1.The Drooping Lily Sign-Diagnostic Value to a Duplex Kidney;“凋谢的百合花征”对肾盂输尿管重复畸形的诊断价值
2.The Pharmacognostical Study on the Flower of Lily(Lilium spp.) Lived in Hunan Province;湖南道地药材湘西龙山百合花的生药学研究
3.This thesis,from a unique aspect,concentrates on the symbols of wild chrysanthemum,full moon,holes and lily flowers printed on the quilt,which demonstrate praise to human beings:the beauty of human feelings and human sensibilities.本文通过探讨野菊花、满月、破洞和百合花被子蕴涵的意义,表达了对人的赞美,表现了人情美和人性美,让人耳目一新。

1.A white lily, a white lily,一朵白色的百合花,一朵白色的百合花
2.I grow orchids,chrysanthemums, lilies and cactuses.我种兰花,菊花,百合花和仙人掌。
3.The Lily in Life生命的百合——试析《百合花》的符号学意象
4.Of all the flowers in the garden few can rival the lily.在花园的所有花卉中很少有花能与百合花媲美。
5.The flower of any of these plants.百合花任何这些植物的花朵
6.The roses and lilies look nice.玫瑰花和百合花看起来很漂亮。
7.I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.我是沙仑的玫瑰花,是谷中的百合花
8.The Poeticized Novels of War: From The Lotus Lake to The Lily;战争诗化小说:从《荷花淀》到《百合花
9.A Eurasian lily(Lilium martagon) usually having pinkish-purple, spotted flowers.头巾百合一种欧亚的百合花(欧洲百合百合属),通常开粉紫色、带有斑点的花
10."I am a rose of Sharon, a flower of the valleys."我是沙仑的玫瑰花(或作水仙花),是谷中的百合花
11.The sunflower says:" I think the Rose is the most beautiful."" Why?" The Pink and Lily are unhanppy.太阳花说:“我认为玫瑰花最美。”“为什么?”石竹花和百合花都不高兴了。
12.He drew near because it was waxen and fresh.他接近这朵百合花,因为这花儿温柔清新。
13.tall lily have large white trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom in the spring.高大的百合花,在春天开大的、白色的、喇叭状花朵。
14.Song of Solomon (2:1) : I am a rose of Sharon,a lily of the valleys.雅歌(2:1):我是沙仑的玫瑰花,是谷中的百合花
15.Opening by valves, as the capsule of a lily or iris.瓣裂的由荚分开的,例如百合花或蝴蝶花的荚膜
16.lily with small dull purple flowers of northwestern Europe and NY Asia.一种欧亚的百合花,通常开粉紫色、带有斑点的花。
17.The cottage gardens blaze with irises, lilies and peonies.村舍花园万紫千红, 鸢尾、百合花和牡丹竞相争艳。
18.Studies on the Pollen Character、Pollination Method and the Cultivation of the Hybrid of Cut Flower Lilies;切花百合花粉特性、授粉方法和杂种培养的研究

lily flower百合花
1.Human Feelings and Merits in the Lily Flower论《百合花》的人情美、人性美
2.The market potential,selection and breeding of cultivars,breed bulb reproduction technology and base construction for lily flower production and industrialization in oversea countries and China were analyzed and reviewed.对百合花生产发展中的市场前景、品种选育、种球生产技术、基地建设等方面的国内外现状进行了评述,并分析提出了中国百合花产业发展所面临的一些主要问题及对策。
3)Cut Lily百合切花
1.Effect of Sodium Benzoate on Cut Lily Flower Fresh-keeping;苯甲酸钠对百合切花保鲜效果的影响
2.Influence of GA_3 pretreatment on senescence of petals of coldly stored cut lily;GA_3预处理对冷藏百合切花花瓣衰老的影响
3.The effects of edible pigments on dyeing of cut lily were studied.探讨5种食用色素对百合切花的染色效应。
4)cutting flower lily切花百合
1.The function of pp333 in tissue culture of cutting flower lily;多效唑在切花百合组织培养中的作用
5)cut lily切花百合
1.Initial study of vase solution on vase life and physiological effect of cut lily;保鲜剂对切花百合的生理效应初步研究
6)Fresh flower-lily百合鲜花

百合花【通用名称】百合花【其他名称】百合花 (《滇南本草》) 【来源】为百合科植物百合等的花蕾,植物形态详"百合"条。 【化学成分】参见"百合"条。 【性味】《滇南本草》:"性微寒平,味甘微苦。" 【归经】《滇南本草》:"入肺。" 【功用主治】润肺,清火,安神。治咳嗽,眩晕,夜寐不安,天疱湿疮。 ①《滇南本草》:"止咳嗽,利小便,安神宁心定志。" ②《纲目》:"治小儿天疱湿疮,暴干研末,菜子油涂。" ③《要药分剂》:"润肺清火。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,2~4钱。外用:研末调敷。 【宜忌】《滇南本草》:"肺有风邪者忌用。" 【选方】治老弱虚晕,有痰有火,头目昏晕:百合花三朵,皂角子七个(微焙)。或蜜或沙糖同煎服。(《滇南本草》)