已成为影响游客旅游体验质量和衡量景区服务标准的重要因素。
2.Related research on tourism interpretation overseas started pretty early and has achieved mature results in both study and application,which mainly include its history,concept,purpose and functions,system components,media,theory and methods.作为管理游客手段的旅游解说系统长期以来并没有引起人们的广泛关注。
3.The article surveys tourism interpretation study and analyses tourist characteristics of Hefei City.概述当前合肥市旅游解说系统研究的概况,分析合肥市游客特征和当前合肥市自导式旅游解说系统建设状况,提出合肥市自导式旅游解说系统建设的建议:适当设置电子解说系统,提升旅游解说水平;树立大旅游理念,各级部门在建设和规划时考虑旅游业发展需要等。
5)lobbying failure游说失败
6)lobbying approaches游说手法
1.It aims at persuading the prime minister to retreat and we can realize the successful reasons: comfortable living conditions,practical thought tendency and strong lobbying approaches.《蔡泽说范雎功成身退》是《战国策》中极富特色的说辞,是为游说国相,要求取而代之,从中我们能看到战国策士成功的原因:生存环境的宽松,思想倾向的务实,游说手法的有力。

游说1.指战国时代策士们周游列国﹑劝说君主采纳其政治主张的一种活动。 2.泛指劝说别人采纳其意见﹑主张。 3.指说客。