1.Spiritual Beggar-The Deep Interpretation on "The traveler";精神的求乞者——《过客》的深层解读
2.In this significance,Lu Xun\'s opion of "the traveler" and Heidegger\'s discussion of "being towards death" have the intrinsic conjunction.在这个意义上,鲁迅的"过客"论与海德格尔的"向死而生"论有着内在的契合与神会。

1.The families had met, invited each other out, visited back and forth, and even exchanged looks of disdain in their hearts.两亲家见过面,彼此请过客,往来拜访过,心里还交换过鄙视。
2.But this time the boy didn't know who the traveler was.不过,这一次男孩并不认识那名过客是谁。
3.It enhances customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.通过满足顾客要求增强顾客满意.
4.She lives in retirement, neither making nor receiving visits.她过着隐退的生活, 既不访客, 也不见客。
5.He went up and shook hands with the guests.他走过去与客人握手。
6.Passengers must not cross the rails.乘客不准横过铁轨。
7.There is a bus coming now.有一辆大客车开过来了,
8.stopped for the night at a small osteria停下在路边小客栈过夜
9.Jostled through the guests to the bar.穿过众多客人来到吧台
10.ferry the travelers across a river用船把旅客摆渡过河.
11.They used to sting their clients.他们过去常诈骗客户。
12.The van hurtled round the corner.客货车疾驶转过街角.
13.Our holiday centre is an ideal place for travellers' accommodation, shopping and recreation.本度假村是过往旅客吃、
14.She will return it to him, and then it passes by her again to the next gentleman.女客人拿过后,将盘子交回男客人,然后再经过她传给另一个男客人。
15.Transit passengers have to go through transit formalities.过境旅客必须办过境手续。
16.and went home at exactly midnight, only to retire at once to bed.他从没请过会友,也没招待过一个外客。
17.An account owner remains responsible for the customer during the entire process.客户经理在整个项目执行过程中仍负责该客户。
18.Further Research on the Customer-oriented Idea -Comment of “the idea of Customer-oriented Obsolete”;“顾客中心”的再认识——兼评“顾客中心过时论”

Passer-by[英]['p?s?,ba?, -'ba?][美]['p?s?,ba?, -'ba?]《过客》
1.The Building and Significent Issue of the Theme of "Existism" in Passer-by;《过客》“存在”命题的建构与意义生成
2.Aesthetic Value of Context Difference of Passer-by by Luxun;鲁迅《过客》语境差的审美价值
3)objective approach to negligence客观过失
4)transitional objects过渡客体
1.The dissertation constructs Winnicott's thoughts of psychoanalysis, reviews his main theories such as good-enough mother and facilitating environment, true self and false self, transitional objects and transitional phenomena etc from five aspects: .从儿童心理发展环境、儿童人格发展的结构、儿童心理发展的空间、儿童心理发展的动力以及儿童心理发展的过程五个方面分别考察其理论的重要内容——够好的母亲与促进性环境、真实自体与虚假自体、过渡客体与过渡现象、攻击性、创造性、反社会倾向等以及两条发展线索:绝对依赖-相对依赖-独立和整合-人格化-现实化。
5)passenger DNA过客DNA
6)passenger virus过客病毒
