1.On the Concept of the People s Fundamental Importance in TangYuZhiDao;《唐虞之道》的民本思想

1.Studies on the Shan-rang Ideas of the Chu Bamboo Slips;《容成氏》、《唐虞之道》与战国时期禅让学说
2.Issues Relevant to the Belonging of the Academic Schools of Tangyu Principle on Guodian Bamboo Slips;与郭店简《唐虞之道》学派归属相关的几个问题
3.The Ultimate Ideal of the Early Confucianists Revealed in the Way of Tangyi Unearthed in Guodian;郭店楚简《唐虞之道》中原始儒家的终极理想
4.The Source and Fate of Theories about the Institution of Shan Rang:an Examination Centered on The Tao of Tang Yu,Zi Gao and Rong Cheng Shi禅让说源流及学派兴衰——以竹书《唐虞之道》、《子羔》、《容成氏》为中心
5.(4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.(5) He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.以虞待不虞者胜,将能而君不御者胜。此五者,知胜之道也。
6.Rapidity is the essence of war: take advantage of the enemy's unreadiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots.兵之情主速,乘人之不及,由不虞之道,攻其所不戒也。
7.The Post-roads Between Two Capital in Tang Dynasty--A True Tang Poetry Road;唐代两京驿道——真正的“唐诗之路”
8.The race was threatened with extinction.这种族有灭绝之虞。
9.a species threatened by/with extinction有灭绝之虞的物种.
10.be immune from arrest无被捕之虞,不担心被捕
11.A full life is immune against boredom.充实的生活无烦腻之虞。
12.Historic relics of the Shun clan in north China may be left by the later generations of Shun and ZHOU Zhang's brother,YU Zhong.北方虞迹应当是舜之后代和周章弟虞仲带去的。
13.On Tang Jun-yi s moral outlook;论唐君毅的道德观——读《道德自我之建立》
14.A Brief Investigation on Tong Guan in the Tang Dynasty --the First Research on the Military Geography of Guan-nei Dao in the Tang Dynasty;唐代潼关述略——唐关内道军事地理研究之一
15.Guiding to Open Up a New Stretch of Poem Field --On Yu Shinan s Poetry and New Change about the Poetry Style in the Earlier of Tang Dynasty;引航高歌开晴空——论虞世南诗歌与初唐诗风新变
16.I have dealt with computers for the last twenty years, thus what I say should probably not be construed as anti-computer rhetoric.好在我和电脑打了二十多年交道,所以这样说大概不会有反电脑之虞。
17.The crew remained free from scurvy.那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
18.There is a danger of the housing programme running out of steam住宅兴建计画有半途而废之虞

Tang Yu Zhi Dao《唐虞之道》
1.The thinking of the Mohist School Embodied in Tang Yu Zhi Dao on the Chu Tomb Bamboo Strips of Guodian;郭店楚简《唐虞之道》与墨家思想
3)Tang Shuyu Temple唐叔虞祠
4)likelihood of dilution淡化之虞
1.has recently enacted the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006,which adopts a likelihood of dilution standard,abrogating the holding of V Secret.美国的《商标淡化修正法案》明言采"淡化之虞"标准,从而推翻了此前VSecret案的判决。
5)The annoyance of an impeded elbow掣肘之虞
6)Anxiety for the extinction of a race灭种之虞

唐善道《净土圣贤录》【唐善道《净土圣贤录》】  善道,临淄人。尝入大藏,信手探卷,得观无量寿佛经。乃专心念佛,修十六妙观。及往庐山,观远公遗迹,忾然增思。后遁迹终南,修般舟三昧数载。睹宝阁瑶池,宛然在目。复往晋阳,从绰禅师,授无量寿经。入定七日,绰请观所生处。道报曰,师当忏悔三罪,方可往生。师尝安佛像在檐牖下,自处深房,此一罪也,当于佛前忏。又尝役使出家人,此二罪也,当于四方僧前忏。又因造屋,多损虫命,此三罪也,当于一切众生前忏。绰静思往咎,洗心悔谢。久之,道因定出,谓绰曰,师罪灭矣。后有白光来照时,是往生相也。道行化京师,归者如市。忽微疾,即掩室,怡然念佛而逝。异香天乐,向西而隐。(佛祖统记)