
1.The culture of the mind is vital.修心养性是极其重要的.
2.A Contrast Between Xi-You-Ji and WANG Ji s Mind-oriented Philosophy;修心与修命——《西游记》“心性修持观”与王畿“性命合一论”比较
3.Ascetic practice is no easy matter! In our daily lives, we must train our minds to abstain from calculations and from discrimination. That is the essence of ascetic practice.苦行不是简单的!修苦行是修心,一切都不计较,日常生活中不起分别心,就是修苦行。
4.Air Service Training Center飞机维修人员培训中心
5.made a studious attempt to fix the television set.用心尝试着修好电视机。
6.reliability centered maintenance,RCM可靠性为中心的维修
7.Her wish is to go a broad for advanced study .她的心愿是到国外进修。
8.Centre Inter-professionnel Formation et Perfectionnement各行业训练和进修中心
9.To dress or groom oneself with elaborate care; preen.精心打扮极其用心地打扮或修饰自己;精心装扮
10.Sister Irene took back with her to the convent a feeling of betrayal and confusion艾琳修女带着被遗弃的、纷扰的心情,回到修道院。
11.In college, English is a required course and psychology is an elective course.在大学里,英语是必修课而心理学是选修课。
12.“ ‘Cheng’is the Basis of Rhetoric”: The Kernel of Chinese Early Rhetorica l Theory --A comparison between Chinese Early Rhetorical Theory and Ancient Greek R hetorical Theory;“修辞立其诚”:中国早期修辞理论的核心——兼与古希腊修辞理论比较
13.Some Reflections on the Study of Rhetoric-psychology;对修辞心理学研究的几点思考——兼评吴礼权的《修辞心理学》
14.To dress or groom(oneself)with elaborate care;primp.精心打扮精心地打扮或修饰(自己);过分地打扮
15.Jane: yes, a thankful heart may mend a broken heart.是啊,一颗感恩的心也许能修补一颗破碎的心.
16.Centre international de formation et de recyclage des enseignants des droits de l'homme国际人权教学训练进修中心 (人权教学训练中心)
17.Effect of Testosterone on Wound Healing in Acute Myocardial Infarction Rat;睾酮对急性心肌梗死大鼠心脏创伤修复的影响
18.Research on Noise in Environmental Psychology and Relevant Mood Questionnaire Revision;环境心理学中噪声的研究及其心境量表的修订

modifying the eccentric effect偏心修正
1.This paper describse the measuring process theoretically, and deduces the mathematical mode] about modifying the eccentric effect.本文对测量过程进行了数学描述,并经严谨椎导建立了偏心修正的数学模型。
3)Myocardium repair心肌修复
4)cardiac repair心脏修复
5)Repair center修理中心
6)Pericardial repair心包修补
