
1.On the Idea of Worshiping Buddha by Benevolence and Filial Piety in Japanese Sutras from Todaiji Sutras Collection从《东大寺讽诵文稿》看日本愿文的仁孝礼佛
2.On the Costume of the Wu Ji(Dancer) in the Buddha Worshiping Band in the Murals of Mogao Grottoes of Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang;敦煌唐代壁画经变画礼佛乐队中的舞伎服饰研究
3.Fall down in adoration before Buddhist images在佛像面前顶礼膜拜
4.Buddhist followers are keen to pay homage to the monk whenever they visit the Mountain.为佛门信徒顶礼景仰。
5.Men and women seem to be vying for a precious gift.男人女人仿佛在抢一件珍贵的礼物.
6.The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images.那老太太在佛像面前顶礼膜拜。
7.a service in remembrance of the fallen为 (追悼) 阵亡者所举行的礼拜 [佛事,仪式]
8.People are crowded into Harvard yard on Degree Day.毕业典礼日哈佛校园里宾客云集。
9.The eminent Buddhist monk has come here to spread Buddha Dharma. We shall treat him with due respect.佛教高僧传灯至此, 我们应该以礼相待。
10.The mandala may have derived from the circular stupa and the ritual of walking around the stupa in a circle.曼荼罗也许是源自圆形的佛塔和环形围绕佛塔行走的典礼。
11.Tibetan Buddhist Paintings in Manchu Kanjur - With Simultaneous Discussion of Manchu Alikali in Deity Titles;《满文大藏经》藏传佛教绘画——兼及尊神名号中的满文阿礼嘎礼字
12.A Harvard commencement is a special occasion.哈佛大学的结业典礼是一个特别的时刻。
13.Late Tang s Buddhist Ceremony Diet According to Travel Notes in The Tang Dynasty for Learning Buddhism Written by Yuan Ren;从《入唐求法巡礼行记》看中晚唐的佛事饮食
14.A Preliminary Study on the Development of Buddhism and Its Fusion with Cultures--A Discourse Starting from "Liu Shi Li Wen";试论佛教的发展与文化的汇流——从《刘师礼文》谈起
15.Vilart Mongolian Life Etiquette and Tibetan Buddhism;论藏传佛教对卫拉特蒙古人生礼仪的影响
16.In the past, most Japanese participated in various Shintoist or Buddhist ceremonies, weddings funerals Buddhist.自古以来,日本的佛教徒就常常在神社举行婚礼,神社办婚礼、庙办葬礼的情况是常有的事。
17.a Buddhist gives a Jew a Christmas gift made by a Hindu!一位佛教徒给一名犹太教徒送了一件印度教做的圣诞礼物
18.Their songs, their splendours, ( better, yet the same,你来了--仿佛来接替它们。就象/河水盛入了洗礼盆、水就更圣洁,

Buddhist propriety佛教礼乐
3)Buddha worship picture礼佛图
4)belivef in and respect for Buddhism礼佛原因
1.On The Collision Between Emotion And Buddha:Exploring the Emotion Su Man-shu’s novels;情与佛的冲突——苏曼殊小说的情感探析
2.Signification of Transition from "Heart Is Buddha" to "NO Heart,No Buddha";“即心即佛”到“非心非佛”的理论意义
1.The Juncture of Harmony between Confucianism and Buddhism——Metaphysical Realm of Thought;儒佛相通——由境界形而上学谈起
2.On Chinese Painting from the Visual Angle of Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism;从儒、道、佛的视角论中国绘画艺术

黄檗礼佛【黄檗礼佛】 (杂语)公案名。黄檗宛陵录曰:“大中帝为沙弥,师于佛殿上礼佛。沙弥云:不著佛求,不著法求,不著众求,长老礼拜当何所求?师云:不著佛求,不著法求,不著众求,常礼如斯。沙弥云:用礼何为?师便掌。沙弥云:太粗生。师云:者里是什么所在,说粗说细。随后又掌。沙弥便走。”是盖唐大中帝宣宗见黄檗形相,未达其心髓,徒说粗说细。遂遇黄檗之痛掌也。