1.As an author,Qian Qian-yi was good at multiple-learning,but he was full of obstinacy to actual life and political power.钱谦益是孤独的,他一直在寻求灵魂相契的知己;钱谦益在为文上,能够"转益多师",而在为人、为政上,他过于固执

1.He stuck fast and refused to be influenced.他固执已见,不听劝告。
2.Don't Be Bullheaded; see a doctor.不要固执,去看病吧。
3.I can see you're a very stubborn little boy,“你真是个固执的孩子,”
4.rigid discipline.See Synonyms at stiff固执僵化的纪律参见
5.There is no point being stubborn just for the sake of it. --Aesop一味固执,毫无意义。——伊索
6.She became as rigid as adamant.她变得如顽石般的固执
7.He is a man of set opinions.他是个固执己见的人。
8.It is vain to hold on your own view.固执己见是没有用的。
9.He is driving a hard Bargain.他固执己见,不肯让步。
10.Resulting from willfulness and obstinacy.由于任性和固执引起的
11.Rebel die-hards who refused to surrender.反叛派固执地拒绝投降
12.Stubbornness is the energy of fools.固执是愚人的能源。
13.He is so bigoted that it is impossible to argue with him.他固执得不可理喻.
14.Don't be a young mule.年纪轻轻,别那么固执
15.Sometimes it sounds a little stubbon.有时候,这显得有点固执
16.The trouble with her is that she is too headstrong.她的毛病是太固执
17.The obstinate child refused to answer.这固执的孩子拒绝回答。
18.I was nettled by her persistency.我被她的固执惹恼了。

obstinate ideal固执理想
1.Commutative ideals and obstinate ideal in BCI algebras;BCI-代数的交换理想与固执理想
2.Study of the relationship among maximal,obstinate and weekly positive implicative ideals in BCI -algebras showed that obstinate ideal is the masimal ideal of weakly positive implicative.本文研究BCI一代数的极大理想、固执理想、弱正定关联理想之间的关系,得到的主要结果是:BCI一代数的固执理想是弱正定关联的极大理
5)stick stubBornly to one's own opinion固执已见
6)Choose what is good and hold to it fast择善固执
