
1.Depressed Female Secretary--Argument for the Despicability in Ten Poems on Lyrics by Xue Tao;幽怨愁伤“女校书”——薛涛《十离诗》“诗格卑下”辩
2.a person of mean disposition.有卑鄙低劣吝啬性格倾向的人。
3.Humble in status or character.卑贱的在地位或性格上比较低级的
4.Hong Xiuquan's Inferiority Complex and Character Trait试析洪秀全的自卑心理和性格特征
5.Self-humiliation,Self-strengthening and Self-confidence--An Analysis of Jane Eye’s Personality自卑——自强——自信——解析《简·爱》的人物性格
6.Exhibiting a coarse, vulgar character.心地卑劣的表现一种庸俗的,粗野的性格的
7.Do or say sth that is mean and unworthy of one;stoop to sth做或说卑鄙无耻的事;降低身分或人格做某事
8.The mean personality of Sima Yi and his sons:the weak foundation of the Jin Dynasty司马懿父子的卑劣人格:晋王朝松软的立国根基
9.An address often reflects the strict hierarchy and the concepts of superiority and inferiority.(称呼)往是严格的等级制度和尊卑观念的反映。
10.She demeans herself by doing his dirty work.她替他干卑鄙的勾当,贬低了自己的人格。
11.The Relationships between Selfishness,Meanness,Timidness and Servility--An Analysis of Tragical Character of the Characters in Shangshi;自私卑怯与奴性忠诚——《伤逝》人物悲剧性格分析
12.Inferiority complex created a distinctive charisma Jane Eyre--Analyse "Jane Eyre"自卑情结造就了简爱鲜明的人格魅力——解析《简爱》
13.This might be pride, but was so like humility, that it produced all the softening influence of the latter quality on the public mind.这或许是骄傲,但极似谦卑,反正在众人的心目中产生了谦卑品格的全部软化人心的影响。
14.Personally, he more and more revealed himself in adversity as a low and ugly individual.就他的人品而言,他在逆境中越来越暴露出他的卑劣和丑恶的性格。
15.She is taken to live with her Grandfather, Alm, who lives alone on a mountain in the magnificent setting of Switerland.她来到阿尔卑斯山,开始了和性格孤僻的爷爷的新生活。
16.A person regarded as contemptible, obnoxious, or otherwise undesirable.讨厌的家伙被认为看不起,卑鄙或具有其它使人不悦性格的人
17.Indulgence and Indecency in Marginalized Circumstances--A Brief Comment on Group Character Traits of Scholars in Traditional Drama on Marriage in the Yuan Dynasty;边缘化境遇下的放纵与卑俗——简论元代婚恋戏中书生群体性格特征
18.To Gain Independence and Ego from Inferiority--Analyzing the Character of Ruby Constivan in the Touch;从自卑走向独立与自我——析《呼唤》中茹贝·康斯特万的性格

inferiority personality自卑人格
1.The author analyses the causes for female students inferiority personality from social influence,self-consciousness,personality characteristics and their setbacks in life.笔者从社会因素影响、自我知觉、人格特征、生活挫折等方面分析了女大学生自卑人格的成因,在此基础上提出了相应的调适措施,即引导女大学生认清社会潮流,形成科学而正确的世界观和人生价值观;引导女大学生提高综合素质,培养健全的人格;引导女大学生合理地与别人比较;引导女大学生形成多方面的自我效能感和自我成就感。
3)lowly personality卑微人格
1.The role which they served as officers in two dynasties and didn t know whom to turn to and lowly personality under the political yoke mad.无所适从的贰臣角色和政治羁绊下的卑微人格使他们的心态日益压抑与苦闷,也预示了其结局的不可琢磨。
4)He is low in character.他品格卑鄙。
5)despicable political personality卑劣政治人格
