1.The Meaning of Hui-Shi-Hou-Su and its Influence on Painti ng Theory;“绘事后素”的意义指向及其在画论中的表现

1.My Understanding of "Hui Shi Hou Su"--A Reflection on Wang Wen-juan s the Confucian Theory of Color;“绘事后素”之我见——读王文娟《论儒家的色彩观》之“绘事后素
2.Analysis of What "White behind What to Draw" by Confucius Brings to Literary and Artistic Creation;解读孔子“绘事后素”在文艺创作中的意义指向
3.The Meaning of Hui-Shi-Hou-Su and its Influence on Painti ng Theory;“绘事后素”的意义指向及其在画论中的表现
4.Confucius said, "A painting is done on plain white paper."Tzu Hsia said, "Then are rituals a secondary thing?"Confucius said, "Ah, Shang, you uplift me. Now we can really Begin to discuss the Book of Odes."子曰:「绘事后素。」曰:「礼后乎」子曰:「起予者商也始可与言诗矣。」
5.On the Post-impressionist Painting Factors in to the LightHouse;论《到灯塔去》中的后印象派绘画因素
6.Painting remained a joy to Churchill to the end of his life.直到生命的最后,绘画始终是丘吉尔的一大乐事。
7.Drag onto the page to group graphic elements of an interface.拖到绘图页后,可以对界面图形元素分组。
8.Drag onto the page to add a force-field analysis chart.拖到绘图页后,可以添加对比因素分析图。
9.Eternal Pursue--Factors of Postmodernism in Modern Chinese Painting;永恒的追逐——中国当代绘画中的“后现代”因素
10.given to colourful romancing爱绘声绘色地夸张事实.
11.Drag onto the page to add a classification relationship between a more general and a more specific element.拖到绘图页后,可以添加较一般元素和较具体元素之间的分类关系。
12.do a drawing, painting, sketch, etc作图样、 绘画、 素描
13.Drag onto the page, then right-click to specify radioisotope or combustion heat source.拖到绘图页上,然后右击可指定放射性同位素或燃烧热源。
14.Drag onto the page to add the externally visible operations of a class, component, package, or other element.拖到绘图页后,可以添加类、组件、包或其他元素的外部可见操作。
15.Drag onto the page to add a constraint to two elements, such as two classes or associations.拖到绘图页后,可以添加对两个元素(如两个类或关联)的约束。
16.Drag onto the page to add the full specification of a model element that has already been specified at a certain level.拖到绘图页后,可以添加已在某一级指定的模型元素的完整规范。
17.Drag onto the page to specify where there is a semantic relationship between two model elements.拖到绘图页后,可以指定两个模型元素之间存在语义关系的位置。
18.The fairy tales he tells are vivid and fascinating.他讲的童话故事绘声绘色, 引人入胜。

"The 1970's Paintings""70"后绘画
3)Surveying and mapping cause测绘事业
5)Huishi Weiyɑn《绘事微言》
6)military surveying and mapping军事测绘

绘事後素论语·八佾》:“子曰:‘绘事後素。’”硃熹集注:“绘 事,绘画之事也;後素,後於素也。《考工记》曰:‘绘画之事後素功。’谓先以粉地为质,而後施五采,犹人有美质,然後可加文饰。”后因以“绘事後素”比喻有良好的质地,才能进行锦上添花的加工。