
1.Symbolization of Reality and Realization of Symbols--Interpretation of Realism in The Brothers Karamazov from the Perspective of Symbolism现实的象征化与象征的现实化——《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》的现实主义的象征主义阐释
2.The Comparison of the Symbolic Meaning of Animal Images in Sino-Russian Culture;汉俄文化中动物形象象征意义的比较
3.The Symbolical Expression of Nuo Ceremony--The Third Papers about Tujia Symbolic Culture;傩仪“过关”的象征表达——土家族象征文化研究之三
4.Liang Zongdai′s Native Thoughts on Symbolism;象征主义的本土化思考——评梁宗岱象征主义诗论
5.On Symbolic Culture in China;象征符号研究的新进展——评《中国象征文化》
6.Grammaticalization and Lexicalization: A View of the Entrenchment of Symbolic Units从象征单位的固化看语法化和词汇化
7.Constructing Cultural Identity in Symbolic World--On the Function of Symbolic Images in The Woman Warrior在象征世界里构建文化身份——论《女勇士》中象征物象的作用
8.Cultural and Symbolic Significance of Dog;跨文化视角:狗的文化符号象征意义
10.Flowing Image,Symbolic Dehumanization--On Conrad's Views on Humanities流动的意象 异化的象征——康拉德人文思想研究
11.The Symbolic Reconstruction of Cultural Identity--A Biological Symbolic Approach to Tracks;象征世界中的文化身份重构——《痕迹》的生物象征解读
12.Pattern of Universe and Symbolic Structure in Myths--A Study of Symbolic Culture of Tujia Nationality;神话中的宇宙图式与象征结构——土家族象征文化研究之二
13.Memorial Ceremony of Waving Hands-Symbol of Social Structure of Tujia Nationality--One of Series Papers about Tujia Symbolic Culture;摆手祭:土家族社会结构的象征表达——土家族象征文化研究之一
14.I had been warned that he was beginning to show sighs of arteriosclerosis.我已得知,他已开始有动脉硬化的征象。
15."Paintings in different cultures must have different symbols, right?"不同文化中的绘画有不同象征,对吧。
16.a stylized knot used as an emblem of love.作为象征爱的程式化的结。
17.The Sameness of Utility and Symbol --On the Image of Brand Name功利与象征的同一——论品牌的偶像化
18.The Symbol and Symbolization of Dress Culture in Ancient China中国古代服饰文化中的符号与象征

Symbolic culture象征文化
1.The research of symbolic culture of the traditional unique local houses in Jingchu areas;荆楚地区传统民居的象征文化初探
2.The hakka earth building complex, which has prolific symbolic culture, has been the distinguished one in the art of architectural world.客家土楼以其鲜明的风格成为世界建筑艺术的一朵奇葩,其中蕴含着丰富的象征文化。
3)cultural symbol文化象征
1.This article,taking the classicalest Bixing(比兴) images-peony in Huar as an example,expounds that Huar s Bixing images have not only formal significance but special connotation of historical culture and deepgoing significance of cultural symbol.本文以"花儿"中最经典的比兴意象——"牡丹"为例,说明"花儿"的比兴意象不只是具有形式上的意义,更有特殊的历史文化内涵,具有深刻的文化象征意义。
2.It has a long history and a profound significance of the cultural symbol and the social symbol.流传于贵州省石阡县仡佬族的“敬雀节”是一个集人与自然、社会为一体的传统节日,历史悠久,具有深刻的文化象征与社会象征意义。
3.Borges\' main influence embodied in three aspect: narrative revolution,language experiment and cultural symbol.博尔赫斯对中国先锋派作家的影响主要体现在叙事革命、语言实验、文化象征三方面。
4)The materialization symbolizing物化象征

象征化象征化symbolization  象征化(symbolization)亦称“象征作用”,一种防御机制。指以有关的中性事物来表示某些具有威胁性或违禁性的东西之潜意识过程。例如,用枪、塔尖、蛇和水龙头等象征阴茎。弗洛伊德认为,这种象征作用最常见于梦的外显内容中。此外,在日常生活、宗教仪式和文艺创作中,也可找到许多事例。瘾症和精神分裂症病人的某些行为也被看作是象征化的结果。 (梁宝勇撰丰丈博审)