1.The Pestle Sound on Moonlit Nights --A Preliminary Analysis of the Prototype in Daoyi Poetry;月下谁家砧 一声肠一绝——捣衣诗原型意象探微

1.A slip of the moon hangs over the capital; Ten thousand washing-mallets are pounding;长安一片月, 万户捣衣声;
2.The Pestle Sound on Moonlit Nights --A Preliminary Analysis of the Prototype in Daoyi Poetry;月下谁家砧 一声肠一绝——捣衣诗原型意象探微
3."Chang-an -- one slip of moon;in ten thousand houses, the sound of fulling mallets.Autumn winds keep on Blowing,all things make me think of Jade Pass!When will they put down the Barbarians and my good man come home from his far campaign?""长安一片月,万户捣衣声,秋风吹不尽,总是玉关情,何日平胡虏,良人罢远征,"
4.Sometimes this beautiful girl can be a disheveled little sprite有时这个漂亮的姑娘会是个衣冠不整的调皮捣蛋的小家伙
5.Sometimes this beautiful girl can is a disheveled little sprite.有时这个漂亮的姑娘会是个衣冠不整的调皮捣蛋的小家伙。
6.ramming mixture捣固材料,捣打混合物
7.rammed bottom lining捣筑(的)衬底, 捣筑炉底
8.Shh. Please don't interrupt, Amy.嘘,不要捣乱,艾米。
9.To hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows.敲碎,捣毁以连续猛击来捣毁,砸烂,击伤
10.batter:To hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows.敲碎,捣毁:以连续猛击来捣毁,砸烂,击伤。
11.You cannot get rice by pounding bran.米糠捣碎了,还是捣不出白米来。
12.A maker of mischief.捣蛋鬼恶作剧的人,捣乱的人
13.Yes, I am a rascal. / No, I am not a rascal.是的,我是捣蛋鬼。/不,我不是捣蛋鬼。
14.All I know is that I got a contract and you didn't, whether Kao was `making trouble' or not.Did Kao tell you he was making trouble?我只知道我有聘书你没有,管他‘捣乱’不‘捣乱’,高松年告诉你他在捣乱?
15.a tool for tamping (e.g., tamping tobacco into a pipe bowl or a charge into a drill hole etc.).用于捣紧的工具(如把烟草捣进烟管或把填料捣进钻好的洞里等)。
16.He began to suspect that some jiggery-pokery was going on.他怀疑有人在暗中捣鬼.
17.The rioters battered the door topieces.那些暴民把门捣碎。
18.Aw, don't be a spoil sport.嗳唷,别在这儿捣乱啦。

block for pounding silk捣衣砧
4)She washes but can't wash away the moonbeams there.捣衣砧上拂还来
