1.The forty ancient examples adopted by YANG are not packaged; they could be divided in to three types: huwen ,huti and shenglue.杨氏在“参互”一章中所采用的四十个古例不能“一揽子装”,它们可以分为三大类:互文、互体、省略。

1.Research on the Experience of Human-human Interaction by Internet互联网中人与人之间的交互体验研究
2.complementary mos transister互补 mos 晶体管
3.group interaction theory团体互动理论团体互动理论
4.CTTL (Complementary Transistor -Transistor Logic)互补晶体管-晶体管逻辑
5.Research on Mutual Communication of E-Government Information Resources System;电子政务信息资源体系互联互通研究
6.Mutual promotion of Chinese sports culture and Olympic culture;中国体育文化与奥运文化的互动互补
7.strong metal-support interaction金属载体强相互作用
8.complementary transistor logic circuit互补晶体管逻辑电路
9.hydrodynamical interaction流体动力学的相互作用
10.hydrodynamic interaction流体动力学相互作用
11.a body of people associated together.互相关联的人员的团体。
12.The body and the mind influenceeach other.肉体和精神相互影响。
13.an exchange of chromosome parts.染色体各部分间的互换。
14.process interaction organization过程交互作用体系结构
15.conflicting philosophies互相矛盾的哲学体系.
16.anaglyphographic photomap互补色立体影象地图
17.open-system interconnection architecture开放系统互连体系结构
18.They are devoted to and concerned about each other,他们互相体贴关怀,

mutual benefits between Chinese opera and film in artistic characteristics互体互用
1.This paper introduces not only the concepts of Splash Effect and Mutex but also their uses in designing interface of programs.本文介绍了闪屏效果和互斥体的概念及其在应用程序界面设计时的作用 ;阐述了有关位图的显示机理及互斥体的创建方法 ;提出了使用VC进行Windows下程序界面设计时闪屏效果的制作方法以及系统在任何时刻只运行某个应用程序的一个实类的实现策
4)Interactive experience互动体验
5)population interaction群体互作
6)group complement群体互补

互体1.《易》卦上下两体相互交错取象而成之新卦,又叫"互卦"。如《观》为《坤》()下《巽》上,取其二至四爻则为《艮》(),三至五爻则为《坤》()。 2.旧体诗修辞手法之一。谓一联上下两句文意互相映衬补充。