1.This article emphasized to inquiry into the opposition and unity about sentimentalism and heroism,virility and gentle etc.黄景仁词中的哀情与豪气,阳刚与阴柔等二元因素的对立与统一,并进一步论述了黄景仁词对词学传统的背离与回归,以期能够揭示其二重形态与词美流向。

1.Convincing Other Nations with Heroism;敢以豪气服他族——唐人豪侠情怀的传播外射举隅
2.On SHAO Yan-xiang s Poetry:;激情转冷峻 豪气兼婉约——论邵燕祥的诗
3.About "Sentimentalism" and "Heroism" inHuang Jingren s Poems;试论黄景仁诗的“哀情”与“豪气
4.The earth does not grow old and the heaven forever remains young, the days are long and long.这首歌透着一股阳刚之气,一股浪迹天涯的豪气
5.Surely I have now pulled down your pride enough.我想我已把你那点豪气说得一文不值了吧。
6.The Gallantry in the World of Ladies;金钗世界的一彪英风豪气——《红楼梦》闲笔艺术论
7.The Shaping and Developing Process of Xin Qiji s Inclination of Living in Seclusion;忍把豪气化归思——辛弃疾归隐思想的形成与发展
8.Westinghouse Electric Corp.威斯汀豪斯电气公司
9.emperor's air, luxurious enjoyment皇帝的气派,豪华的享受
10.WABC (Westinghouse Air Brake Co.)威斯汀豪斯气闸公司
11.The Americans have a passion for grandeur.美国人酷爱豪华的气派
12.He can look great when he takes you out.他带你出去时气派豪华。
13.Daring gathering and Ci s Heroism --development of Heroic Ci of Sushi;气之积聚与词之豪放——论苏轼豪放词的形成
14.Westinghouse Electric Corporation西屋电气公司(威斯汀豪电气公司)
15.She stay in an expensive hotel and really live in style她住在豪华的旅馆里,过得真阔气
16.Pubs pride themselves on their egalitarian atmosphere.酒吧为自己的平等气氛感到自豪。
17.She stayed in an expensive hotel and really lived in style.她住在豪华的旅馆里,过得真阔气。
18.create fashion, show the natural, unrestrained and heroic manner创造流行,展示潇洒豪迈之气概

unconstrained temperament豪放气
3)hero spirit豪侠气概
4)Bold Will and Spirit豪迈意气
5)literary embellishments气格豪峻
1.Zhong-rong indicated in the SHI PIN that the poems of Liu-zhen were lack of literary embellishments due to its excessive vigor.刘桢诗既有气格豪峻之阳刚美,也有“以敷其华,惊听回视”之高逸诗趣。
6)One's spirit of chivalry still exists豪气未除
