
1.On JI Kang s Life Aesthetics;“任自然”的“逍遥”——嵇康人生美学试析
2.Following the Nature: Main Trend of Aesthetic Standard in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties;“任自然”:魏晋南北朝审美意识的主流
3.On Jikang s Philosophy of Naturalism;越名教而任自然 审贵贱而通物情——论嵇康的自然主义哲学思想
4.more precious than all other natural resources.比任何其他自然资源都珍贵。
5.any art that invokes supernatural powers.调用超自然力的任何技术。
6.Of course, a good idea will not turn into reality by itself.当然,任何好主意不会自动实现。
7.responsibilities incident upon one as a parent为父母者自然要承担的责任.
8.He took his duty as a matter of course.他把自己的责任视为当然的事。
9.But she had no utterance, and was obliged to leave all to their own discretion.然而她语言梗塞,只得任她们自行决断。
10.He have an aversion to anything that savor of the supernatural他讨厌任何带有超自然意味的东西
11.To inhale and exhale air, especially when naturally and freely.呼吸呼气和吸气,尤指自然地和任意地
12.He had an aversion to anything that savored of the supernatural.他讨厌任何带有超自然意味的东西。
13.Naturally, this affects the normal view of moral responsibility.自然,这影响了通常的道德责任观。
14.Government Responsibilities Towards the Administrations on the Natural Disasters in Cities;城市自然灾害管理中的政府责任研究
15.Comment on Ren Linju s Corn Land;自然·人文·历史——读任林举《玉米大地》
16.Three Topics of the Natural Person s Capability for Civil Liability;关于自然人民事责任能力的三个问题
17.Comparison On the Regime of Civil Liability of Natural Person;自然人民事责任能力制度之比较研究
18.Anything that goes against the law of nature will receive severe punishment from it.任何有悖自然规律的事情都会遭到大自然的严厉惩罚。

comply with the universe according to a set of unchanging natural laws自然任运
3)willful in nature任性自然
4)conform to nature顺任自然
1.Laozi proposed hi s well-known cognitive view of “the vision of Mystery”,which says that one m ust wipe and cleanse his vision of the Mystery,keep the unquiet physical-soul f rom straying,concentrate his breath and make it soft,conform to nature,and push towards the Void and hold fast to Quietness and take no action so that enlighten ment is attained.老子为悟“道”,提出了著名的“玄览”认识观 :要求“涤出玄览”,“营魄抱一 ,专气致柔”,顺任自然 ,虚静无为 ,以“玄通”天道。
5)Let it take its course任其自然
6)beyond the confacian ethical code and let things in the course of nature越名教而任自然
