1.Return to truth, simplicity and nature is the connotation of TAO s poems.向本真、淳朴、自然的人性回归,是陶诗回归主题的本质内涵。

1.He's an honest peasant.他是一个淳朴的庄稼人。
2.a blue - jeaned look and a down - home attitude.身着牛仔服,举止淳朴
3.Healthy and strong, but provincial and unsophisticated.淳朴的健壮的但土气且纯朴的
4.So phistication wars with simplicity, with only one possible conclusion.阴险和淳朴一交锋,只能有一个结局。
5.a woman of artless grace and simple goodness.淡漠雅致而又淳朴善良的女子
6.She was an honest country woman.她是一个淳朴的农村妇女。
7.The essence of French savoir-vivre is simplicity.法国人的处世之道的实质就是淳朴
8.Analysis of the Simple, Kind Equal Love in The Izu Dancer;析《伊豆的舞女》淳朴亲切的平等之爱
9.the earthy taste of warm milk fresh from the cow; earthy smells of new-mown grass.从母牛身上挤出的温暖的鲜奶的淳朴清香;新割的草散发出淳朴的清香。
10.Let us seek the love of simple, ignorant people.让我们去寻找那些淳朴、敦厚的人的爱情吧。
11.Yes, God, maybe, gave music to cheer their simple hearts.真是啊,也许上帝在用音乐激励他们淳朴的心吧。
12.The characteristic style doors overlaid antique white oak PVC, are warm and simple.特色门板边型吸附仿古白橡木PVC,柔和且淳朴的。
13.It is full of breath-taking landscape, ancient history, simple folkway, wonderful culture.可谓是风景秀丽,历史古老,民风淳朴,文化灿烂。
14.It's about very simple country woman.那是关于一个非常淳朴的农村妇女的故事。
15.Natural and Plain Singing--An Important Part in the Vocal Music Teaching;自然、淳朴的歌唱——声乐教学中的重要因素
16.On the Humanity and Unruly Personality of the Characters in the Works of Shen Congwen--Cultural Interpretation of Life;沈从文笔下的淳朴人性与不羁生命的文化解读
17.Composing Poems as One Plants Crops--Comments on Frost's Poems淳朴中见深邃,简单中见复杂——评弗罗斯特的诗
18.His simplicity sets off the satire, and gives it a finer edge(William Hazlitt)他的淳朴反而具有讽刺意味且令人印象深刻(威廉 黑兹利特)

pure and sincere淳朴率真
3)purity and simplicity淳和质朴
1.The spirit of the custom is purity and simplicity,which manifests common customs of feminized culture.其总体精神是“淳和质朴”,是阴柔文化的世俗化。
4)honest folkway淳朴民风
5)Pure,sincere,and magnanimous淳朴高尚
6)simple folk cus-toms民风淳朴

率真1.直率真诚。 2.放诞任性。