1.Evaluation of Endometrial Receptivity for Embryo;子宫内膜对胚胎容受性的评估
2.Association of IL-6 Level in Peritoneal Fluid with Endometrial Receptivity in Women with Endometriosis子宫内膜异位症患者腹腔液IL-6浓度与子宫内膜容受性关系的研究

1.The Correlative Factors of Affecting Endometrial Receptivity;影响子宫内膜容受性的相关因素研究
2.Effect of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation on endometrial receptivity控制性超排卵对子宫内膜容受性的影响
3.Role of Color Doppler Ultrasonography in Assessment of Endometrial Receptivity彩色超声多普勒评价子宫内膜容受性的价值
4.Study on the Role of NFκB in the Signal Transduction Pathway of Endometrial Receptivity;子宫内膜容受性信号途径中NFκB作用的研究
5.Initial Study on the Effects of Human Cytomegalovirus Infection on Endometrial Receptivity during Peri-implantation Period;人巨细胞病毒感染对围着床期子宫内膜容受性
6.Correlative Study of the Uterine Receptivity with Different Sonographic Appearance;超声下不同形态子宫内膜容受性的相关研究
7.The Value of TVCDU in Evaluating Endometrial Receptivity During in Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) Cycles;IVF-ET中经阴道彩超评价子宫内膜容受性的价值
8.Study of Systematic Assessment of Endometrial Receptivity Using Transvaginal Ultrasonography;经阴道超声综合评价子宫内膜容受性的研究
9.An Experimental Study on Improvement of Mice Endometrium Receptivity;中药改善小鼠子宫内膜容受性的实验研究
10.Impaction of Hydrosapinx on Endometrial Receptivity;输卵管积水对子宫内膜容受性影响的研究
11.Changes in Endometrial Receptivity in Mice Based on Different Conditions不同条件下小鼠子宫内膜容受性的变化
12.Assessment of Color Doppler Ultrasonography on Endometrial Receptivity利用彩色超声多普勒评价子宫内膜容受性
13.The Research Progress of Several Chinese and Western Medicine on Endometrial Receptivity几种药物对子宫内膜容受性影响的研究
14.Clinical Effectiveness of Colla Corii Asini on Improving Uterine Receptivity in Controlled Ovarian Stimulation阿胶对诱导排卵周期子宫内膜容受性的作用
15.Studies on Erzhitiangui Decoction in Improving on the Endometrial Receptivity in Vitro Fertilization IVF Cycles;二至天癸方在提高体外受精-胚胎移植中子宫内膜容受性的研究
16.Association Study between Estrogen/Progesterone, Their Receptors and VEGF and Endometrial Receptivity人类子宫内膜雌孕激素及其受体及VEGF与内膜容受性的关系
17.You will be popular and will easily attract members of the opposite sex.你很受欢迎,很容易受到异性的青睐。
18.Her adaptable mind was always open to new knowledge and tolerant of others' viewpoints.她的头脑适应性强,容易接受新知识和宽容他人的观点。

1.Evaluation of Endometrial Receptivity for Embryo;子宫内膜对胚胎容受性的评估
2.Association of IL-6 Level in Peritoneal Fluid with Endometrial Receptivity in Women with Endometriosis子宫内膜异位症患者腹腔液IL-6浓度与子宫内膜容受性关系的研究
3)accepting history受容史
4)cultural reception文化受容
